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Everything posted by GJMauro12

  1. GJMauro12

    Shockey’s sheep

    Anyone know what unit Jim will be in this year?
  2. GJMauro12

    Shockey’s sheep

    I wasn’t guided bud.
  3. GJMauro12

    Opening day success

    I am the other hunter. I found and began filming this ram in July. I set camp on November 3rd for my November 15th hunt. I was a DIY hunter, I did not use a guide/Outfitter I did not run into ADO from 11/4-11/13 during my pre-hunt scouting. Or anyone in the heat of the summer from July through October. I spoke with all the deer camps in that area and the only sheep hunter they witnessed during this time frame before the hunt was me. Someone sent my videos of this ram to Bryan with ADO on Wednesday November 13. Thursday November 14th ADO showed up. I was told ADO moved into the area because they lost their target ram and thought he might have moved into the area I was hunting my #1 target. I was also told ADO would let me hunt the ram I had been watching for 5 months. They would hunt the ram they had planned on and I would hunt the ram I had planned on. They called it the "Sheep Code" I went to the ADO camp Friday night to congratulate the hunter and to see his ram. I immediately recognized the ram and mentioned it to Bryan who attempted to act like he didn't realize it was the ram from my videos. It was obvious I got played as everyone had a different story to tell me from we stumbled into the ram to we slept on it Thursday night. What's done is done. I have nothing to add to the story. Congratulations to the hunter on the best ram I found in the 50+ days over 5 months that I spent looking at sheep.
  4. GJMauro12

    Shockey’s sheep

    I haven’t been able to figure it out yet. I haven’t ran into him in the kofas yet.
  5. I’m looking for an STX if you decide to split it up.
  6. GJMauro12

    Outdoorsman tripod adapter

    The new ones aren't cheap but if you call them they will usually drop one in the mail for you within a day.
  7. GJMauro12

    For Sale: BTX Eyepiece

    I’m interested! I’m coming back to town today from an elk hunt. Are you located in Scottsdale?
  8. GJMauro12

    Deer/Elk hide clothing. Who makes them?

    Check out Darling Leather and Fur. I have been watching her videos on facebook for awhile now as I save up bobcat pelts to make a jacket for the wife. https://darlingleatherandfur.com/?srsltid=AfmBOorQn5Y2we11NOAGsaX184lUyzz9ClB89fSw63vDhrdEJjLG07yz
  9. GJMauro12

    Drew my 2ND choice

    Everyone told me it was impossible to draw my second choice and I already made a scouting trip to my first choice. Looks like I got my second choice.
  10. GJMauro12

    New Rules starting 8-10-24

    I don't like this one. Looks like they want to increase the limited entry tags and give the commission "Greater" flexibility for limited entry tags. R12-4-609. Commission Orders: Add limited-entry permit-tags to the list of exemptions provided under subsection (B) to make the rule more effective and provide the Commission with greater flexibility in offering these limited-entry opportunities. Also curious what they plan to change with the bison hunts. 6.) R12-4-306. Bison Hunt Requirements: ✓ Reflect current bison hunt procedures to ensure bison hunts meet Fair Chase protocols and management objectives.
  11. GJMauro12

    New Rules starting 8-10-24

    I certainly didn't think they were talking about radios when I originally read it. I hope that isn't the case though.
  12. GJMauro12

    Presidential debate is tonight

    I think they’ll pull Biden and put in Newsom and that’s scary!
  13. GJMauro12

    Who Drew 2024 Bighorn Tags?

    Same here. I’ll probably see him around at some point.
  14. GJMauro12

    Who Drew 2024 Bighorn Tags?

    Did he get the first or second hunt?
  15. GJMauro12

    Who Drew 2024 Bighorn Tags?

    I know the kid that drew the tag in 2020 with just a point or two in 37b. It definitely happens.
  16. GJMauro12

    Who Drew 2024 Bighorn Tags?

    Does anyone have the sheep harvest reports downloaded from years prior to 2020 that include names? I am nerding out on stats already if anyone’s willing to share. here’s my email. gjmauro12@hotmail.com
  17. GJMauro12

    Who Drew 2024 Bighorn Tags?

    There were 2 residents with 35 points before this draw and 87 residents with 34 points.
  18. GJMauro12

    Who Drew 2024 Bighorn Tags?

    I got one and it's definitely my tag. My wife is on a separate card.
  19. GJMauro12

    It has started, card got hit 10 min ago

    I got one of those $300 hits with 19 points.
  20. GJMauro12

    New National Monument in Arizona

    They always have a way of making things sound good up front. It’s what comes later that scares me.
  21. GJMauro12

    New National Monument in Arizona

    Anyone have specifics on if it does or does not restrict access for hunters?
  22. GJMauro12


    it’s explained on the game and fish podcast but I am sure the goal posts will be moved if not only delayed long enough in litigation to allow the population to get out of control. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/wild-about-arizona/id1553574144?i=1000564863898