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Everything posted by GJMauro12

  1. GJMauro12

    Son of a &*^$ing *$^#!

    Same thing happened with all 6 of the B o A cards in my family. We got letters saying that B o A had some kind of issue with something i don't remember and sent us all new cards. Luckily me and my brother put our apps on different cards but not so lucky for my grandpa.
  2. GJMauro12

    draw results?

    My brothers card got hit and his first choice was early archery Bull, second was late rifle Bull so we wont know till the results are released. Really hoping its the rifle hunt tho.
  3. GJMauro12

    draw results?

    ^ Thats funny! My brothers card just got hit with a pending $114. Looks like he pulled a bull tag two years in a row now!
  4. GJMauro12

    draw results?

    Mystery solved. Just found out grandpa registered the boat. My bad guys! lol I was getting excited hoping I had a tag coming and they just forgot to take the rest of the money. (HIGH HOPES)
  5. GJMauro12

    draw results?

    4 application fees equal 30.00? Nope, we all put in on separate apps. Found out we get more tags when we separated everyone.
  6. GJMauro12

    draw results?

    I wouldn't of bought one of those. Might have to call them and ask them what its for.
  7. GJMauro12

    draw results?

    Just noticed my card got him from G$F for $30 on 3/12. No idea what that could even be. Anyone?
  8. I don't know anything about the rules of trapping but I would think you would be able to trap your own property out of season if it was to protect your livestock.
  9. GJMauro12

    Very cool video of close up encounter

    very cool! I Liked the scramble to draw at the end there.
  10. GJMauro12

    Let's See Your Digiscoping Pictures

    Here are a few I took last year. I posted a few up already but I like this topic and thought I would add them again. (dont know why they came out sideways either)
  11. GJMauro12


    Not going to argue but I am not happy about the extension. It just allows that many more applicants and drops my odds of drawing this year. No big deal tho I guess!
  12. GJMauro12

    Coyotes near the White Tanks

    I have called a couple in on the east side but it has never been consistent but my calling never is!
  13. GJMauro12

    Injured deer!! Need advise

    Happened to my brother last year on the archery bull hunt. Searched for 5 days and even went back a week after the hunt to look for birds and smell but nothing. I've always heard it called "The Lemon" tho.
  14. GJMauro12


    No luck! we hunted hard for 6 of the 9 days we had and i'll hold my tongue and just say we kind of wish we didn't take the tag. Had a pretty good time tho. Glassed up a ton of elk, antelope, seen a couple good bucks and missed a few coyotes but that is about it.
  15. GJMauro12


    My brother got a call friday to see if he wanted to buy a supplemental buffalo tag for 5A/5B because they had a few bulls that get loose from the ranch and they were having a hard time herding back in. We took the tag and hunted Saturday and Sunday. We glassed up 5 bulls but when we called the ranger and let him know where the bulls were it turned out we were glassing onto the ranch. Figures it couldn't be that easy. Just wondering if anyone has been in the area and may have ran into them. We have till Dec. 23 to fill the tag and will be heading back up Tuesday or Wednesday. I know they put out a couple tags a couple months ago that I hear were successful if anyone knows about that. Any info would be appreciated. We heard they were last seen in the Chavez area about a week ago.
  16. GJMauro12

    Euro Mount

    I am guessing this has been asked and answered before but I couldn't seem to find it. I am working on doing a Euro for my Coues deer this year and I just about have it all cleaned and ready to be coated with.......... What do you guys suggest using to seal the skull with. I did my elk from last year with modge podge and it seemed like it came out TOO white. Just curious to see what else people have tried that they liked. I was thinking about using a polyurethane clear coat but wanted to get someone elses opinion first.
  17. GJMauro12

    Euro Mount

    Rageinthesage- are you using an oil or water based polyurethane. Ill have to try these other ideas out on the next project. Ill post up some pictures of the elk I did last year with the modge podge and of the coues as soon as I finish it.
  18. GJMauro12

    Euro Mount

    Sweet. That's what I was planning on using this go around. Thank you!
  19. GJMauro12

    First Coues Last Day (Story & Pics)

    Thanks for the compliments guys I really appreciate it. Been driving around all week with it in my front seat so I could show it off to everyone. LoL. Working on cleaning it up for a Euro mount while I wait on the cape so I'll post some pictures of the euro when i get it done.
  20. Finally tagged my first coues deer on my 3rd rifle tag in three years and a few years of hoping to find one on the archery hunt before that. Never had much luck and this was actually the first shot I have ever taken on a coues deer. The last two years I drew the early October hunt and didn’t have any luck. I saw 3 rifle bucks total in the two years hunting the October hunt. I was never able to spend much time on those hunts and I had a hard time seeing them little buggers. I first got into glassing about 3 years ago when I first took a look at the unit I drew and realized I needed some better optics if I wanted to have any chance and ever since I can’t do enough glassing its almost addicting. This year was the first year I had the middle hunt and I was stoked because I figured the colder weather might keep the deer on their feet a little longer and I wouldn’t get worn out as quick. I had to help on the late bull hunt this year so I didn’t get to go deer hunting till the last two days. I showed up Saturday morning before light and hustled up the hill to get set up where I had seen some does on the October hunt with a buddy. About 20 mins after light I picked up 2 does and 2 spikes running circles around the bowl I was glassing. I watched them till noon and ended up seeing 4 does and 3 spikes total. I had waited so long for my first coues that I decided not I might as well wait till I could take a decent coues. I tried a new spot for the evening hunt and only seen muleys. Went back to town and stayed in a motel and decided to go back for the last morning to the same spot I seen the spikes and watch that bowl from a different angle to see if a bigger buck would show himself. I hustled up the mountain before light with just my rifle, tripod, scope and some snacks and planned on sitting till dark. About 30 minutes after light I picked up a 3x3 and fork feeding in the shade straight across from me. I got all worked up thinking this is finally good be the year I tag out. I pull up the rifle and I can’t pick up the deer with the way the sun is hitting me. I wait and watch them a bit longer thinking they are just going to vanish all of a sudden. Finally I can see them in the when the 3x3 steps into the light and shows me a broad side shot. I spin my spotting scope around on the tripod to use as a rest, find him in the scope and let squeezed the trigger. I didn’t hear a crack and I seen the deer run. I get back on the spotter and was able to pick him back up. I find him in the scope for one more shot and let it fly. (NO CRACK) I seen the deer disappear behind the juniper he was next to but he never came out. I go back to glassing to see if I can pick him up and I see the fork do a circle around the tree that I shot at and then kind of scoot out of there with out the bigger buck and kind of looking confused so I thought that was a good sign. I head down the mountain and up the other side to see if he was behind that juniper. On the way over I kicked up the fork and again the bigger buck wasn’t there so I was starting to feel a little better about it. I worked my way up the hill and found the trail the deer were using and looked up and seen the juniper he was standing next to for the second shot. I got around the last juniper before I got there and seen something white sticking out of the bush. Two white feet sticking up! I was STOKED! I had finally scored on my first coues that I had dreamed about for so long, but I had no camera and my phone died. I decided to hike back to the truck and get my cut and pack bag and headed back for the deer at 10:30AM. Here is a picture of the bush he landed in. after i pulled him out quartered him hung him and boned him for the pack out. heres a picture from the buck to where i shot from on top of the point in the middle got everything to fit in the back back. home stretch back to the truck heres a better picture of him and heres a couple pictures of a muley I seen
  21. Good to hear there's some action going on in 24A. I will be there at the latest Friday and I am pretty pumped.
  22. GJMauro12

    Couple scope pics

    Some more pictures.
  23. GJMauro12

    Couple scope pics

    Glassed up a good looking bull this evening. Gonna try to upload a pic or two with my phone if I can figure it out. Not sure how well good the quality is but let me know what you think.
  24. GJMauro12

    Couple scope pics

    I actually had to come home Friday afternoon for a wedding so I wasn't able to be there when it happened so as soon as I get more of the story I'll fill you guys in but here's some more pics. But there not so great I believe his swords were at 27 or 28 inches. I think the ranger is gonna stop in and put an official tape to him later.
  25. GJMauro12

    Couple scope pics

    Here's one