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Everything posted by dieselroe

  1. dieselroe

    Amazing bull a 10 year old may never top!!

    Cool story and a great bull. Good job buddy!!
  2. dieselroe

    Legal/Useful Scent

    That's now illegal as it contains doe urine. Too bad to because I've read good things about it. That sucks because I've been carrying this stinky stuff around in my hunt gear for a few years now...... I apply it like old spice... The bottle says "apply to body" Ok, maybe it says "do not" in there somewhere also...... Btw, I'm just having fun guys, so no hatin.
  3. dieselroe

    My son shot a big bear

    Wow thats a big bear, awesome job!!
  4. dieselroe

    First Timer

    Shoot Ulmer Edge mechanicals.
  5. dieselroe

    how many inches?

    Its probably lion eyes stalking him.....
  6. dieselroe

    Legal/Useful Scent

    I like trails end!!
  7. dieselroe

    My buck

    I feel like this is an advertisement for "craigs custom rifles" everyone......lol Nice buck, but I can't afford the rifle man.
  8. dieselroe

    772lbs black bear

    That 772 pound bear was eating donuts and driven out of the forest. lol Nothing like a western hunt. They killed like 4,000 bears in that state this year.
  9. dieselroe

    772lbs black bear

    More than likely a bear that big wont have a skull as big as the one you killed. Skinny old bears are the ones with the biggest skulls. IMO. You really think so?
  10. dieselroe

    My 2013 Rifle Buck

    Great Buck and cool rifle for sure!!
  11. Thought we should see this. As hunters we really only have handed down tradition and the NRA to help keep hunting legal and part of being a free American. Right now with social media and the way cities are growing we have an issue that needs to be on the forefront. That's keeping our right to hunt and sustaining the herds. Anyways, I can see that with social media and twisting photography and video through manipulative agendas we will need to be on the look out and counter this some how. I like what one of the comments said. "first of all, animals don't have rights, so there is no such thing as an animal rights activist" We are the only ones giving money to the preservation, so therefore we are the protectors of these animals. Read this article and please try to help fight the growing feeling these people see as a need to stand up for something they don't even know much about. http://news.yahoo.com/melissa-bachman-big-game-protest-161458798.html People really hate it if your pretty and your happy.......to bad for her.
  12. dieselroe

    Melissa Bachman has Anti's coming out

    Wait till they log on to here and see Kidso's sexy bear pic.......lol
  13. Interesting way to grill, I might have to try that. I love doing things cave man style!!
  14. Even if it has to be illegal immigrants. LOL
  15. I've never had any problems down there.
  16. dieselroe

    Last Day Buck for Dad

    Wow, how wide was that buck? Funny to see a 2 point so big. Cool deer!
  17. dieselroe

    Mule Deer From CO

    Guess I need to go to Co. Wow
  18. dieselroe

    2013 Leftover Buck

    Wow, great bullet performance. I was considering these myself. Great looking buck to. He looks like a cousin to one I shot down that way.
  19. dieselroe

    Score this buck

  20. dieselroe

    Albino coues

    Saw one last year. Doe
  21. dieselroe

    2014 Late Rifle 23,27,22S, or 10

    27 This is the best backcountry unit. Its steep and deep. Lots of water holes, springs, seeps. You'll see people on horesback but theres plenty of animals for everyone. Blue wilderness.
  22. dieselroe

    First rifle deer hunt

    There were only a few leftover tags. I was in 35a with one and didn't get a shot. Only saw one buck and he disappeared. This is most likely same unit. As you can see it was burned and there are a lot of bears in there because they don't really give out any bear tags. Sorry "MULEPACKHUNTER". Anyways, it seems to me these units have become more visited over the past 6 years.
  23. dieselroe

    The Buck I Never Dreamed Of

    Great deer!
  24. dieselroe

    where have all the mule deer in unit 29 gone?

    If you kill the forkies they don't get to grow up and breed. lol
  25. dieselroe

    2013 Buck

    Nice!! Good work man.