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Everything posted by hancock

  1. hancock

    Ward's Outfitters 135" coues story

    i have never carried a camera. last year i got a few on a new phone that took some i will try tonight. mr ward if you have been hammered about the legitness of taking this wet buck then you should want to put your public land (that allowshunting ) photo's , kill photo's on kill site, to the eyes of the world to prove yourself in the clear. you can't take a buck so non-tip out of that kind of area and not get some questions. does this have any thing to do with all the G&F signs that you were so mad about last fall
  2. hancock

    Ward's Outfitters 135" coues story

    I am a sportsman that lives in the Great state of Arizona! I go by the name Hancock. so how about some of pics of the wet buck in Jan. you said you got of him? It would be cool to compare one years horns to the next, on a buck like that.
  3. hancock

    Private land

    where did you come up with the 100yds posting law? as far as i know it is every quarter mile,unless it has changed. it would be usefull to me to know if it has. its under A.R.S. 17-304. Prohibition by landowner upon hunting; posting; exception. ars17-304 states every quarter mile. thanks
  4. hancock

    Private land

    where did you come up with the 100yds posting law? as far as i know it is every quarter mile,unless it has changed. it would be usefull to me to know if it has.
  5. hancock

    Ward's Outfitters 135" coues story

    i have watched this buck for 4-5 years. he normally ran with 3 other bucks. they were all together that morning,i saw them. and they were all there the next morning exept "wet" . if monster bucks have started to make 3-3.5 mile circles. i would like to learn why and what the drive is for them. do you have any scouting photo's other than the ones you've posted? please share.
  6. hancock

    Ward's Outfitters 135" coues story

    maybe a newbie on this forum,but not to hunting coues. when a coues has good feed and water with no hunting pressure what would his modivation be to move? predators. well all of his buddies stayed. he was the only one that moved. that must have been a very selective predator.
  7. hancock

    Ward's Outfitters 135" coues story

    it interests me why this buck would leave his area and travel 3 miles to public land in a different canyon for less does during the velvet, when he was king where he was at. maybe i need to reread about the habits of coues. everyone liked to take pics of him. he was very photogenic.