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Everything posted by GJMauro12

  1. GJMauro12

    Where my fellow Doge coin billionaires at?

    My $500 hit $9500 tonight
  2. GJMauro12

    Spring draw

    Card hits just aren’t as exciting for this draw with 3/4 being the same price.
  3. GJMauro12

    US 60 closed

    And they shut it down at 9am sharp on Monday. I showed up at 9:02 am Monday after breaking camp to head back to Phoenix and Was turned around. My dad left camp a couple minutes before me and made it through.
  4. I still have the iPhone 8 because of this problem. I am hoping someone came up with a fix by now because I need to upgrade soon because of battery issues.
  5. GJMauro12

    Fawn crop

    They got corona, ask Rinella.
  6. GJMauro12

    Doe hunts????

    All of your suggestions to increase deer Populations in AZ have been discussed on this website over and over for the last 10+ years. Bottom line, the public responded to a survey to increase hunter opportunity over quality and the department used it to increase tags/revenue and now we’re killing too many deer.
  7. GJMauro12

    The Amazing Wolf 🙄

    If you like that, I have a bridge to sell you.
  8. GJMauro12

    135a 120v MIG for sale

    I’ll take it if it’s still available and you can wait until Monday for me to pick it up.
  9. GJMauro12

    What makes a hunter a hunter?

    Nice pot stirring thread. Similar segregated examples as the vaccinated vs unvaccinated.
  10. GJMauro12


    Free Bump for a sweet pistol to use on the HAM hunts.
  11. GJMauro12

    Spring Draw

    We’re arguing over javelina. About the easiest thing to hunt and I believe you can still leave the meat lay in some states. Who cares what he shoots it with, you don’t get bragging rights for filling a Javi tag anyway.
  12. GJMauro12

    Go hunt

    I think I already have more points than pounds my turkey will be when I put my tag on it.
  13. GJMauro12

    Go hunt

    Oh I plan to as soon as I draw once.
  14. GJMauro12

    Go hunt

    I wish they had draw odds for Arizona Gould’s. I’m getting impatient.
  15. GJMauro12

    WTS Federal 270 WIN 120 150 gr

    My uncle is interested in the 150 grains. I can PM you his number.
  16. GJMauro12

    WTS Federal 270 WIN 120 150 gr

    Still available?
  17. GJMauro12

    Late Season Archery Bull tag Unit 22N

    You haven’t tagged out yet. Summer bulls aren’t that hard to find.
  18. GJMauro12

    Grand Falls

    Last time I went was 3/16/2019
  19. GJMauro12

    Something like this ever happen to you?

    He wants $73 to watch a 4:15 minute video of 6A trail cam pictures. I wonder how his business model will hold up against the trail cam ban?
  20. GJMauro12

    Great ethics to teach the kids, NOT

    I had a similar thing happen on opening weekend with a ford raptor. Expected a conversation and they blew passed me while I was opening the gate.
  21. GJMauro12

    Great ethics to teach the kids, NOT

    I wouldn’t of pulled over in the first place.
  22. GJMauro12

    Beware - https://www.raniersec.com/

    How much did you lose?
  23. GJMauro12

    Why we need Trail Cams

    How will we ever prove Sasquatch exists if we ban trail cameras?
  24. GJMauro12

