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Everything posted by GJMauro12

  1. GJMauro12

    How Big is the bull?

    My guess is between 260-410. lol I have no idea.
  2. I'm in the market for one but only have cash.
  3. GJMauro12

    Spotting Scopes: Observing Technique Questions

    I use my spotter more than the 15s. If I don't have an eye patch I'll throw a blanket or something over me so only the end of the scope is showing. Once it's dark I can keep both eyes open. Probably not the correct way but it works for me
  4. I missed the show because we left Thursday for a turkey hunt. Had it set to record but direct tv came and switched out the boxes and I lost the recording. Can it be watched online yet? I've been searching the outlanders website and cant find it anywhere.
  5. GJMauro12

    We're dead last??

    I hit a fawn a couple years ago that would of been a buck. Kind of a bummer since I don't see many bucks in that unit. I barely missed the doe and never seen him following behind.
  6. GJMauro12

    Aug. Archery

    That's one ugly thumb!
  7. GJMauro12

    Lost Plott Hound AZ HWY 60

    I bet them sardines are gonna smell great on the back end. Lol Glad he found his was back I wish my dog would do that. He's been picked up by the pound twice now for a hefty fee.
  8. GJMauro12

    More Hidden Animals

    The hardest one for me to pick out is the snipe in the snowy creek. Still not sure if I've found it but I think it is somewhere on the bottom left side.
  9. GJMauro12

    ISO: A good Taxidermist

    Brett with Game Trail Taxidermey as mentioned already.
  10. Great video and it was hilarious watching Darr come running across the screen before the bird went down!
  11. GJMauro12

    Beehive in my 5th wheel

    I suggest you go to Home Depot and pick up a hot shot pro zap strip for $5 in the garden/ pest section. Take the whole yellow strip in the white hanger and try to hang it as close as possible to where the bees are. Hooked over the cover door with the yellow on the inside should work. I own a pest control company and in my opinion those bees aren't leaving. They are going to fill that tank with honey and then get mean and cause some damage to the trailer as well. Wear a thick jacket, jeans and gloves and if you have anything to cover your face. Walk up slow, hang it and run away. All the bees will be dead within 24 hours. It there's honey inside it needs to be removed or another hive will move in to work that honey. If you are allergic or nervous call a pest control company. Not sure how far south you are but it would be quite a drive for me from north Phoenix. If you get prices that sounds like gouging let me know and maybe we can work something out.
  12. GJMauro12

    Stolen Bow update- got the bastards

    Awesome! Not too often is stolen goods recovered. Not for me anyway.
  13. I have a buddy that lives in the dos rios neighborhood. Probably the same as yours. I'll mention it to him and see if he's interested. He's a fireman so he has a lot of days off. Only problem is he just had a baby this month so his schedule is a little crazy.
  14. GJMauro12

    Need Female Lab for Breeding

    I was really hoping you were looking for a male. Always wanted to breed my lab but never looked into it.
  15. GJMauro12

    e-calling for big game

    Electronic callers are only illegal for waterfowl.
  16. Just set the DVR. I can't wait, I love seeing the Arizona hunts on TV!
  17. GJMauro12

    Leftover Luck

    Me either and I blame it on all the left over threads on CW asking how to apply! Lol (Got to blame it on something)
  18. GJMauro12

    Bartlett lake question

    No slot
  19. GJMauro12

    Leftover Luck

    Yup someone does but not me ha Well hopefully it is me then.
  20. GJMauro12

    What handheld GPS do you use and why?

    Garmin rino 530HCX. Don't think they make them anymore but I love it. Possibly because I never had maps on my other gps units and now that I do it's awesome!
  21. GJMauro12

    Leftover Luck

    I haven't made the call yet. Does anyone already have the 5A tags?
  22. GJMauro12

    Bigger gear for bigger animals

    Come up with a magic pill that helps people stay calm, come up with a way to stop the wind, remove all tree branches from the planet, don't let people hunt that don't practice, get rid of bad luck.. You could say a million things. Plain and simple, there are too many variables that you can't control. Unfortunately, there will always be some wounded animals. I'm not pissed at you either but you need to be realistic and realize your "bigger is better" attitude isn't going to solve anything. I'll take a bottle of those magic calm pills!
  23. GJMauro12

    Locked bucks, One alive and one eaten?

    I would assume they were locked up while alive but who knows. My question is will the deer survive the winter after not eating/drinking for however many days he was stuck.
  24. GJMauro12

    Leftover Luck

    Why is everyone saying on or "after" Monday? They check the mail on Monday which includes Saturdays mail because they weren't in the office and start pulling envelopes on Monday and finish the draw Monday is what I've been told. So anything after Monday would be too late?