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About glassitup

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  • Birthday 07/29/1965

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  1. glassitup

    Brass- prices dropped

    130 on the 28 brass
  2. glassitup

    Never thought i would turn this tag back in

    A few more photos. Taylor ran for over a mile to get in between the buck and his doe’s he made the perfect stalk, and perfect shot.
  3. glassitup

    Never thought i would turn this tag back in

    Helped a friend this week and shot the biggest buck we found, stayed on him for three days, 4 blown stalks, over 20 miles of stalking and he did not quit. Watched him fight off two other bucks and break 3 inches of left cutter. And got it done ,83 yard shot.
  4. glassitup

    Traxxas remote control truck

    What scale?
  5. glassitup


    cw4192 isn't he the guy that loves archery hunters and sir royal.
  6. glassitup

    CWT First "Card Hit" Contest for Raffle Tickets

    hurry lets see it
  7. glassitup

    CWT First "Card Hit" Contest for Raffle Tickets

    july 8 7:15 am
  8. glassitup

    WTS Swarovski 15x56 slc

    thats a good deal.
  9. Hey coach, tough loss for blue ridge,didnt see that comming,but setons passing game was on, me and son have gone up to the dome for the last three years to watch the champonship games.He is a sophmore at camp verde high,he plays qb.
  10. glassitup

    Silver F-150 Camp Verde

    Taylor u need a bigger motor in that Toyota. It was me Jeff h
  11. glassitup

    Silver f-150 ext. cab

    Could have been me , l live in camp verde .
  12. glassitup

    Tires, Knife set and ATV ramps

    Are the tires still for sale
  13. glassitup

    Mormon Lake Shoot 6/15-6/17

    call Abel Talbo 602 525 0699. Its a great shoot
  14. glassitup

    Happy Birthday CW Bodie

    Happy 15th Birthday Bodie have a great day,love dad