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Everything posted by billrquimby

  1. So would I, but with my 7 mag. Bill Quimby
  2. billrquimby

    My First browns of 2010

    Congratulations, but leave some for me. I won't move up until late next month. Bill Quimby
  3. billrquimby

    Lobos fishing

    I opened www.lobosfishing.com and found some nifty photos and a couple of paragraphs of text puffing the quality of fishing, but there was no information about prices or how to contact Mr. Miller. Is this due to my primitive dial-up modem or is there really nothing else there? Bill Quimby
  4. billrquimby

    Poaching Article in AZ Republic

    Funny how bad survey results hang around long after they've been debunked in peer reviews. The one-to-one ratio for legal and illegal kills probably came from a study done in New Mexico in the late 1970s or early 1980s that concluded exactly that. A few months later, the study was found to have serious holes and that grossly inflated the illegal kill rate. A similar study in Colorado, I think it was, at about the same time claimed that wounding loss from all sources -- archery, rifle, handgun and muzzleloader -- equaled the legal kill, and this also was found to be in error. The interesting thing to me about the Republic story is that it appears to have originated with HSUS. Wonder what that devious group is planning now? Bill Quimby
  5. billrquimby

    Toyota Recall

    +1 AGREED! As someone who grew up during WWII, I have always made it a point to never buy a vehicle if the profits from its manufacture went to Tokyo or Berlin. It doesn't matter where if it is assembled here or somewhere else. Follow the money. Bill Quimby
  6. billrquimby

    Jaguar news......

    Exactly! That's what I said in an earlier thread about this jaguar. If you noticed, the agency's press release does not mention the poor guy's name. If he is who I think he is, firing him or charging him with violating the Endangered Species Act would be the sin of the century. Arizona has no wildlife biologist who is more dedicated to his profession than he is. Bill Quimby
  7. billrquimby

    Sierrita Mtn's 1950

    Their truck is a 1930 or '31 Model A Ford. I still have all the parts for one just like it. Dumb me, I disassembled it when I was in my late 20s, thinking I would restore it, but I ran out of money and enthusiasm before finishing the project. Everything is stored, gathering dust, in a shed on property my wife and her sisters inherited. Incidentally, I first hunted the Sierrita Mountain in 1955, with my wife's cousin, Paul Magee, and shot a buck pretty much the same size as the one in the photo. Bill Quimby
  8. billrquimby

    So when do they start dropping??(antlers)

    Mr. Quimby, I beseech you. Please post the pictures of the matching set of fresh elk sheds from last year. Seeing the ones you found can help sustain us (or at least me) while we wait for this year's drops, though the time of the shedding draws nigh. Thank you. -Jim I wish I could, but the antlers are at our cabin in Greer, and we're in Tucson for the winter. We won't move back up to God's country for the summer until just before my turkey hunt opens May 1. I'll try to remember to photograph and post them here sometime after that. They were not from the biggest bull on the mountain, but they had heavy, long beams and good points, so I suppose they might have gone 350 or so. Bill Quimby
  9. billrquimby

    So when do they start dropping??(antlers)

    We usually see a few small bull elk still wearing antlers during the first spring turkey hunts in late April. Last year during that hunt I found a freshly shed set (both sides) that a big bull had knocked off when walking between two aspens. There was no way to say how long those antlers had been on the ground, but they were the same brown color all over. Bill Quimby
  10. billrquimby

    AZ Hunting Licenses

    I speak from experience in saying that the best part of being old enough to qualify for a pioneer hunting and fishing license is that you don't have to buy regular licenses ever again. The downside is that you only have a few years left to use it ... if you are lucky. Bill Quimby
  11. billrquimby

    Nosler .30 cal/.308" Ballistic Tips

    If that's $25 total for both boxes, I'll buy them. Bill Quimby
  12. billrquimby

    14' MirroCraft Aluminum Boat w/25 hp Evinrude

    How much? Bill Quimby
  13. It's been a long time since I called, but I used to go through phases. There was a time when all that would come in for me were coatis and ringtails whenever I called in the oak habitat. Never figured out what I was doing differently, but I also went through a brief gray fox phase, too, in addition to the usual coyotes and bobcats. I also got dive-bombed several times by redtail hawks, and that was downright scary. Very few people were calling in those days, and the critters weren't educated. Bill Quimby
  14. billrquimby

    Sixty Years A Hunter

    Thanks, Jim. I'm glad you weren't turned off by the publisher's editor changing "whitetail buck" to "white-tailed buck" throughout. It irked me greatly. "Sixty Years A Hunter" and some of my other books are available from www.safaripress.com You can go direct to them with a search for "quimby" under "author" at the top left of the home page. Just got back from eleven days in Utah, where a Weatherby Award winner and I completed the second round of interviews for his memoirs. I've got to do one more trip up there next month before we can release the manuscript to a publisher. It should be a real winner. His experiences during a lifetime of hunting for more than 250 different types of big game animals around the world are incredible. Bill Quimby
  15. billrquimby

    better news

    I share your mixed feelings, bohuntaz1. Bill Quimby
  16. billrquimby

    Hunting as a right

    I agree with the Sierra Club that the legislature is the last entity we want managing our wildlife. Bill Quimby
  17. billrquimby


    Not to worry. Judging by the quote below, they're ready to throw someone to the wolves. -- Bill Quimby "The Department stands by its previous statements that the Department did not direct any Department employee or any other person associated with the initial capture to intentionally capture a jaguar. Should the outcome of the ongoing Federal criminal or Department administrative investigations demonstrate that individuals employed by the Department acted contrary to the Department’s understanding of the facts or contrary to Department direction, the Department remains committed to its previous assurance that it will take or pursue appropriate action."
  18. billrquimby

    looking for a lion hunter

    Amanda, Bryce, and Tines, thank you. I'll pass on Randy's and Jarred's addresses, although I noticed that both of their sites said they hunted from mules. The guy specifically said "horseback," but he might change his mind or maybe he can convince one of them to get him a horse. Bryce, thanks for the kind words about my book. Glad you enjoyed it. Jamaro, the guy wants to hunt in Arizona, but I'll pass the New Mexico address on, too. Denny, I could not open the doubleoguides.com site. Thanks again to all. Bill Quimby
  19. billrquimby

    Happy Birthday Red Rabbit

    Happy birthday, Doug. Bill Quimby
  20. "Are hunters managing their own deer herds?" No. Bill Quimby
  21. billrquimby

    The term "horns" drives me nuts

    Yes, Amanda. Since you asked, it does -- but not as much as saying "taxi" for taxidermist, "whitey" for whitetail, "spotter" for spotting scope, "muzzy" for muzzleloader, and all the other cutesy and infantile contractions that some fully grown and otherwise intelligent men and women believe are acceptable, even desirable, to use. I also have trouble keeping my blood pressure at safe levels when I see otherwise literate people adding an apostrophe s to make a singular word plural, or writing "there" when they mean "their" or "they're," or "your" when they mean "you're." Most of us learned by eighth grade that we should use "who" when speaking about people and "that" when speaking about things, and that there is a difference between "it's" and "its," and "that" and "which," and on and on. However, I promised in another thread to bite my tongue and ignore such things when they appear on this forum, and so I will. Bill Quimby
  22. Why be wary when youre 10 times bigger with 40-50 pounds of bone on your head to protect you! BTW, cape buffalo are even dumber than moose. Albiet they are ALOT more tempermental! Agreed. Bill Quimby
  23. Underwood supporting HSUS I can understand, but why is Rush Limbaugh carrying their water, too? Have you noticed that he has not said "animal rights whacko" since he started doing their radio commercials and linked the HSUS site to his? Bill Quimby
  24. Ooops. I forgot about my Cape buffalo. Mature bulls also weigh about 1,800 pounds, but are much shorter than a big moose from the Yukon or Alaska. What they lack in height, they more than make up in orneriness and toughness. I used a .458 Winchester Magnum, and shot it seven times with solid bullets over about a 45-minute period. Bill Quimby
  25. Moose truly are impressive animals. It's a shame they're not as wary as our little whitetails. Bill Quimby