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Everything posted by GJMauro12

  1. GJMauro12

    Big Eye Optics

    Not sure if this is what you are talking about but a buddy made me this bracket. I've never tried mounting two spotters on it tho. mainly because I don't have two so I don't know if the eyes would line up. Didn't know they actually sold them so I can't help you there either.
  2. GJMauro12

    Can we get hoodies made????

    no one likes zippers huh? I don't really care. If you put a hoodie in the store i'll buy it
  3. GJMauro12


    Seen one lone doe this morning. Glassed up 6 bedded does around 11 and thought I would make a move on them in case there was a buck I couldn't see. Ended up busting out 11 does and no bucks.
  4. GJMauro12

    Any sucess in 24A this weekend?

    No luck for me this year.
  5. GJMauro12

    Christmas Theme - 'tis the season!

    The Christmas countdown is somewhat depressing since I haven't done any Christmas shopping yet. I think I will stick with the majestic theme for now!
  6. GJMauro12

    Shot My Fox Pro!

    I have come very close and I worry about it all the time now. Luckily it didn't destroy your caller!
  7. GJMauro12

    Scouting 24a

    I've only been able to make it up once so far this year. I killed my first coues last year off the road you mentioned. If work allows it me and my brother will be heading up today to hunt the last day of his hunt. Works been a little crazy and we haven't made it out for his tag yet. I have the November 29th tag as well and I am planning on being there to look around every weekend from now until the hunt.
  8. GJMauro12

    Doe with antlers

    Very cool! I wonder if a doe with antlers still has everything to reproduce. Did the ranger give any idea on age? I took a JR out for spring turkey once and he ended up taking a bearded hen. When I cleaned it there was an egg inside. I'm guessing that's a lot more common that an antlered doe tho.
  9. I am pretty much in the same boat. I bought a fairly nice camera a few years ago and I have tried to film as much as possible but I still haven't tried to cut and edit any of it to where it is actually interesting to watch. Basically I have about 3 years worth of clips. Hopefully one day I'll figure out the editing part of it and just cram it all into one long multi species video.
  10. GJMauro12

    I phone photos

    Send them to your email or you can do it from your phone by clicking the full version button at the bottom and doing the same as you would a computer except it will pull up your photo album to attach.
  11. GJMauro12

    I phone photos

    I sure hope not!
  12. GJMauro12

    Who's ready for Friday Oct. 25th?

    I was suppose to watch the sunrise this morning through my glass but ended up having to work today. If I'm really lucky I may get to see the sunset but definitely will be there for the sunrise tomorrow!
  13. This probably isn't the kind of quality you are looking for but the price was right.
  14. GJMauro12

    No patience.

    I believe it is unteachable in my opinion.
  15. GJMauro12

    Where can I buy a decent unit map

    I just walked out of map world on Indian school. Not sure if you are the same person that was in there looking for maps of 21. They didn't have the whole unit 21 map at any of the three store locations unless you ordered it and i think it was a 2 week wait on orders. I also Found out they won't print a specific section for you anymore so the maps that they have is what you get.
  16. GJMauro12

    Can't access the site?

    I probably don't have to work tomorrow I got so much done today!
  17. GJMauro12

    Can't access the site?

    No big deal! Thanks for the update.
  18. GJMauro12

    Can't access the site?

    I ended up losing it on my phone after I made that post. Looks like its back
  19. GJMauro12

    Can't access the site?

    I can't access the site with the computer either. I always have this page up with my phone and it refreshed and worked fine.
  20. GJMauro12

    how long for your first coues?

    On my 3rd rifle coues tag I finally made it happen. I have tried one archery stalk on a coues (mainly because I start chasing muleys before I get to coues country) that still baffles me that the deer somehow busted me with good wind and bedded facing the opposite direction. He couldn't of heard me because I had stopped moving trying to decide which cover to move to next unless he could hear my heart beating.
  21. GJMauro12

    Spotter vs bino's??

    I don't even use my 15's. I just glass with my spotter the whole time so I don't have to make the switch.
  22. GJMauro12

    Found Achery Kill 23N (UPDATED)

    I wonder how many animals were not recovered before range finders? I'm Pretty sure no one heard about those on forums.
  23. GJMauro12

    24A bound

    My brother has the November 1st hunt and I have the November 29th hunt. Hoping to get up there this Sunday to look at a spot I have never hunted.
  24. GJMauro12

    Magazine Capacity

    I know this is off topic a bit but is the limit still in effect for quail?
  25. GJMauro12

    Brothers First

    Sorry in advance for the long story, the plan was to keep it short and simple. My brother Jimmy, drew his second archery bull tag in a row and we were hoping to get his first bull on the ground this time around. I am going to skip the story ahead to the last day we hunted or I could end up writing all day. It was the last Saturday of the hunt and we found ourselves in the same spot as the morning before. We were out there an hour or so before light and were hoping the elk were going to exit the meadow in the same direction as the day before. We weren’t hearing close to the amount of bugles as we had heard in the exact same spot the morning before so we decided to jump areas. When we drove around to the opposite side of the meadow just at daylight and we saw a herd of cows crossing the road with a really nice bull in tow. We drove past them and jumped out to hear at least 6 different bulls bugling. We took off down the hill somewhat paralleling the bull that was still crossing the road. We hoped he would take the ridgeline down to the meadow at the bottom so we hauled butt in hopes of meeting again at the bottom. When we got to the bottom, it seemed like the elk were going to stay right above us the whole time. We hadn’t done much calling for most of the hunt and today we had decided to get aggressive. Jimmy went back up about half way while I stayed at the bottom bugling and raking. He could see a bull pacing the back and forth across the top but he didn’t want to come down. Eventually that bull looped around him to try and get a better look at me and then silently exited the opposite direction of my brother. The whole time we had been working this bull, we had a lot meaner sounding bull screaming on the hill right behind that we had been ignoring. We figured if he hadn’t come down this whole time we might as well get on top with him since he was still talking to us. We hustled to the top and ended up busting some cows but could still hear the bull not too far off. We took off after him and when he sounded off the last time which sounded like he was right on top of us we got down and I ripped off one last bugle and that bull decided he wasn’t going to mess around anymore. Here he came charging over the hill at a quick pace and the direction he was heading he would have ran Jimmy right over. The bull went behind some trees from my angle so I looked to see if Jimmy was drawn yet and just as I looked he was releasing. I pulled the binoculars up to see if I could see any blood on the bull as he turned to leave. He got to the top of the hill and stopped and all I could see was his antlers peaking over. Then he darted off over the hill out of sight, and a moment later I hear him crash. I crept up to where Jimmy shot from and we decided to walk up to where the bull was standing when he shot. We didn’t walk 20 yards and could see two guys sitting in the direction we seen the bull heading last. After fumbling back and forth with hand signals we slowly walked out to where they were pointing to see the bull laying tangled up in a group of trees. Andy and Tim met us at the bull to congratulate Jimmy and said they got a lot of it on film. They had been sitting on the road (that’s about when we realized we were 100 yards from the road and so was the downed bull) and watched the bull follow his cows across the road away from us. They blew a cow call and the bull came back to the road and when I bugled that last time he came running. Our theory was he came back to their cow call thinking he had forgot a cow on the other side of the road and when he heard the bugle he must of thought he was losing a cow because he came in with an attitude. Andy and Tim helped us pull the bull out of the tangled mess he landed himself in to get him set up for some photos. We exchanged information and they were nice enough to put the video onto a thumb drive and mail it to us. This was Jimmy’s first bull and first archery kill. We aren’t the best at scoring but it looks like he is right at 300”. Big thanks to Andy and Tim for sending us the video. We really appreciate it and congratulations on your bulls! Video of the bull crossing the road: Video of bull coming back: http://www.youtube.com/edit?ns=1&video_id=UmBKsLZ3aEg Video of him tipping over: