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Sir Buckwheat

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Everything posted by Sir Buckwheat

  1. Sir Buckwheat

    This post is for the dogs

    This is Spanky, he was my first pointing dog and the best dog I've had. I'd give every dog in my kennels to get another one like him. Tip is my 7 year old GWP, nice little dog and my daughters favorite. And Gunner (EP) and Java (PP) after a fun day out with the kids. Almost forgot Bo! He's my son's beagle. He loves playing with the kids, especially when they're sledding!!
  2. Sir Buckwheat

    Utah draw

    I think that Utah removes your name from the general hunt draw if you draw any LE tag. They're only supposed to if you draw a LE deer tag. They reduced the # of tags 30% this year. I know a lot of people that didn't draw. Dumb thing is they have 1500 youth archery permits left! In Utah the youth (anyone under 18) can hunt all three seasons. So why reserve 1500 archery tags for them?? I'm hoping they'll open up those tags for us youthful types that have young kids who are disappointed we don't get to go deer hunting this year.
  3. Sir Buckwheat

    Utah draw

    Congrats on the deer tag. I drew my limited entry elk tag but couldn't draw a general archery deer tag...May have to look for an OTC tag somewhere this year. I've never not hunted deer, feels wrong somehow.
  4. Sir Buckwheat

    back from the taxi - Velvet buck

    Nothing prettier than a velvet buck. I had one european mounted a few years ago. I love the way it looks. What did your buck measure and score?
  5. Sir Buckwheat

    which bow companys best

    Ouch! That one HOYT's.... But everyone knows what kind of guys shoot pse-bows. I assumed the thread was talking about compounds, the nicest bow I've shot though is a Zona Custom Longbow. No smoother, more quiet or more beautiful bow on the market!! Hoyts are a close second though, pse's are near the bottom.
  6. Sir Buckwheat

    buck with a hole in him already

    Several years ago I was sitting in a blind on cut cornfield towards the end of the season and had a funky looking forkhorn come out. He was 3 and never got bigger than a small forkhorn so I figured I'd use my tag to take him out of the gene pool. He gave me a perfect broadside shot at 25 yards. Somehow I hit a little higher than I wanted but it was still a good hit....or so I thought. The arrow passed thru and he took off. 10 minutes later came back into the field! I sat and watched him chase does for the next 2 hours, but he never came close enough to offer me another shot. I recovered my arrow and there was blood on it but not the frothy lung blood I had expected. A month and a half later he got hit by a car in half mile down the road from the field. I went and looked and he had a perfect 3 blade scar on both the entry and exit but he was in perfect health, or was before the car hit him. All I could figure was I hit him in the small area between the top of the lung and bottom of the spine where theres really nothing vital.
  7. Sir Buckwheat

    Some Interesting findings in Unit 22 study

    Thanks, its actually the shortened name of a dog I used to have. His registered name was Sir Buckwheat of Spankerdom...My other dog was the Royal Duke of Spankerdom.
  8. Sir Buckwheat

    Video footage finally posted

    Great job on the video, but you forgot to add the tailgate shot...
  9. Sir Buckwheat

    Some Interesting findings in Unit 22 study

    Predators take a large toll on game animals today. Here in Utah the "Hay-Day" of Deer Hunting was in the 60's and 70's. During that time fur prices were good, several people trapped and hunted predators and the Government spent a lot of money erradicating them to stop livestock depredation. Fast Forward to today. Fur prices are down, gas prices and cost of living are up. People don't hunt or trap predators like they used to. Also the government is now pro-predator even introducing a new predator to the mix (no not re-introducting, but thats another issue). As a result we have high numbers of coyotes running around, along with higher elk numbers than we've ever had and urban sprawl all equal low deer numbers. This will be the first year ever since I've been old enough to hunt that I will not be hunting deer here in Utah. Several other people I know didn't draw tags either. Its good to see the F&G doing something about it, but sad that its got to this point.... Back to the predator issue, when I started working in the oil field 7 years ago you couldn't throw a rock without hitting an antelope. The area had around 3500 head. Today there is only 600-700 animals. What changed? Part is that the oil field has grown but I don't think that takes a big toll on them. The biggest difference I see is that companies no longer allow employees to carry firearms in their trucks for insurance purposes. As a result we went from rarely seeing coyotes to seeing packs as big as 16 dogs! At one point I knew where 5 different packs were and the smallest had 12 dogs in it. These dogs are hard to hunt due to the education they get from idiots that like to blow their calls while at work when they can't shoot them. Also they have been building nesting sights for eagles out here. Between the two the antelope have been hit hard, not to mention the deer population that was here. Some local sportsmen groups have helped by funding the F&G's use of helicopters and planes for shooting coyotes. I know of one state trapper that killed over 500 coyotes this past winter alone. Hopefully those efforts help. Now if we could only de-list raptors so their numbers could be managed...
  10. Sir Buckwheat

    Stupid, stinkin', coyotes

    There is a pathway to citizenship, they just choose to bypass it. Unfortunately our government rewards them for it at our expense. And they wonder why our National Debt keeps climbing...I know this isn't the only reason but how much do we spend paying for benefits for illegals? Or people who fly the mexican flag above the OUR U.S. Flag. That one really burns me!! If mexico (or any other country they might be from) is so great why didn't they stay there??
  11. Sir Buckwheat

    White Mulie

    Saw this while out looking for bears over the weekend up here in Utah. Its not albino, but definitely white!
  12. Sir Buckwheat

    White Mulie

    I googled it, it is present in bucks and does. However there are not many pics on the web of mulie bucks just whitetails.
  13. Sir Buckwheat

    White Mulie

    I've never seen one before but saw two on Saturday. The other was a mature doe but I couldn't get a picture of her. The were in the same general area, but several miles apart. I've heard that it only happens in does, do you know if that is true or not? I'd love to find a buck that color...no matter how big he is!
  14. I drew a bear tag here in NE Utah but the snows too deep to very far up the mountain. I've been up every weekend since the first of April and have succedded in nearly losing my horse in a bog, killing a coyote that was harrassing a doe and her yearling fawns, and getting my truck stuck in a snow drift. Took me nearly 3 hours to dig out. I did learn that just because there appears to be tracks on the snow doesn't mean its ok for you to drive on. When the truck broke through the crust my tires were nearly a foot off the ground!! I was too ticked to think about taking a picture, wish I would have now... The weather man's calling for a high in the 40's tomorrow with a 40% chance of snow. I may go hunting weathermen soon!! I plan on being up there anyway, can't imagine a season being opene and not getting out. Hopefully some big bruins will be waking up soon.... Heres a few pics of the lower country, but I need to get up high!! The South slopes are pretty clear but theres still several feet on the North faces. http://s275.photobucket.com/albums/jj316/SirBuckwheat/2011%20Bear%20Hunt/?albumview=slideshow
  15. Sir Buckwheat

    I sure wish this snow would melt!!

    Thanks. The weathers looking better, guess someone told the weatherman I'd about had it! Its supposed to be in the 60's and 70's all week!
  16. Sir Buckwheat

    How to skin a coyote.

    I've heard this works on any type of critter, not just coyotes. I'm going to have to try it!
  17. Sir Buckwheat

    How to skin a coyote.

    I'm sure it would. They say even with multiple buckshot holes it works, sometimes you just have to make multiple incisions and "Air them up" from a couple different spots. I had that same thought....might be cool though!!
  18. Sir Buckwheat

    Mojo needed for "Bear"

    I have some good friends who found out about a month ago that their 9 year old son, Baxter "Bear", has been diagnosed with T-Cell ALL ( Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia ). If you could all keep him in your thoughts and prayers I would appreciate it. I can't imagine having to go through this myself, much less having to watch one of my children suffer through it. We've also set up a page on Facebook if those of you who are on Facebook want to "like" the page and see more detail I'll post the link below. Also they have a couple of fundraisers to help the family with the cost of fighting this terrible disease. You can access them on the page... Thanks everyone! SB http://www.facebook.com/pages/Fight-...07150952699392
  19. Sir Buckwheat

    Mojo needed for "Bear"

    http://www.facebook.com/pages/Fight-Like-a-Bear/107150952699392 Hopefully this link works...
  20. Sir Buckwheat

    Mojo needed for "Bear"

    Sorry about that, I don't know why it isn't working. If you search for "Fight Like a Bear" you'll find it. The kids name is Baxter "Bear" Blaney. He just went in for a minor surgery yesterday to put a permanent cath in under his skin just below the collar bone. He ate a couple of popsicles and went home. Tough kid and has had a pretty good attitude about it all. Like I mentioned too they have a couple of fundraisers going trying to help the family out with the staggering cost of fighting for Bear's life. If you could spare a few bucks I know it will help them out. Bear's dad isn't the type to ask for help but I guess thats why we all have friends, to take up the slack when we need help. I know they appreciate all the thoughts and prayers that you all are sending out. One lady is running a half marathon this summer in Bear's honor and is working to find sponsors for her run. It never ceases to amaze me how giving people can be... Thanks again for your thoughts and prayers on Bear's behalf.
  21. Sir Buckwheat

    Mojo needed for "Bear"

    Thanks Bonecollector. I can't begin to imagine what its like for them. Bear's Dad commented yesterday that they were in the hospital waiting room and when I asked what for he said "Just a spinal tap and bone marrow sample...you know normal stuff." Thanks again for your thoughts and prayers on their behalf. I know they appreciate them.
  22. Sir Buckwheat

    Out Playing around!

    I've been gone for a while, took a couple weeks off for the Holidays and then works had me running crazy ever since. Guess that will teach me to take a two week vacation! Anyway I got a new lense for my camera and spent a little time playing around with it trying to figure it all out. Here's a few pics I was able to get...And just to make all you Southerners feel better about where you live It was -20 here in NE Utah last night and the night before it got down to -32...I'm ready for spring to be here. http://s275.photobucket.com/albums/jj316/S...mview=slideshow
  23. My plan to hunt the Bookcliffs Saturday fell thru due to family commitment, but I did get a chance to get out for an hour or so close to the house. I've been wanting to get a coyote hide or two to work my BMC pup with. I bought a new FoxPro mouth call and I have to say I'm impressed. I made 3 stands, the first one I had a coyote coming in almost immediately, unforturnately the fog rolled in and I couldn't see 20 feet in front of me. I had to track myself back to the truck! So I relocated to a spot a little higher that was up out of the fog. No sooner did sound leave my call than a fox jumped up 500 yards out and came in on a dead run. He got 100 yards out when I noticed his girlfriend coming in 200 yards behind him. The first fox stopped about 50 yards out and had me nailed, so I settled in on the headshot I had at the farthest one out....and missed! I hurried and switched to the closer one and got him at about 100 yards on the run. He had the nicest pelt I've seen on one in a while. Guess the -30 degree weather we've been having has helped! Wish I could have got some pics of him running into the call. My last stand was unproductive other than this little guy that was curious about what was making all the racket.
  24. Sir Buckwheat

    Not what I was after, but he'll do...

    Better hurry before it starts to warm up too much or else their hides won't be worth the trip. The thickest coats are during sub-zero stretch we get each year. PM if you're serious about it...
  25. Sir Buckwheat

    Not what I was after, but he'll do...

    Come up anytime. They're lousy up here. We can send you home with as many as you want.