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Everything posted by GJMauro12

  1. GJMauro12

    What Are You Sitting On -

    I'll either use a stool or my butt if I don't feel like carrying the stool. I'll carry a garbage bag if the ground is wet or frozen.
  2. GJMauro12

    Any thoughts on glassing etiquette ?

    I've parked to block a road before but it ended in less than a quarter mile and you could see the end from where I parked. Am I in the wrong for that?
  3. GJMauro12

    Snowmobiler Shoots Moose

    It's made it's way to Facebook. Not sure where they came up with the facts about the heart condition and then ask you to send game and fish any information you might have.
  4. GJMauro12

    Deadline is over

    Elk- 1st choice: 27 early rifle bull (long shot but I can dream with 5 points) 2nd Choice: 5a Early Antelope- 1st choice: 5A rifle (14 points)
  5. GJMauro12

    Broken Crappie Rod

    Last year the tip of my Gloomis crappie rod snapped off somehow while riding shotgun on the dash of the truck. It took about an inch and a half off and I was wondering if anyone knows the best way to repair it or if anyone that does this. I know they sell the kits to glue them back on, but I was wondering if there is something better out there that you guys are using.
  6. GJMauro12

    Broken Crappie Rod

    How did the warranty go with gloomis with you guys that have used it. I looked on the website and it sounds like they wouldn't fix it. Cant seem to paste the paragraph about their warranties from their website but it looks like it asks for a receipt and has some other stipulations on there. Seems like a pretty strict warranty but I have always heard that Gloomis has a great warranty.
  7. GJMauro12

    Sheds In, Under or Around Trees

    I found an elk shed in a juniper before but it definitely didn't fall off and land there. I think someone had found it before and maybe set it up there while taking a break. Didn't have a camera with me at the time tho.
  8. GJMauro12

    Stalk in open country? How?

    I think if you made it to 30 yards then just keep doing what you're doing. Even when you make it in range, there are still so many things that have to go right to make the shot and make it count. Just keep putting on the stalks and eventually the stars will align and a buck will make that fatal move for you to capitalize on.
  9. GJMauro12

    Havalon knives for elk

    Sure do! Done quite a few elk with them now and I won't use anything else.
  10. http://www.azgfd.gov/regs/elkregs.pdf Elk/ antelope 2014 regs are online for Arizona also. Just haven't seen them printed yet
  11. GJMauro12

    First time putting in for elk tag.

    Depending on the class of bull you want it shouldn't take you 15 years to pull a bull tag that will give you the opportunity at a "wall worthy" bull. I have a 300" bull on my wall and you can find that in most elk units.
  12. GJMauro12

    Population Management Hunts

    Yes! My dad was called to the house rock hunt for a cow/yearling bull hunt and took a young bull I believe in 2007. My brother was called in 2012 for an archery bear tag down south some where and a 5a/5b bull buffalo tag for only the bulls that left the ranch. I believe you get 3 calls in 48 hours to answer and accept the tag, but we will be a little more selective on the hunts if we get anymore calls. For the 2012 bear tag, he was told to wait for a call and if they have a problem they would call him down to shoot a bear that was bothering a residential area. never received a call.... the buffalo tag I believe was a 10 day hunt running up to Christmas eve If I remember right. Hunted hard for 7 out of the 10 days with 2 of those being a blizzard so we were unable to glass. We ended up glassing 3 bulls one day and after we finished packing our back packs to go after them we decided to give the ranger a call and make sure they were legal. It was the first day we got there and it seemed too easy. I guess we were actually glassing onto Raymond ranch and that was the only buffalo we seen the whole time. That was some expensive tag soup!
  13. Where's this tag from? I bought my deer and bear tag already and they don't look like that.
  14. GJMauro12

    Anyone buy a deer tag today?

    Hadn't planned on hunting tomorrow because I have work to do but with all the talk of people that didn't get tags I feel like I should at least try the morning hunt. Maybe there won't be as much competition as usual?
  15. GJMauro12

    Baiting Javelina

    I don't really know that I'm talking about when it comes to baiting and the rules that cover baiting but I've read most of the posts on this site about it. I thought they made this law because they decided baiting causes and spreads diseases because it gathers so many animals to one specific area. If that's true then where does the two weeks before season come into play? Do diseases only get spread at corn piles only during hunting season? Or was the law only created because of the success rate?
  16. GJMauro12

    Anyone buy a deer tag today?

    I was going to wait till the first and buy it at sportsmans but when I was there the other day sportsmans told me there was no gaurantee they would have the tags on the first. I was driving by the care free office today and figured I would stop for my tags and waited in line.
  17. GJMauro12

    Swhack'n Fox

    I don't see any links. Is it jus me?
  18. GJMauro12


    Seen a buck that had to have a 30" spread with 3 does last night. Went back this morning and there was a small buck working 9 does all morning. Didn't see the big boy again.
  19. GJMauro12

    Swarovski 15 x 56

    What model are they?
  20. GJMauro12

    Samsung TV for sale $250

    How long have you had it?
  21. GJMauro12

    How many points?

    I'm at 14 and still banking on luck right now. My brother drew with 9 two years ago though.
  22. http://www.gq.com/entertainment/television/201401/duck-dynasty-phil-robertson?currentPage=1 Here's the full article in question written by GQ. It's three pages long and an interesting read I suppose from the non-hunting point of view to be polite.
  23. GJMauro12

    Spotter vs. 15's

    It is definitely tiring using the spotter but my first decent glass was the vortex nomad which is how I got hooked on glassing. I think I just got comfortable always using a spotter and since the nomad I picked up the vortex razor and kaibabs. Usually my brother uses the kaibabs and I use the spotter but when I am solo I still use the spotter for some reason. On his coues hunt this year, we switched for a little while and it was a very nice break on my eyes so maybe ill start using the 15s more.
  24. GJMauro12

    Spotter vs. 15's

    I only use a spotter other than the 10s on my chest. I'll do most of my glassing with it at the lowest Zoom (20) and if I see deer or question what I'm looking at I can zoom to 60. I don't like to pack the spotter and the 15s around so I stick to the spotter.
  25. GJMauro12

    Big Eye Optics

    That is sweet! Is it comfortable on the eyes to use? Is it tough to focus them together?