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Everything posted by bow.hunter8971

  1. bow.hunter8971

    A few pics from the cams

    Hey is that last pic a 3D target jk nice pics good luck
  2. bow.hunter8971

    Bowhunter Happening July 19-21 Mormon Lake

    Is camping close by shoot I've never gone to that one sounds like fun
  3. bow.hunter8971

    WTS-10x12 canvas wall tent.

    No mold rips where are you located you firm on price
  4. bow.hunter8971

    WTS-10x12 canvas wall tent.

    How old any pictures what make
  5. bow.hunter8971

    5a 5b leftover tags

    Just wondering if anybody's hunted it and how it was
  6. bow.hunter8971

    5a 5b leftover tags

    10/4 I think I'll pass but again thanks for the little bit of info you gave me
  7. bow.hunter8971

    5a 5b leftover tags

    10/4 I think I'll pass but again thanks Goethe little bit of info
  8. bow.hunter8971

    5a 5b leftover tags

    So its only certain areas you can hunt thanks for info greatly appreciated
  9. bow.hunter8971

    Fridge/freezers For Sale

    Did they all sell
  10. bow.hunter8971

    2013 PSE DNA Bow

  11. bow.hunter8971


    Did it sell
  12. bow.hunter8971

    PSE (DNA) 2013

    Why are you selling it
  13. bow.hunter8971

    Credit Card Hit!!!

    Ok thanks appreciate it
  14. bow.hunter8971

    Credit Card Hit!!!

    Is it exactly $114.00 or $114.11 just wondering daughters boyfriend got hit for $114.11
  15. bow.hunter8971

    draw results?

    Are they charging $114.11 or is it $114.00 daughters boyfriend got hit just wondering
  16. bow.hunter8971

    draw results?

    Congrats to the ones that have got drawn and good luck on your hunts and to us still waiting good luck time will tell yeah or ney
  17. Where are you located
  18. What would be a good camera to get video of hunts
  19. bow.hunter8971

    Swarovski Optik SLC 15x56 WB with Extras!! NEW

    What was the price did I miss it somewhere my bad
  20. bow.hunter8971

    ITP Wheels for Side by Side or Quad

    They still for sale I called you lastnight
  21. bow.hunter8971

    video hunts

    Have to keep looking I guess
  22. bow.hunter8971

    Sons javelina

    Well we got a late start to our grassing place and with in a half hour I said I got pigs so we watched them for awhile and made a plan due to having a mama in the bunch discussed about which pig to shoot and since there was only one pig to shoot I got elected to stay in the glass and with in twenty min. I see pigs run and then I see some cows so I thought they spooked the pigs but it turns out that my boy already had shot his pig and I get the thumbs up so I jump in the rhino and meet up with him and start following the blood trail and after a three hundred yard blood trail we find his pig well my turn tomorrow one down one to go.