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About cavecreekfisher

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  • Birthday 10/21/1981

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  1. cavecreekfisher

    2019 yamaha kodiak 450 4x4 $5000

    2280 miles. 200 hrs. Newer duro tires. Fluids changed regularly. Everything works. Comes with a back rack box 4803183384
  2. cavecreekfisher


  3. cavecreekfisher

    Stika Bino Bivy SOLD

    Brand new, never used. Tags still attached. Went a different route. $115 https://www.sitkagear.com/products/big-game/packs-bags/bino-bivy Greg
  4. cavecreekfisher

    2015 desert mule deer

    Thabks for all the repsonses, One shot, crazy damage ensuring a quick death, more d, I'm an er rn so it's a good visualization of anatomy, unfortunately I didn't take any pics of the real gore, let's just say, I never want to get hit with and arrow.
  5. cavecreekfisher

    2015 desert mule deer

    After missing a couple nice bucks with my bow, I pulled out the shooting block and found out I was shooting high and to the right, crazy since I drilled my Dec deer, sight must have been bumped somewhere in those couple weeks. Resighted and headed back out for the evening hike/hunt. While hiking out to my spotting spot, I stumbled upon a bedded buck and his does, closed the distance to 43 yards and the buck didn't get up, leaving me with a front shot while bedded. Knowing my bow was sighted, I drew back and released my arrow. The buck jumped up after being hit and saw spraying blood. The buck hit the dirt not more than 15 yards from his bed. Looking at his lungs and heart after processing him, the slik trick did it's job and was devastating.
  6. cavecreekfisher

    vortex ranger 1000

  7. cavecreekfisher

    vortex ranger 1000

    I only archery hunt, the nikon arrow was a better fit for me, easier close target acquisition.
  8. cavecreekfisher

    vortex ranger 1000

    Like new, used for one hunt. Box and manual included. $325. Greg 4803183384
  9. cavecreekfisher

    My first bull

    Came back from the taxi, clay did a great job, went with a euro mount, space is really limited, such is condo life.
  10. cavecreekfisher

    My first bull

    My buddy did a quick field score, 387, but my taxi will let me know when he's finished. The fronts are incredible, left 1st was 23.5 inches. Most the bulls I scouted didn't have long tops, but loads of them had great fronts, must be the genetics.
  11. cavecreekfisher

    Processor Recommendation in Payson?

    I got my meat back already from Ron, good guy and very happy with his knife skills.
  12. cavecreekfisher

    My first bull

    Thanks for all the responses, still riding the high. mulepackhunter-> everything was done that night, these pics were taken with two different cameras just a couple minutes apart. The cape pic was the next morning. it was cool and there wasn't any meat loss at all, Ron in payson did a great butcher job and meat is wrapped and in the freezer, or freezers I meant. Meat turned out great, had some burgers and tenderloins already. Can't wait to do it again.
  13. cavecreekfisher

    My first bull

    Didn't get too many pics, light was fading. Next day, getting ready for the wall.
  14. cavecreekfisher

    My first bull

    i had a hard time uploading from my phone, i found this bull 3 days prior to the opener, and let him have his space. i couldn't find him opening morning but things came together that night after a very quiet day. my buddy got him turned on a cow call and i stopped him at 37 yards, put a dart through the lungs and he expired within sight. i couldn't believe as i got closer and closer, the bigger he became. the hunt was a short one, but i couldn't complain, friends from phx showed up and helped out. the next day, we chased bugles and watched a fight between a couple bulls. i cant wait to do it again.
  15. cavecreekfisher

    My first bull

    Here he is. Opening evening bull