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Everything posted by archerycrazy

  1. archerycrazy

    why I have empathy for the ADA

    Runningbird, Great Post. If the ADA had a few more assistants as hghly qualified as yours, they would have had their survey out weeks ago George.
  2. I would like to share a little bit about the dedication of the Arizona Game and Fish Department to our wildlife, habitat and the sportsmen and women as well as all citizens of this great state. It all starts at the top, with Director Larry Voyles. With that, I need share just a little of my experiences. On more than one occasion I have sent emails to the leadership of the Department on what I felt were important matters. On some occasions I include the Director. These emails are often sent in the late evening hours or on weekends expecting an answer in the morning or later. On way more than one occasion, Director Voyles has read and responded within minutes, even after midnight. My experiences in the field have been very similar. I’ve never met a Wildlife Manager that wouldn’t go out of his way to respond or assist with any request. As far as I’m concerned this attitude runs throughout the entire department. What the department needs now, is to have all of us step up and do more than just buy a license and tag and then go hunt. We all need to join an organization that is doing the heavy lifting, right alongside the department. Apathy will lead to our demise. It’s time to get rid of the “let the other guy do it” attitude. Semper Fi. George
  3. archerycrazy

    ADA and 2072?

    If AZSFW is still around next year, something very simiar to HB 2072 will be back next year. It's a tactic that has been use for along time. If it doesn't work the first time, make some minor changes and bring the same smelly thing back in a prettier package. They already know very well, who supported this effort. They will be working with those supported for the next 8-9 months and we won't know anything about it until it drops on top of us. There are over 300,000 hunters in Arizona. I'd bet that 250,000 don't know anything about HB 2072. 500 guides know about it and you can bet that the fat wallet guys know about it because 2072 is for them.
  4. archerycrazy

    ADA and 2072?

  5. archerycrazy

    HB 2072 and AZSFW

    Actually the most important point of this poll is the fact that you can only vote once. With the AZSFW poll you can vote as often as you like. Kind of like the voting for the MLBB All Star Game. Fans go to the stadium and have the opportunity to vote for their guy an unlimited number of times. AZSFW is trying to get statistics that will show overwhelming support for HB 2072. I suspect that they want to take their BOGUS numbers to the Governpr's staff or legislators this week or use them next session. Keep up the good work CWT. George
  6. Add my legislators,to the green list: Lynne Pancrazi, Russ Jones and Don Shooter. They have all been working hard for us. If the rest on this forum can't promote their legislators, you have a problem. Call or email your legislator and demand a posoition statement on this bill and then make your decision. Don't wait for the other guy to do it for you. Am I a pain in the A$$. Your dang right I am. Sometimes I'm know as the PITA of the west. With all due respect, George
  7. archerycrazy

    green outfitters

    A very good suggestion. I know my legislators, Senator Don Shooter, Representives Lynne Pancrazi and Russ Jones oppose it. Color them all green. We communicate regularly. In that regard, I know who I will be voting for next election. Every one of us have three legislators. One Senator and two representative. If you don't know who they are, find out and contact them directly ASAP. Find out where they stand. This will be important in November. George
  8. archerycrazy

    ADA and 2072?

    I hope the survay explains that there is a minor revision that is being pushed and guides and fat cats are writing their legislators for support. George
  9. archerycrazy

    ADA and 2072?

    Hard as it may be for some to believe, I suspect a large percentage of membership are probably unaware of the bill....I believe this survey will educate some people about it as well as asking them their opinion.
  10. HB 2072 is dead. Yeah right! That's why two of my legislators received three emails in support of it today. Two were from guides/outfitters the other was from a Scottsdale Real Estate developer related to the money guy behind AZSFW. All of the emails looked strikingly similar. PETA/HSUS tactics in play. We all need to draft our own emails and send them to every legislator. George
  11. archerycrazy


    270. PM sent George
  12. archerycrazy


    I'm pretty new to CWT and I am still learning it's nuances. I just noticed that I had received several PM's but I didn't know how to open them and was unable to respond in a temely manner. I now know how to read and respond. For this, I apologize. I visit numerous sites and they all have different ways to view and respond to these messages. I will be more attentive in the future and will respond. Thanks. George
  13. archerycrazy


  14. archerycrazy


    I can only guess. Probably pretty graphic and for me that's okay. Goerge
  15. archerycrazy


  16. I have read this and I am very concerned. Could something like this occur in Arizona if we allow anything similar to HB 2072 move forward? I have copied and pasted it and sent to several that I trust. George
  17. I'm surprised to see Chris Denham's name here. If I recall correctly, he was an early proponent of HB 2072 on CWT. Good for Chris and Floyd both. George
  18. Yuma Valley Rod and Gun Club Position Statement on HB 2072 HB 2072 was a bill that was intended to force our Game and Fish Department to give, just under 350 premium Big Game Tags to a “qualified” organization. Premium Big Game tags have fewer restrictions on harvest, are coveted by Sportsmen, and have an actual value that is higher than the face value of a regular tag. As HB 2072 was written, only one organization would qualify. That organization is Arizona Sportsmen for Wildlife Conservation (AZSFWC) a 501c3, an affiliate of Arizona Sportsmen for Wildlife (AZSFW). If the original bill had passed, the Game and Fish Department would receive $35,000 to cover administrative costs and the price of the tags. The value of some 350 Premium Tags is projected AT AUCTION to be in the millions To be clear, these tags will be taken from the draw where regular hunters apply for a chance to harvest trophy class game at an affordable price that has been set by the Commission and the Legislature. Because of the high demand for these tags, the average hunter often waits many years to be selected from the random draw. Thus the overwhelming rejection of this concept by the tens of thousands (plus) hunters who don’t have the financial resources to purchase these tags outright at auction and will see even less chance of being drawn since the coveted tags will be diverted from the common draw to the rich man’s auction. The original intent was to establish a new Sportsman’s Expo and banquets in order to auction or raffle these tags. However we currently have two Expositions and multiple banquets that are not funded by the sale of Public Assets (tags). The International Sportsman’s Expo and the Game and Fish Expo are the two current expositions. Under HB 2072 the funds generated by the auction or raffle of these tags will be disbursed in the following order: 1. “To cover all costs associated with the annual sportsmen exposition in this state and any county chapter banquets at which rights to tags are auctioned or raffled”. This would include all advertizing and other administrative costs. 2. “To sustain or create sportsmen education and outdoor programs for youth of this state.” 3. “To facilitate access for sportsmen to cross private lands onto public land.” 4. “To sustain or enhance habitat in this state and to increase targeted species populations for deer, sheep, elk, pronghorn (antelope), and turkey in this state.” 5. “To facilitate public education and communication programs relating to sportsmen and wildlife issues.” 6. “To conduct other programs or activities that, promote concepts consistent with the North American Modal of Wildlife Conservation.” My rebuttal is as follows: 1. The Arizona Game and Fish Commission, currently provides thirty (30) Big Game Tags to numerous organizations that qualify under their criteria. The tags provided result in direct revenue to the Department exceeding one (1) million dollars annually. The administrative costs are very limited. 2. The Department has no obligation to advertise the auction or raffle of these tags other than the current Game and Fish sponsored “Supper Raffle”. 3. The organizations that currently auction or raffle these tags bear most of the administrative expense as well as the costs associated with advertising and promoting. 4. Currently, EVERY PENNY garnered via the auction or raffle of these tags is returned to Game and Fish Department. The six items presented above, as the intent of this bill are currently programs that the Game and Fish Department funds. We have learned that the proponents of HB 2072 intend to amend the original bill. They are now offering to cap administrative costs to 10% where there was no cap before. They are also offering to negotiate with the Game and Fish Department and “offer up to 30% of the net proceeds to augment their hunter recruitment program if they endorse this legislation.” I call to your attention the final paragraph. A cap of 10% exceeds that of the current administrative cost for the Department. Negotiate down to 30% from 100% only if the Department agrees to endorse the bill? Finally, it appears the HB 2072 or any similar bill would be a violation of Article 9, Section 7, which states: “Neither the state, nor any county, city, town, municipality, or other subdivision of the state shall ever give or loan its credit in the aid of, or make any donation or grant, by subsidy or otherwise, to any individual, association, or corporation, or become a subscriber to, or a shareholder in, any company or corporation, or become a joint owner with any person, company, or corporation, except as to such ownerships as may accrue to the state by operation or provision of law or as authorized by law solely for investment of the monies in the various funds of the state.” The bottom line is that the concept of HB 2072 amounts to a diversion of public assets…..assets that some 300,000 Sportsmen hold dear.