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Everything posted by kd300wsm

  1. kd300wsm

    17b 19a/b 20a Youth hunt.

    Good to see the camp was a success hope full next year we can swing over and be a part of it
  2. kd300wsm

    17b 19a/b 20a Youth hunt.

    How many kids showed up
  3. kd300wsm

    Roy's Deer

    Great buck right there way to get it done
  4. kd300wsm

    Sydney's First Deer

    Wears the pics ? Congrads on her first deer
  5. kd300wsm

    Two tags/Two Elk

    Congrads on the bulls
  6. kd300wsm

    Thank You Millers Meat Processing

    Shooter they have a trailer up there and take meat to queen creek they kick a$$ just had my bull done buy them
  7. kd300wsm

    17b 19a/b 20a Youth hunt.

    Might swing in to the camp live in Bagdad so not going yo camp.
  8. kd300wsm

    17b 19a/b 20a Youth hunt.

    My daughter has this hunt . Can't wait till Friday smoke her first muley.
  9. kd300wsm

    350 bull down

    Stuck this bull at 56 yards this morning at 602 am. Thanks Austin and Adam for the help will post story and more pics later heading out to help friends.
  10. kd300wsm

    350 bull down

    Almost David has been on hammer bulls every day we just can't close the gap . Sooner or later one will mess up
  11. kd300wsm

    350 bull down

    Thanks guys on the commits
  12. kd300wsm

    last day of the hunt last 30 minutes of daylight

    Glad I could share the experience brother .
  13. kd300wsm

    Big Shout out to kd300wsm!!!

    Thanks guys its my passion to hunt and if I am close enough to help out I am on my way.
  14. kd300wsm

    Finally My Turn!

    Great bull congrats
  15. kd300wsm

    350 bull down

    Jay cows every wear
  16. kd300wsm

    350 bull down

    We got 3 tags left in camp so hoping for a few more
  17. kd300wsm

    summer cape

    Guys I got a friend looking for a summer cape . He list the cape on his biggest archery to date pm me let me know what you got he wants to do a full shoulder mount thanks kevin
  18. kd300wsm

    11 days and counting down

    Off to 27 also day before hunt till the end . Or everyone in our group hangs a tag off a nice rack
  19. kd300wsm

    Wtb cow elk decoy

    Bull basin in flag has a few in there store
  20. kd300wsm

    cam thiefs in unit 27

    Well went to check cams in 27 this weekend 3 were still hanging and 1 was missing in action . Cams were cabled and in lock boxes didn't slow them down a bit. You could see were grinder went trough the cable and in to the tree. Ppl just can't leave shoot alone.guess that's what happens when you have battery powered tools now days.
  21. kd300wsm

    cam thiefs in unit 27

    Was thinking same thing 4 years of cams out tons of pic of ppl walking buy them never had one messed with had a guy put a card in one to call him was going to be hunting same area we worked with each other worked out great. But got one jacked that hung for 6 days
  22. kd300wsm

    Bull Basin Archery

    Was in there this weekend in flag store trying to pick up a canyon cooler the guys were great and help full they w said they will have one at my door step come Tues morning. Keep up the good work guys I will travel there for now on
  23. kd300wsm

    opening morning buck

    Stuck this little muley at 813am hope we can get a few more