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Everything posted by QCwtAddict

  1. QCwtAddict

    Air Gun coming to archery seasons in AZ

    Champ permits and crossbow permits used to be more difficult to get and also I don't remember them being for temporarily disabled people as now you can get x-bow permit temporarily.. Pretty sure crossbow permit used to be only for permanently disabled people and i think it used to he 90% or greater loss of use of 1 arm. I have both the champ permit and a crossbow permit I don't think the airbow should be legal during archery season. Save it for the ham hunt and rifle hunt. I mean I'm sitting here knowing that it would be legal for me to use it during an archery hunt and I'm trying to figure out where disabled or not why would it be fair for me to hunt during an archery hunt and shoot an animal to to 300 yards away while somebody else has to stick to you know under 60 yards for the most part. I am at a disadvantage when it comes to the hiking part but allowing me to use scoped crossbow shooting 400 feet per second is probably good enough. If you are me with an airbow it's allowing me to rifle hunt during archery I just I just don't know that seems a little strange. All crossbows can have cocking devices put on them where you just cranked them to cock the bow. If somebody can't use a cocking device they probably can't hold airbow either without help. I'm one of the bonuses of a crossbow is been able to cock the crossbow and basically sit in your stand all day long with a cocked you're not drawing a bow on your shoulder or neck or back or whatever the problem is heck somebody else could cock the bow for you or you could use a cocking device. I'm not sure how this ever made it up for vote Now which ones are capable of making a 300 yd shot?
  2. QCwtAddict

    Tumblers for reloading

    The pins bouncing around doesn't work harden the cases?
  3. QCwtAddict

    Trustworthy diesel shop

    I recommend staying away from reliable diesel. My family and friends have had a few bad experiences
  4. QCwtAddict

    Specific Spotting Scope Advice

    As well as the cabelas Euro hd spotting scope
  5. QCwtAddict

    Specific Spotting Scope Advice

    I love my meopta and believe that it is better than the swarovski sts/ats models. However, if you have your heart set on the stx/atx swarovski I think you'll be dissapointed if you go with the meopta.
  6. QCwtAddict


    Google says he died from a traumatic brain injury due to a fall?
  7. QCwtAddict


    Maybe you oughta look into the science behind ketogenic diets because it's a little more complicated than just operating at a calorie deficit. losing fat isn't complicated. Again there is science behind it with your body going into ketosis and such. Cute chart though. Everyone I know that's gone on it has had impressive results.
  8. QCwtAddict


    Maybe you oughta look into the science behind ketogenic diets because it's a little more complicated than just operating at a calorie deficit.
  9. According to BHA's Instagram page despite a good turnout of opposition it passed with a 5-3 vote
  10. QCwtAddict

    Regs are out

    13 bp's for archery antelope 4a
  11. QCwtAddict

    No rut behavior

    In 24a, saw a 60" and 80" buck last week interested in does but that was all after hunting all week. Got back up here today, hoping to see rut activity this week.
  12. According to the game warden I spoke with a couple years ago too many deer were being harvested in december and January so they cut out the hunts
  13. QCwtAddict

    Stolen camera in 5a?

    This would have been in the last week
  14. QCwtAddict

    Any success in 5BS? Updated with pictures.

    I was helping a friend of a friend get his small bull out yesterday afternoon. There was two bulls in the same canyon screaming all afternoon, but with the wind it was tough to hear them until we got down to where his bull was. My cousin also shot a 300-310 type bull opening afternoon.
  15. QCwtAddict

    Ground blind vs natural blind

    Natural blind for me, that's how I killed both of my bulls. I've sat pop up blinds a few times and didn't really care for them. Plus you don't have to worry about your blind being trashed or stolen.
  16. QCwtAddict

    ISO cooler

    What size are you looking For? I have a pelican elite 35 that I'm thinking about selling
  17. QCwtAddict

    What's he score?

    Trying to work on field judging antelope. I have an idea of what I think this buck will score but curious to see what everyone else thinks.
  18. QCwtAddict

    Wilbur unit 9 bull

    https://www.instagram.com/p/BVanHzIlBoV/ https://www.instagram.com/p/BVY2XENlUDD/
  19. QCwtAddict

    Holy trail cams batman!

    But that's all just speculation at this point right?
  20. QCwtAddict

    What's he score?

    Heres what he's looking like this year
  21. QCwtAddict

    Stupid trick shot?

    Apparently this is an old video but I came across this today scrolling through Facebook. I can't even begin to comprehend why a well known figure in the hunting world like Cam would think this is a good idea. Could he be that hungry for more fame that he blatantly disregards basic safety practices? Does this piss you guys off as much as it does me?
  22. QCwtAddict

    Stupid trick shot?

    I remember having an archery contest with 2 of my friends when I was a kid, we would shoot arrows straight up into the air and whoever got the arrow to land closest to them without moving, was the winner. These weren't toy bows; we deer hunted with them. Spent a whole day doing that. This without YouTube providing inspiration. I don't believe I would have shared that lol
  23. QCwtAddict

    Stupid trick shot?

    Bothered at the person who did it and more so the group that thinks it's a good idea to share it on Facebook, not the internet.
  24. QCwtAddict

    Stupid trick shot?

  25. QCwtAddict

    Stupid trick shot?

    It was a dang good shot. Just seems to me "icons" in the archery/hunting industry should be pushing safety and how serious weapons should be taken. I'd bet there are as many young teenagers looking up to this guy as there are adults. If they want to do it without the cameras rolling and plastering it all over social media I don't give a rip. But when they try to show it off like it's so cool it does bother me.