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Everything posted by GJMauro12

  1. GJMauro12

    Elk Antelpoe tags

    What left over list? Suppose to keep that on the DL
  2. I've only been on two goat hunts and they both ended on day 1 so I don't have much experience. I think the hardest part is learning what a good goat looks like if you aren't already familiar with judging them. First hunt was grandpas and I spent all summer looking at goats and on day one I set him up on what I thought was a good goat that ended up being a complete dink when we ground checked him. Grandpa doesn't care about score and it was one of the best stalks I've been on so it was successful hunt dink or not. Second hunt was my brothers and we spent all summer videoing and taking pictures of every goat we could find and He ended up taking an 80ish" goat opening morning. My advice would be to look at as many goats as possible and not only from a long distance behind a spotter. Get up close and get pictures. If you have someone familiar with judging it might help to take them along at least on a few scouting trips. I know I took lots of pictures of what I thought were monsters only to hear my buddies break the news they weren't worth a tag when they seen the pictures. Going on my 3rd goat hunt this year but the tag is in my pocket this time and I'll be right across the street from you if you pull the 5B tag.
  3. GJMauro12

    Results available

    I wonder how screwed up things will be for everyone creating multiple accounts? I'm not going to risk it. I know I have a goat tag coming and I know what unit. I'm just excited for them to be released on the phone so I can hear- "You were drawn for....antelope, you were drawn for hunt number *****". I'll probably call a dozen times just to hear those words. Lol It would be nice if they were uploaded tomorrow but probably not with everyone blowing them up today thinking they're ready.
  4. GJMauro12

    Results available

    My uncles results pulled up and then he checked again and now it isn't showing.
  5. GJMauro12

    Results available

    Shows turkey and buff for me.
  6. GJMauro12

    Elk draw results up

    It shows my bonus points also. I wasn't too worried about it but I was curious to see my draw history. Seems like the new site will be a nice tool once they have everything up and going.
  7. GJMauro12

    Elk draw results up

    Figured I would create an account to see what you guys are talking about and it says I don't have a hunting license or any applications out. Awesome!
  8. GJMauro12

    is 18pts any good?

    I drew my goat tag this year with the 16! For some reason I just had a feeling this was my year. I have posted that I've drawn a goat tag on a couple threads already! I Am still stoked after getting that $90 text notification yesterday. Lol
  9. GJMauro12

    How do you know

    I only used one choice for elk and antelope so I know where I'm going for antelope. Still waiting for the highly unlikely elk charge to show up
  10. GJMauro12

    Card Hit

    Finally got my goat tag
  11. GJMauro12

    Follow up or Not?

    keep shooting! The first hit might look good but a second is better!
  12. GJMauro12

    Did that get deleted?

    Not defending him but before the lynch mob shows up let's remember he's 16!
  13. GJMauro12


    I'm not trying to stir the pot but I don't agree with having to pull your stand every time you leave the woods and I am surprised so many people agree with this. If I am walking through the woods and find an empty tree stand I will usually climb it to see if I like where it is, check to see if its sturdy and easy to get in and out of and mark it on my GPS incase I am in the area again and want to take a break or even spend a morning or evening hunting it. The regs say first come first serve and I don't know what is wrong with me using someone else's stand that is up and not being used at the time. If they were to arrive and claim the stand I wouldn't argue anything because I know it isn't mine and i'll be on my way. I haven't used tree stands in a long time because I don't have any climbers and I hate carrying a ladder in but if I did want to set up a stand (which has never been a quick process for me) I don't want to take it down every day with as much work as I put in to setting it up in the first place. I use to leave one up year round and I would use it year round. If I am working at the cabin in July with yard work or what ever needs done and want to go sit in the tree for the evening to relax after working all day I don't want to go through the process of setting my stand back up. Even if it was my stand I walked up to and found someone sitting it I would just back out since they were there first. Maybe its because I try to avoid confrontation in the woods as much as possible but it seems to work for me. Basically my point is- I don't see a stand hanging in a tree as trash or abandoned property and where is the problem at if it is not bolted to the tree or putting any sort of stress on that tree. It is a tool that can be used however you see fit. You could be someone out bird watching, nature watching, hunting or just plain relaxing and now I am required to haul it in and out every time I want to run out and sit in a tree.
  14. GJMauro12

    16 points - what to apply for

    I'm at 16 points and kicked around the idea of holding out for a premium antelope unit (what ever those may be) and decided to stick to the unit I know best. Once I get that first rifle goat out of the way I'll be chasing archery tags wherever the best odds are.
  15. GJMauro12

    is 18pts any good?

    My Grandpa drew with 17 points in 2011. My brother drew with 9 points in 2012. I'm sitting on 16 and feel like it's gonna happen soon. Just gotta get lucky.
  16. GJMauro12

    Elk & Antelope Draw Odds

    I'm surprised to see only 1% for 5A rifle goat at 14 points. I'm sitting on 16 points and thought the odds would have been better. Disappointing.....
  17. GJMauro12

    Bye Bye Dish Network!!

    I'm curious about this ROKU if it has hunting shows. I've never heard of it. Is it like a Netflix and Hulu kind of thing.
  18. GJMauro12

    Bye Bye Dish Network!!

    Working on my third year of no cable and I have no plans on having cable again. I'm not much of a sports guy tho and reality TV got old. If I want to watch something I'll spend a dollar at the red box and get my news from talk radio.
  19. GJMauro12

    Elk boiling pot

    I have a little trouble getting the top of the skull between the antlers but it does alright otherwise. Picked it up at the tack shop on cave creek and Grovers.
  20. GJMauro12

    Elk boiling pot

  21. GJMauro12

    Which One to Mount

  22. GJMauro12

    Spotting Scopes

    I use the vortex razor 20-60x85 and love it, haven't looked through the viper yet.
  23. GJMauro12

    Got some bear questions

    I'm curious about hibernation in Arizona. If there's no snow will they still hibernate? How much snow would it take for them to hibernate or will they go to sleep even if there's no snow?
  24. GJMauro12

    House Rock Hunt

    I tagged along on the cow/yearling hunt but game and fish was helping the 5 tags the whole time. They just dropped us on water every morning and we would sit there from dark to dark. did have 2 bulls come in one day. Basically I have no info for you other than I believe they rut in July in high temps down low by house rock if I remember right.
  25. GJMauro12

    Another find it

    Usually get frustrated with these kind of posts but I thought it was a cool picture. What and where's the critter.