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Everything posted by kyle44k

  1. kyle44k


    I got ur email no pics attached though
  2. kyle44k


    Pm sent
  3. kyle44k

    Mathews creed

    Is it a bare bow or anything on it?
  4. kyle44k


    Do u have pictures?
  5. kyle44k


    Are the blacks males or females?
  6. kyle44k


    Are the blacks males or females?
  7. kyle44k

    WTB Swaros 15x56

    Well if the guy falls through in the 15 s let me know please
  8. kyle44k

    WTB Swaros 15x56

    Do they really? That's a dang good deal! Thank you!!
  9. kyle44k

    WTB Swaros 15x56

    Thank you guys
  10. kyle44k

    FS Mathews Helium Bow Hunt Ready package

    Would u sell just the bare bow?
  11. kyle44k

    Springfield 4.5" XDm in 40 Cal $550.00

    Would u take 475
  12. kyle44k

    4A bulls

    Headed back up this weekend to check cams again. Will post pics of bills again that I have on my cams!
  13. kyle44k

    for your consideration

    150 for the black rangefinder?
  14. kyle44k

    for your consideration

    Where u located wade
  15. kyle44k

    for your consideration

    Pm sent
  16. kyle44k

    hunt clothing & gear for sale

    I will buy the 4a map
  17. kyle44k

    WTB scope

    I'm looking for a vortex in 4x or 6x if anyone has one laying around they wanna sell
  18. kyle44k

    4A bulls

    I was up last weekend to check some cams I put up 3 weeks ago. Got some good bulls on cams already elk have good antler growth and nice mass looking healthy this year! Can't wait for september
  19. kyle44k

    CZ America 20 GA. O/U

    Would u take 500
  20. kyle44k

    Looking to trade

    Scope still available !?
  21. kyle44k

    Looking to trade

    Did u sell the scope!?
  22. kyle44k

    Eberlestock Blue Widow

    I am interested in ur pack can I get a picture
  23. Sure there is probly threads on this but looking for best bang for the buck for a news coues scope to put on my 300 just looking to see what you guys think or what you like or dislike about the scopes that are out now haven't done much research or bought a scope for some time now. Thanks guys!
  24. kyle44k

    Eberlestock Blue Widow

    Do u have pictures?