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Everything posted by GJMauro12

  1. GJMauro12

    Another how big is it?

    Could that buck be this buck? I sat on him for 2 hours last year trying to get decent video of him in the middle of the day and never got very good video. Through the sun rays he seemed really tall with weak mass to me. Might be way off but thought he looked similar.
  2. GJMauro12

    WTB mini fridge

    I'm guessing this is not what you're looking for but if it is let me know. It's the smaller hotel type ones.
  3. GJMauro12

    Early Archery Bull

    47 days left for my archery bull tag and I wish I had more time.
  4. GJMauro12


    found the same thing on an antelope mount today but not on the elk or deer that are in the same room. Picture isn't the best and it came out sideways.
  5. GJMauro12

    Portal Results

    I drew late December for coues with 2 points. Pretty stoked right now because I have been thinking about saving a few points to draw this tag and got lucky early.
  6. GJMauro12


    Only 2 are mine. Other 2 are grandpas but grandma won't let him keep them at home since the remodel. Lol
  7. GJMauro12


    I have a bull tag this year but I might be in trouble if I put a 4th bull on the wall.
  8. GJMauro12

    cleaning optics

    Same here. I hate touching my lenses. I try not to mess with them to much in the field but I have used the Zeiss wipes after using canned air to blow them off. When I'm home I put them under the sink faucet to wash any dust or mud off as much as possible
  9. GJMauro12


    I only had two points and my first choice was late coues, second late kaibab, and third was the first hunt for coues. I'm guessing I pulled my third choice?
  10. GJMauro12


    I got hit for deer ($45)
  11. GJMauro12

    71 Days Out

    I've been wishing I could make it up there every weekend and haven't been able to get out yet. Hopefully I'll get at least one trip in July and a couple in August. Just been starring at Coueswhitetail waiting for 27 talk to get me through the summer.
  12. GJMauro12

    71 Days Out

    I'll be in there after you on the archery 27 hunt.
  13. GJMauro12

    What feature would you like on your GPS.

    The poll location on the rinos is pretty awesome. Saved us from losing them multiple times now.
  14. GJMauro12


    My card was hit July 11th last year
  15. GJMauro12

    Things That Piss Me Off

    Someone who turns down work then files for unemployment.
  16. GJMauro12

    anyone else having a problem accessing the site?

    I only use my phone. Sucks for zooming into pictures but I usually don't have issues with anything else.
  17. GJMauro12

    Saved an Elk's Life

    That's my rule also! People think I'm crazy when I show up with 5 or 6 different rifles/shotguns.
  18. GJMauro12

    Josey Wales

    i thought it was good but I think it only lasted a couple seasons. Haven't seen Wyatt Earp or 310 to Yuma listed yet. A western movies thread would be cool.
  19. GJMauro12

    Got mounts back

    Eye guards for days and awesome mounts! Do you have the story of the hunt posted on here? Curious to know if they were running together and you pulled a double?
  20. GJMauro12

    Anyone Call About Leftovers

    I called yesterday for 3 different peoples applications and no dice. Give them a call though because they have the information ready.
  21. GJMauro12

    Drew the 27 early archery bull tag

    Well that's not what I wanted to hear. Looks like my brother may be staying home to take care of business and I'll hunt solo.
  22. GJMauro12

    Drew the 27 early archery bull tag

    I drew the archery tag this year also. I was wondering how the cell phone service is up there. Will I have to make daily trips to find service or is there pretty good coverage through out the unit? I use Verizon.
  23. GJMauro12

    Vipers HD 15x50 $500 price drop

    How much for the vipers?
  24. GJMauro12

    They. Are. Up!

    I was wondering if there was a family account option. I thought I heard someone mention that before but didn't remember. I was trying to help someone set up portals yesterday and he was asking if he could do a family account and I didn't have the answer so we didn't set up a portal at all until he could talk to G$F.
  25. GJMauro12

    Portal Results Available

    Well, I was able to set up and link three accounts for people yesterday but I tried getting someone's linked today since he isn't showing any licenses, history or bonus points in his portal. I did everything the same as I did last night and can't get this dudes profile to "link" up or what ever it does. Any suggestions? He uses his social as his hunter ID and I entered his social in the social box as well as the social with out spaces/dashes in the Hunter ID box and it won't pull up. Has anyone ran into that and had to call to get them linked today? How much time did it take? I don't want to call for him if it's going to be a 45 minute process dealing with a frustrated lady that's taken the same call 100 times today.