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Everything posted by archerycrazy

  1. archerycrazy

    Is It Legal?

    This really doesn't make sense though and I certainly do not have the literature but that would mean that every person under 21 who shoots a hand gun would be commiting a federal offense. Every parent/guardian etc who lets their youngster shoot a handgun while in the outdoors would be commiting a crime. Doesn't make sense you know. I am not trying to be argumentative in the least btw. There are exceptions. I don't have all of the details. That is why I recommended contacting the BATF.
  2. archerycrazy

    Is It Legal?

    Federal Law applies. A person under the age of 21 can not buy or possess a handgun. Check with you local BATF office.
  3. Yeah, they're invading Arizona and bringing their liberal politics with them.
  4. archerycrazy

    you better read this!

    The Secretary of Defense has already begun throwing retirees under the bus. He ordered that the TriCarWest contract be awarded to Allied Health Care, the worst possible provider. My premiums have already gone up by over 11% and I expect another increase in April. If Obama is reelected, he will do everything he can to gut the 2nd Amendment. I will load every firearmt that I own and prepare to defend my right to possess them. "From my cold dead hands".
  5. We need knowledgable spoertsmen/women to apply for the Commission. Candidates must be either Democrat or Independent. They cannot be from Maricopa, Navajo, Pima or Apache Counties. I've heard that almost all of the current applicants are Republicans who are not eligible.
  6. archerycrazy

    Applicants are needed for the Game and Fish Commission.

    No. Only five. Apache, Maricopa, Navajo and Pima will have Commissioners next year. All other Counties are eliglible to fill the next seat. WE haven't found a potential candidate in Yuma County yet but we're working on it.
  7. archerycrazy

    Applicants are needed for the Game and Fish Commission.

    No more than three from a policitcal party. Only one per county.
  8. archerycrazy

    Obama - there he goes again

    Does your family have an extra $600K sitting around? If you do, you can pay off your share of the National Debt. Then you can continue to pay more while Obama runs it up more to the tune of about $4B a day.Are you enjoying Hope and Change yet?
  9. archerycrazy


    I'm sorry to hear this Bill. I hope you had a list of serial numbers and provided it to law enforcement. Good luck with your recovery efforts and prosecution of the thieves.
  10. Wouldn't it be nice to have a Vice President who hunts again? Paul Ryan is an accomplished archery hunter .What a plus he would be. Young, conservative, hunts, understands economics and has more political experience than the current President. The fact that he is a hunter is no reason to endorse him but it is a plus. I look at the whole man, what he has done and what he can accomplish. He's the only Politician that has proposed a balanced budget. He is part of a team that may be able to reverse the National Debt Counter that is currently running at 40 thousand dollars per second.. We will likely over 16 trillion in debt before November 8th and well on it's way to 17 trillion before inauguration day.
  11. archerycrazy

    Commissioner Husted suspends hunter's license for

    I'm glad you posted this. It should be a well known fact that if you don't show up for your hearing the 5 year hammer will fall. The 4th case you cited was James Kasper. There were extenuating circumstances. Mr. Kasper was present and stated his situation. He was assessed for the Javelina and the revocation was 1 year. I've seem numerous "no action" decissions by the Commission including at least two at the last meeting. Show up, honestly state your case and you may get a break.
  12. archerycrazy

    Commissioner Pleads Not Guilty

    Speedy, Pages 84-85 of the 2012-2013 Arizona Hunting and Trapping Regulations.
  13. archerycrazy

    Commissioner Pleads Not Guilty

    I am not at all confused by the actions Jack has taken. As soon as he realized that he had violated a rule, he immeadiately went to the Dicerctor and reported it. The Director odered a full investigation. The investigation was properly conducted with Jack's full cooperation. He was properly cited and now Jack is excercising his rights under the law. He isn ow being subjected to the bs court of public opinion. He will soon have a opportunity to present his case in the only court that counts, a court of law. By no means is the Department taking this lightly. Let's look at this under slightly different circumstances. Jack is in the field helping a youngster hunt rabbits. A Wildlife Manager (WM) is in the area and witnesses Jack assist the youngster in the killing of a prairie dog. The WM contacts Jack and advises him of the violation. The WM has two difficult choices 1. cite Jack or, 2. look the other way because he knows Jack is a Commissioner. Jack now has several options. 1. The WM cites properly cites Jack, Jack accepts the citation and pleads not guily in order to have his day in court. 2. The WM offers to look the other way. Jack demands a ctitation and chews out the WM. 3. WM doesn't cite Jack. Jack goes home, calls the director and reports his violation and the action taken by the WM. An ivestigation is conducted and Jack is cited and the WM is in trouble In any case this was a no win situation in the court of public opinion.
  14. archerycrazy

    The way life should be.

    I bet the cops had a smelly trail to follow.
  15. archerycrazy

    Recipes while out in the sticks...

    I like to use my dutch ovens for at least one meal. Dinner is Hamburger Caserole, Dessert is Apple and Cherry Cobbler. Dinner: 1 lb ground beef lightly browned, chopped onion (I get a large bag from Smart and Final), crushed fritos, shredded sharp cheddar cheese. 1st layer: browned burger 2nd layer: chopped onion 3rd layer: crushed fritos 4th layer: shredded cheese Repeat: for 5,6,7 & 8 If you like garlic you can included minced in your recipe 7-8 briquettes on bottom, 12-15 on lid. About 45 minutes. Start prepping cobbler while dinner cooks. Dessert: 1 can apple pie filling, 1 can cherry pie filling, 1 white or yellow cake mix, 1 can 7 UP, crushed cinnamon. Pour apple pie filling in bottom of dutch oven and sprikle liberally with cinnamon Combine cake mix and cherry pie filling using 7 UP as needed Pour the mix on top of apple pie filling. 7-8 briquettes on bottom 10 to 12 on top. About 45 minutes. You nose should tell you when it's ready Enjoy
  16. archerycrazy

    G&F Commissioner

    The shooter was a thirteen year old boy who was not required to have a license. He was under the direct supervision of a licensed adult as required. Jack made a mistake. Jack did the right thing by self reporting and the Department did the right thing by citing him. He is now being crucified in the media. I've seen many cases where the commission has been very lenient. Tis usually occurs when the violator actually shows at the Commission Hearing and states his case. in some cases statutes block any form of leniency by the Commission.
  17. Congressman Raul Grijalva has circulated a letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the U. S. Ambassador to the U. N. promoting the signing of the U. N. Arms Trade Treaty on July 27th. This is the first step to the destruction of the 2nd Amendment. Grijalva needs to go.
  18. Shortly after the shooting occured a ABC News reporter claimed that James Holmes was a leader of Colorado's Hispanic Tea Party. Oops, wrong James Holmes. It took ABC New three hours to correct the claim. The reporter has said nothing. The liberal media will squat to any level to denigrate the Tea Party.
  19. If Obama signs the treaty, we will have a real good indicator about who was behind "Fast and Furious. He may not have directly order it, but the Justice Department knows that stronger gun control is his objective. It will take 67 votes to be ratified. There are only 51 Democrats and 2 Independents in the Senate. I doubt that Harry Reid will call for a vote before the November Election. Reid will wait until outgoing "Lame Duck" Democrats are on their way out the door. I don't know the time line for signing by Obama, but he may wait until he is either reelected, or a "lame Duck" himself. I will be working to make sure that Obama is a "lame Duck". If we vote Obama out, he will only be able to do further damage for a few months.
  20. It will likely be signed. We'll know on the 27th. Then it will go to the Democrat controled Senate for raticication. It probably will not be debated until after the November Election when there's nothing to lose. We may or may not be strong enough to defeat it in the Senate. If it passes Obama will sign it as the door hits him in a$$ on his way out.
  21. archerycrazy

    Obamacare Upheld.....thoughts??

    Obama and his cronies in the legislature have repeatedly claimed that the healthcare bill is not a tax. But when it was challenged before the Supreme Court they claimed that it was a tax. They did this because they knew that the Commerce Clause stood in the way. Chief Justice Roberts aqgreed that it is a tax. It is a tax on the middle class. Those who earn $100,000.00 can easily afford healthcare insurance. The poor will get subsidies. Those of us with limited means will be fined because we cannot afford highes cost insurance. This bill will cost the middle class $500 billion or more or have the IRS breathing down our necks. Businesses that employ 50 or more can cut healthcare insurance beniefits that they currently provide employees and save 50% by paying the penalties. I will remember this in November. I will vote Republican. 5
  22. archerycrazy

    Credit card Issue in draw equals no Elk tag!

    Just a suggestion for all who apply for hunts, whether on line or paper. Print out or make a copy of your application. If there is an error and you didn't cause it, you will have solid documentation of what you submitted. It would probably very smart to have the copy of the app. notarized at your local bank prior to the deadline for application. I know it's a pain but could be worth it. Most banks provide nortary service at no cost to their customers.
  23. archerycrazy

    AZGFD giving out draw lists?

    Arizona Game and Fish information is subject to the Freedom of Information Act. No SSN #s or phone numbers can be provided. Names and address only, are provided. 501C3 organizations can get the information at no charge if there is a specific cause that benefits the causes of AZGFD. Private companies can obtain the information but must pay a fee. I used this years ago to run a raffle to benefit our "Water for Wildlife" program. We raised about $20,000 dollars that year. The ADBSS uses the information every year. Most of us don't like the advertising from guides, taxedermists, hotels and restaurants but when I get one from a 501C3 that is working for wildlife, I read it very carefully.
  24. archerycrazy

    national monument designation

    I'm not sure why the draft letter from USSA appears where it does. I received it Thursday afternoon. All conservation minded sportsman's organization should endorse this letter and draft another seperate letter for their own organization. The Game and Fish Commission has voted 5-0 to oppose this National Monument designation. George
  25. archerycrazy

    national monument designation

    Draft The Honorable Barack Obama President of the United States The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20500 Dear Mr. President: The U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance (USSA) and the undersigned organizations, representing over a million sportsmen, urge you to not use the Antiquities Act to establish a new “Grand Canyon Watershed National Monument” in northern Arizona. Various environmental activists havurged creation of a new 1.7 million acre monument north and south of Grand Canyon National Park. This unwarranted, unnecessary proposed Monument would adversely impact on-the ground wildlife conservation management efforts, traditional hunting activities, and public access to nearly two million acres of federal public land. Present management of public lands by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the U.S. Forest Service remains the best approach to assure conservation and appropriate public use of these valuable lands. Most of the public lands, earmarked for inclusion in the proposed monument are part of the Kaibab National Forest. Other public lands within the proposed monument are managed by BLM. In both cases, long standing federal statutes prescribe conservation and management of this public estate (e.g., Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA), Multiple Use and Sustained Yield Act, National Forest Management Act, etc.). Pursuant to these laws, the two federal agencies also cooperate with the Arizona Game and Fish Department to conserve and manage the fish and wildlife resources on these lands. These collaborative efforts have done much to improve the area’s mule deer population among other species. While assuring wildlife and resource conservation, public access to these lands is also provided so that anglers and hunters, among others, are able to engage in these valued traditional pursuits. Designating, segregating or withdrawing 1.7 million acres of these lands as a new monument will fundamentally change management and public use. We know from specific past experience that monument designations interfere with wildlife conservation management and give rise to access restrictions that adversely impact hunting opportunities. This has in fact been a legacy of other southwestern monument units in Arizona, California, and Utah. USSA is strongly opposed to new limitations being imposed on the BLM and Forest lands north and south of the Grand Canyon Park. Compared to these unwarranted limitations and restrictions, we see no bona fide value arising from a new monument. Presently the broader region already includes nearly four million acres of national parks and monuments and another 400,000 acres of Wilderness on BLM lands. There is no demonstrated need for more restrictive land designations beyond this existing 4.4 million acres. Logging is already heavily managed and restricted by the Forest Service; grazing is subject to BLM control per FLPMA; and archeological resources are protected by existing federal laws and the agencies. The effect of this present land management is to conserve the greater Grand Canyon watershed. Moreover, the largest impact on the Grand Canyon – and the Colorado River – comes from upstream dams and the 80 year old federal-state legal regime that governs the Colorado. No new monument – despite the proposed name – is going to change these facts (and law) hence the notion that an Antiquities Act designation is going to conserve the Grand Canyon watershed is completely illusory. “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” is the right principle to govern this unwarranted monument proposal. Existing on-the-ground management by BLM and the Forest Service is not “broke” and in need of no fundamental change or “fix.” We reiterate our strong recommendation to leave well enough alone and not designate a new monument in this region. Sincerely, Walter P. Pidgeon, Jr., Ph.D., CAE, CFRE President and Chief Executive Officer CC: Honorable Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar Honorable Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack