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Everything posted by AZHunter1

  1. ​I have finally got a lion on one of my cameras a few weeks ago but cant figure out how to post it. At first I thought it my be a young one but after looking at some of these photos I'm thinking it might be bigger.
  2. AZHunter1

    Here kitty kitty..

    Sharts happens, nice lion!
  3. AZHunter1

    Youth rifle scope question

    I myself like the Nikon 3x9x40 for the kids. Low enough power you can still get on target quick at short range and able to bring'em in closer when they are out a little bit.
  4. AZHunter1

    Spot and stalk giant velvet coues!

    Very nice write up. Not a dull moment with your hunt. Glad to see you had it all work in your favor!!
  5. AZHunter1

    On my way to work this morning

    They have big pets.
  6. AZHunter1

    Bulls looking good!

    Id shoot it!
  7. AZHunter1

    Coues shoulder mount

    WOW...what a stud buck!
  8. AZHunter1

    rifle/pistol for sale

    Still waiting for the price reduction!
  9. AZHunter1

    Things your huntin buddies do that drive you nuts : )

    When they brag a lot about how good of a shot they are, and they shoot the same deer 3 times and never make a good shoot, then run out of ammo, then decide they need to get back so they can watch a game and basically to heck with the deer! VERY nerve racking!!
  10. AZHunter1

    22-250 for wt

    I took a coues up in Cherry creek years ago with 55gr Remington corelok out at 240yrds. Dropped in its tracks:)