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Everything posted by CouesBuckhunter

  1. CouesBuckhunter

    Bobcat by Bow

    I took my second Bobcat with my bow the other day. It was a spot n' stalk, I had my PSE BowMadness XL in my hand as I followed behind her. I followed her for awhile until I got a shot opportunity that I felt comfortable with. I released an arrow and hit her hard. When she finally gained her feet she only made it 35 yards before hitting the dirt again. There was blood everywhere, the cut was outstanding. That Swhacker 125gr. surely did its job, and in a quickly manner. It was probably the collest spot n' stalk I've ever done; hands down the collest Bobcat hunt I've had.
  2. CouesBuckhunter

    Velvet Muley

    I love the summer bucks because there skin is so thin, you can see lots of detail you don't see in the winter bucks.
  3. CouesBuckhunter

    Bobcat by Bow

    Thanks everyone! I am not getting this one mounted. Times have been too busy for me to mount what I already have. I'm just going to make it a rug.
  4. CouesBuckhunter

    Arrow and Broadheads?

    Nope. It won't effect the arrow flight. Should fly like a field tip no matter how the blades are in relationship to the fletching
  5. CouesBuckhunter

    Hide Life

    I was wondering what the life of a hide is after it is tanned? I have heard that the hair starts to pull after a while? I have some animals that might not get mounted for awhile and I am hoping that the hides will still be good. Thanks!
  6. CouesBuckhunter

    Hide Life

    Yeah thanks! It helped a ton.
  7. CouesBuckhunter

    Advice Please

    Has anyone hunted the navajo nation for elk? New to the area so if anyone can point me in the right direction I'd most appreciate it.
  8. CouesBuckhunter

    Early Bear

    This is my buddy Cole VanWinkle's Spring Archery Bear hunt, he put the swhack attack on this az bear.
  9. CouesBuckhunter


    The alignment of the wing blades in relation to the fletching does not trully matter. I just screw the broadheads on and I can group them with my field points out to 100. And they are a great head, very simple, so their is not any risk for it not performing. Alot of animals have fallen quick to the Swhacker. Go to this link to see multiple videos of actual hunts here in AZ that shows how the Swhacker performs- http://www.youtube.c.../HuntingArizona This video may help in understanding how the Swhacker works- This video shows you how to practice with the Swhacker- There are tons more videos that explain the Swhacker and show its performance in actual hunts, here's the link to all those videos- http://www.youtube.com/user/Swhacker2011
  10. CouesBuckhunter

    .(Update Pic Added. 8/13/12) Decent buck on camera last week

    i like how he has the same look on his face!
  11. CouesBuckhunter

    Locked and Loaded

    Lucky nothing spooked him, i'd have one stinky cam.
  12. CouesBuckhunter

    PSE Bow Madness XL

    Snapshot. I shoot the PSE BowMadness XL. It is an absolutley amazing single cam bow. When I first started shooting for pse they gave me a BowMadness XL to suite my larger draw length and body size, for me being tall (6' 3") it fit me like a glove. That was the 2010 model and I put down alot of animals with it. Then I recieved the 2011 model. Let me tell you this, that bow is an absolute beast. Huge difference between the 2011 model and the 2010 model. The 2011 model is faster ( I have the same set up with arrow weight, draw length.) It is bulkier but not a noticeable difference in weight. The one thing I like about the bow is that you come to the peak fast, this gives you a big enough valley where you can adjust yourself if need be without the bow launching off on you or it feeling like your holding back a ton of weight. So far I have only shot a javy this year with it and it thumped him hard. I cant wait to see how it performs on a deer. Can't go wrong with the BowMadness.
  13. CouesBuckhunter

    Got my 2011 Archery Coues and 2012 Archery Javelina Skulls!

    You should have some more work for Cole soon. You're gonna put the swhack attack on an antelope and buck soon.
  14. CouesBuckhunter

    Trail camera thiefs

    That's a shame. A buddy of mine had a group of girls try to take his camera. They werent able to take it but they took his stand. He had pics of their faces, their quad(w/ licence) and not only that, another buddy was in the area at the same time and witnessed them driving out from his stand. Justice was sought but the game and fish said they could do nothing about it. They basically said oh well, better luck next time.
  15. CouesBuckhunter

    Swacker Broadheads

    great pics!
  16. CouesBuckhunter

    Advice Please

    Specifically units 1-5 & 12.
  17. CouesBuckhunter

    Swacker Broadheads

    @GotBowAz, its great that your asking, that's how one learns isn't it? Alot of people don't ask and never find out how a product actually works. Thanks for asking, no question is a dumb question.
  18. CouesBuckhunter

    Swacker Broadheads

    @AZLance, I bet thats not the only thing that you're gonna swhack this year!
  19. CouesBuckhunter

    Swacker Broadheads

    @reganranch, yeah my goal in life is to own a good piece of land up north, one way of achieving that goal is to become a mechanical engineer and work for Boeing up in Washington, where Im closer to Montana.
  20. CouesBuckhunter

    Swacker Broadheads

    He is a mechanical engineer at Raytheon.
  21. CouesBuckhunter

    swimming bear

    Awesome pic.
  22. CouesBuckhunter

    Black Bear Mount

    great mount. The hair laid down good, no hair tuffs on the hide. I have to figure out how I am going to get mine mounted. I want to do lifesize but Im not sure what pose.
  23. CouesBuckhunter

    Swacker Broadheads

    To clarify what stephen was saying. You will get a 1 inch entrance wound if the animal is broadside. If the animal is at any angle the entrance hole will be bigger. Here is a buck that I shot quartering to me at 15yrds. I did not get an exit hole. He only made it 25yrds, I watched him expire right on the other side of the water where I had shot him. This coues buck my dad hit in the diaphram, barely knicking a lung, and it didn't go far. My dad created the Swhacker, originally called the Sonoran. Hank Parker bought the design from my dad and it was thus renamed to Swhacker. Swhacker has 125gr. 100gr. and a 100gr. 2 inch cut. My dad still sells 85gr. three blades and two blade broadheads and also bowsights at http://www.sonoranbowhunting.com/.
  24. CouesBuckhunter

    Swacker Broadheads

    Good luck swoods205! TJ, the shrink bands will become stretched after awhile if there is pressure on the wing blades. I make sure that the foam in my quiver has a good enough hole or slit for my broadheads to slide into without any pressure on my wing blades.That prevents the shrink bands from being stretched. Every animal I've hit has gone down in 50 yrds or less. The only animal that didn't go down was a couse buck I hit in the front leg quartering away, obviously that was operator error. The bear I shot last year barely made it anywhere, we were able to capture this on camera. Here's the vid if you want to see what the swhacker will do- If you want to see more videos of arizona critters getting swhacked here's the link- http://www.youtube.com/user/huntingarizona?feature=results_main
  25. CouesBuckhunter

    Fighting the Itch

    I hear ya. Ive been training since the end of may. Got a ton of rain and all the bucks are out feeding alot, hopefully there will be some big ones this year! Good luck.