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Everything posted by hunterofcoues

  1. hunterofcoues


    Nice glowing saguaro as well.
  2. This guy was from our November hunt, we ended up filling 2 out of 4 tags. I highly recommend the wheelbarrow for an easy pack out.
  3. hunterofcoues

    Room needed in Prescott

    Hello fellow coues chasers, I will be in Prescott for a medical school rotation 11/20 through 12/15. Anyone in the area have an extra room? I am quiet and will be at the hospital most of the 4 weeks. Give me a call, email, or PM... Thanks, Joe Scionti scionti@email.arizona.edu 520-349-9809
  4. hunterofcoues

    Unit 29

    I found that picture on the internet, the photo was taken March 1, 2005 in Chiricahua National Monument. Here is the website: http://www.rshantz.com/Animals/Mammals/Dee...0301Coues01.htm I wonder what he looks like this year...
  5. hunterofcoues

    Unit 29

    Here is a buck from Unit 29...
  6. A cinnamon bear climbed an electric pole in South Tucson today and was electrocuted... http://www.azstarnet.com/sn/hourlyupdate/148375.php
  7. hunterofcoues

    Coues Deer Celebration video!!

    Amazing Video!!!! Makes me wish I could be in the mountains right now...
  8. hunterofcoues


    A bear and two cubs were spotted yesterday at the Tucson Airport... http://www.azstarnet.com/metro/145169.php Wonder where they wanted to fly to?
  9. hunterofcoues

    Unit 33

    Out scouting this afternoon, ran into a bunch of turkey. Anyone ever see these in the Catalinas before?
  10. hunterofcoues

    Draw Results

    Talked to game and fish on Friday, they said 24th or 25th. Hope its earlier...
  11. Game and fish cracks down on lion violating the deer bag limit
  12. hunterofcoues

    are the coues shedin yet

    ...........Was the water running? I have not been to sabino for a few years...I think with this drought the coues might drop a little early this year, I hope Water was suprisingly running consistently throughout the canyon. It was running over the bridge near the end of the road. I guess a lot of silt has built up since the fire. I hope it lasts a while longer for those thirsty deer.
  13. hunterofcoues

    are the coues shedin yet

    I saw a spike coues sporting the unicorn look last weekend at Sabino Canyon in Tucson. He stopped 5 yards off of the road, probably wanted to lick some salt off of me, it was hot.
  14. Check this out... http://www.azstarnet.com/dailystar/dailystar/123271
  15. http://cgi.ebay.com/B-C-COUES-WHITETAIL-DE...1QQcmdZViewItem Get your Boone and Crockett whitetail for $50 plus shipping. Does this deer look legit?
  16. hunterofcoues

    Coues trophy for Sale

    http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...=ADME:B:EF:US:1 OK try this address... It is a guy in Missouri who bought a coues mount, bought antlers from a taxidermist in Arizona, and then upgraded the mount. They claims it is real and even have an Arizona 35B tag from 2003. They say it scores 117 5/8 inches
  17. hunterofcoues

    Coues trophy for Sale

    Here is an attached photo:
  18. hunterofcoues

    Funny thing happened the other day...

    I was out a couple weekends ago looking for some bears. I had a nice spot in the middle of the oaks and prickly pears. Saturday Night after not seeing anything, we decided to varmint call some yotes in. After about ten seconds of screaming on the call I saw a tan gray blur hauling butt towards me from about 1/2 a mile away. It looked too big to be a coyote, I thought it was a lion. It popped out of some oaks at about 100 yards running full force at me, it was a coues doe! She ran to within 5 yards then smelled me and took off. She stayed about 200 yards out and snorted back to our call. Has anyone ever called a whitetail in with a varmint call? What was she thinking? Joe
  19. hunterofcoues

    Unit 23

    Hey everybody, I had a question about road access into Unit 23. Anybody who knows that area give me a call at 520-349-9809. Thanks, Joe
  20. hunterofcoues

    Unit 23

    Thanks everyone, I specifically was wondering about the Cherry Creek road from the South approach. There are a couple of points where it crosses through private land. I didn't want to plan a trip way back in there and find the road locked at a private gate 3 miles in. On a side note, I was jogging up Sabino Canyon outside of Tucson and saw a bobcat and 3 whitetail bucks all within 20 yards of the road. Anyone know if there are hunting restrictions in there? It might be poor etiquette to fire my 270 at a tame deer 20 yards from the visitor center, but what about bowhunting? I'd like to get a bobcat with my bow... Joe
  21. Did anyone see the footage of the bear that wandered into Tucson? http://www.dailystar.com/dailystar/relatedarticles/78853.php Go to the following link and click on video.
  22. hunterofcoues

    Bear Video

    The paper said it weighed 300 pounds
  23. hunterofcoues

    2001 Elk

    Here is an elk I called in to 19 yards in 2001. He didn?t like the broadhead he met. The other interested bulls in the area bugled all night while we cut up the elk. What a great hunt.
  24. Here is a picture of a buck I saw hiking up Mt. Wrightson last August. Ten yards off the trail, and one week before archery season.
  25. hunterofcoues

    34a buck

    I forgot to shrink down the picture under 100k...