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Everything posted by Couesi1

  1. All I know what I heard from some fairly reputable folks......that is there was a group of very organized rancher types (17 or 19) in the western portion of the state that were going to make a run at landowner tags. Couesi1 P.S. I e-mailed my legislators and I actually got an email back from the president of the senate (mr. ken bennett) I'm telling you guys......you gotta get active. Apathy is like a cancer, and cancer kills.
  2. This has nothing to do with Mr.U.S.O. Those of you who think so are very misinformed. Secondly, C.H.D. is right on.......this is a push by a handful of organized ranchers who know how to politic and use the clout of the cattlemens' groups. Here is the part to pay attention........are you paying attention???....That group may have a lot of clout, particularly with the legislature, but, .......the sportsmen of Arizona, if they unite on this one, can squash this proposal like a bug on the windshield. I can tell you one thing for sure, the bug won't get squashed if we don't get off of our APATHETIC, LAZY, TAKE IT FOR GRANTED butts!!!!!!! Yes, I said it, we, as a whole are pathetically apathetic and that can cost us. PLEASE go to the az legislature website that that Rembrandt guy posted, look up your senators and legislators, write them all an e-mail expressing your opposition to this proposal and articulate some logical reasons why you oppose it. (you can write all of them too, only takes a few extra clicks of the mouse). Also, advise them that you are a registered voter (hopefully you are) and you won't vote for any politician who supports this. You can do that, that's called politic pressure,......if you think the other side hasn't been schmoozin' the lawmakers down at the capitol,........you're wrong again. Also, find out the members of the natural resource committee that are going to be hearing about the proposal tomorrow and write and call their office too. It's easy. If everyone isn't willing to spend 15 - 20 minutes making some contacts with politicians and passing this on to all of their friends and encouraging them to do the same........listen closely..........you might as well sell your bows and rifles and take the money and purchase a new set of ping golf clubs and take up golf. This crap is simply a power/money grab and if we stand by and let an extremely small minority of well organized folks take what is ours, and profit from it, WE DESERVE WHAT WE GET. I'm done, time to write some e-mails.
  3. Couesi1

    I Hate Life!

    CHD, Get GOD man,........ helps with the awful surprises in life that we all have to deal with. God Bless you and hope you get over that. Couesi1
  4. Couesi1

    Christmas at Roosevelt

    Congrats, Coon creek is a wonderful place to chase those little devils....... couesi1
  5. Couesi1

    Unit 27/28 Hunt

    Scott, Outstanding photos! That's a real toad. Thanks, your efforts and the post made my whole day. thanks again Couesi1
  6. Couesi1

    Unit 21 102" buck

    Josh, That's a DANDY! Didn't know 21 had any good bucks left. Good job.....you da' man! Couesi1
  7. Couesi1

    92" Coues Buck

    Niiiiiiiiiiiicccccceeeee!!!!!!! Congrats to your dad. Couesi1
  8. Couesi1

    any one with a 23 tag

    Rembrandt, Forgot, ............I got full house......Aces over kings. Shouldn't have called. Couesi1
  9. Couesi1

    any one with a 23 tag

    Rembrandt, Yes i do.......and it's burning a hole in my pocket. Can't wait to stick it around a nice set of antlers on one of GOD's chosen deer. Couesi1
  10. Couesi1

    Late hunt is hear

    Hey BCoover, I got a 7 day backpacker from the 18 through the 24th......followed by a six day back packer from the 26th through the 31st. I'll be in GOD'S country, er, Unit 23. Good luck brother, enjoy your hunt. Hope you and your brothers whack some toads! Couesi1
  11. Couesi1

    dec archery hunt

    I wouldn't be hunting extremely close to the urban interface. If you whack one and it stumbles into somebody's private property, you could be be guaranteeing trouble for the sport and doing an injustice to your bow hunting brethren. Remember what happened a few years ago in cave creek? It ultimately resulted in a large closure of state land to hunting near Cave Creek. I guarantee you the folks at Troon have more money and clout that the folks in cave creek did. Good luck. Couesi1
  12. Couesi1

    24A scouting trip

    Hey Rimhunter, what unit did you take the 134 incher? Good luck on the 120 pluser in 24A. That unit is always good for some whoppers, and it has come back a bit in the last several years............you're probably in for a good hunt after opening weekend when everybody goes home. Couesi1
  13. Ernesto, Sorry to hear about that scary deal. Did you think to contact AZGFD and give them a description of the vehicle/driver etc??? Pointing a gun at another person is careless use of firearms at a minimum and, depending upon the circumstance, could be charged as a felony. A conviction on the careless use would probably would get the fella revoked for 5 years. That's 5 potential tags that someone else can have instead of that knucklehead, who apparently doesn't deserve the privilege to hunt like us legal guys. Couesi1
  14. Couesi1

    any one with a 23 tag

    Hey Ultramag, I haven't been in the rockhouse in a long time, but I believe the buck you're referring to in the photo is the one killed by some business man who has a livestock permit in Unit 23, or at least used to. His name is charles and I believe he is number three in the non-typical category in the arizona books. He killed that buck, I'm guessing by memory in about 1988. Couesi1
  15. Couesi1

    any one with a 23 tag

    Rembrandt, You may have not seen ALL the BIG bucks, especially since there aint many........but, you certainly may have seen one or two good bucks. Do you play poker? I'll bet you're good at that game too. Couesi1
  16. Bowsnipers got it right. Look at the wording of the law/rule, ...... and think about the intent or purpose of the law....which is to keep people from whacking bears over attractants, which is no longer considered a legal method of take. Take has many components and is very far reaching, (look it up in the regs 17-101). So, those who are doing this kind of stuff, (knowingly baiting with any substance) whether they kill or not, are violating the law. Oh, and by the way, I wouldn't be too concerned about the scent of the film in your camera, cause i'm sure that you didn't "knowingly" place it there as an attractant to help you kill a bear. Couesi1
  17. Couesi1


    Hey Rembrandt, Happy 48th Birthday. Man, how many more years of back pack trips into wilderness areas with NO DEER are you up to? My money's on YOU in December. Couesi1
  18. Couesi1

    any one with a 23 tag

    Alright, I think it's time to take a poll, only for those interested, of course. Sounds like BCoover is in the running to whack a GOOD buck, and despite Rembrandt's pessimism, I think he's in the running to whack a good one too. Who's the good money on??????? I'm with that Rembrandt guy. Couesi1
  19. Couesi1

    Lions or hunters.

    A buck, is a buck, is a buck. It doesn't matter what you take out of the population, as long as you got the bucks to breed the does and produce next years fawns, and you always do. By not allowing yearling kills, all you are doing is shifting the majority of the harvest from yearlings to 2.5 year olds. I'm with recurveman.........keep shooting the dinks, leave the big guys for the guys who like whacking the big guys. Couesi1
  20. Couesi1

    any one with a 23 tag

    Ultramag, Any size to those five wily bucks?? Also, did you witness any rutting behavior? thanks, Couesi1
  21. Couesi1


    Hey CFever, What did those four dandy's score????(gross).........and a follow-up,.........did you harvest another'n this weekend....sure hope so. Couesi1
  22. Couesi1


    Az4life, I observed a "troop" of coatimundis at top of the world one time too. Imagine that, maybe the same batch??????? Couesi1
  23. Couesi1


    Hey CFever, Those are some DANDYS!!!!!!! Good job and thanks for sharing. Couesi1
  24. Couesi1

    a simple question??

    I've killed a pile of coues deer wearing blue jeans and a flannel type top or shirt. I also believe that the camo thing is Waaaaaaaaayyyyyy!!!!! over-rated as it pertains to hunting coues with a rifle. The camo thing is just another way for people to make a living off of our insatiable desire to have stuff. It's the american way. Couesi1
  25. Couesi1

    Who can score

    The widest buck i have ever seen was 21" on the ouside. It came from the Apaches in 24A, however the rest of the rack was weak.....It put all of it's growth into the main beams and left nothing for points. It was a freak. I did see another 25" coues, er, mule deer one time.........the guy who shot the animal thought it was a world record coues with a 25" rack on the outside, however it turned out to be a mule deer. I guess the guy got a coupon from the game and fish warden dude, lost his deer and was done hunting for the year. My point......Seein' is believin' as far as a 25" outside spread coues buck. Couesi1