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Everything posted by ihuntemall

  1. ihuntemall

    Drawing Results Contest "OVER"

    7-19-2011 2:10 pm
  2. ihuntemall

    Mountain lion in a cage trap!

    wow. i wouldnt have gone near that thing without puttin a few holes thru it first.. he didnt happen to get any pics did he?
  3. ihuntemall

    Bobcat Mount

    nice. i need to get mine done. whats a bobcat mount run these days??
  4. ihuntemall

    Calling all GURU"S , seeking advice

    since your just getting into calling my first word of advice is to get ready to get addicted. at least that's how it was for me. i started calling about 7 yrs ago and its been non stop ever since. Ive even got my fiance going out with me now. it seems the hardest part about calling now days is finding places where not many people have called before. if you can find something like that then i would say you should have pretty good luck. all the other advice you've gotten so far is all good. i tend to stay away from mouth calls though. Ive had predators come in so close using mouth calls in the past that they either see you blowing the call or see you drop the call to grab your weapon(usually in thicker,bushier places) that you either don't get a shot off or end up missing because you were rushed. so i use a digital call(fox pro). its really handy. you can set it up almost anywhere. i usually hang it in a tree or elevate it somehow so the sound carries further. your gonna want a decoy as well. they work especially well in wide open country and are great for coaxing those bobcats the extra mile.
  5. ihuntemall

    Guess the Lion weight!

  6. ihuntemall

    Experiment on my predator rifle

    looks good. what caliber is it? i have a .223 wssm that i use as my predator rifle that i have painted. i am in process of posting pics now.
  7. ihuntemall

    Bootie's first bobcat!

    you take your dog calling with you?? how does that workout?