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Everything posted by QCwtAddict

  1. QCwtAddict

    Trail cams on camofire

    I got a couple of the qs12's before the sold out. Hard to beat 35 bucks a piece
  2. QCwtAddict

    Springfield xd mod 2 3" 9mm

    Located in Coolidge, commute to Tempe Mon-Thurs, and travel to Queen Creek often.
  3. QCwtAddict

    Anyone still not get their tags yet?

    Just got my wt tag today
  4. QCwtAddict

    New Mexico Elk Hunt - Access Issues

    Well said Jason. My point was that state land is not managed for the public access, it is managed to raise money and they set their own rules. My understanding is that we have no RIGHT to access that state land, it is merely a privilege that the state allows if we pay for access via a permit.
  5. QCwtAddict

    New Mexico Elk Hunt - Access Issues

    While true remember that if you choose to camp on State Land you have to have permission from the lands lesee (usually this would be the rancher leasing the land for his cattle). Am I alone here feeling about how that sounds? That seems so wrong to me... a rancher pays a fee to the state to let his cattle graze on "my grass" so he can sell me his cattle/beef (indirectly), and I have to ask him permission? That's total BS! I'm glad I moved out of NM years ago and back to AZ. But it's not the public's grass, it is the state's grass. State trust land is not public land.
  6. QCwtAddict


    Maybe a bull that spent most of his time on the rez and they had to shoot him when they caught him off the rez?
  7. QCwtAddict

    AZ Jaguar Killed?

  8. QCwtAddict

    T Lock vs Montec

    I've killed 2 bulls with the montecs. 25 and 30 yds both pass through double lung shots. The 25 yd shot the broadhead blew through a rib on entry, best blood trail I've ever followed and dead bull within 100 yds. Bull shot at 30 yds fell within sight probably around 50 yds great blood trail.
  9. QCwtAddict

    Lyman turret press

    Didn't realize that the picture didn't show up on the original post
  10. QCwtAddict

    Lyman turret press

    Bought this a while back and just never got around to setting it up and now I've gotta clear out some space. Comes with two extra turrets. Looking to get 200.
  11. QCwtAddict

    Conserve and Protect Meeting 4/23/2018

    I planned to attend but unfortunately I wasn't able to make it. Could anybody who was there explain the ideas that were presented by Mr.Willet?
  12. What's the point? Did you listen to that radio interview? It's clear they have no patience for the "mob" on CWT. That's an actual word they used to describe us. No I haven't, guess I'll have to give it a listen but I plan to attend either way.
  13. So who else is gonna be at the q&a session at bass pro tomorrow night?
  14. game and fish already does it for habitat.And the the majority of the non hunting public has no idea. that is why the education is important. The general public has no idea about anything Game and Fish does. And the anti hunters are lying to the public unabated. I'm not arguing the need to educate. I'm pointing out that in my opinion raffling and auctioning tags to generate the education funds is likely to backfire. There are other ways to raise the funds that are not as risky.
  15. game and fish already does it for habitat. And the the majority of the non hunting public has no idea.
  16. Has anyone considered how the non hunting public would feel about this education fund being raised by raffling/auctioning off the opportunity to hunt animals? I may be wrong but I worry about a backlash from the very same people that we're try to get on our side.
  17. I haven't liked the idea of raffle or auction tags from the start but I did want to believe this was an honest organization that was trying to do something for the good of hunting. However the more this plays out the more rotten this group and their proposed plan seems.
  18. The only difference from last time is this time the timing was right to use hsus as an excuse. But while bragging about how they single handedly defeated hsus they conveniently forgot to mention hsus loosing their charity ratings and their CEO resigning because of a sexual harassment scandal. you guys are guys are making too much sense to me.Ha it's Friday night cut me some slack
  19. QCwtAddict

    We're Bombing Syria!!!

    If that coward Assad doesn't want peace then our guys can show him what heck's really likeYeah? So you want to take him out like we did saddam and gaddafi? Tell me about how great Iraq and Libya have been doing since then and the mass immigration in Europe. Worked out really goodIf you got a better plan, write your Senator are we even supposed to be in syria? i voiced my opinion, i voted for trump he said america first. C'mon now you didn't really believe him did you?
  20. The only difference from last time is this time the timing was right to use hsus as an excuse. But while bragging about how they single handedly defeated hsus they conveniently forgot to mention hsus loosing their charity ratings and their CEO resigning because of a sexual harassment scandal.
  21. Why is there a need for this organiztion to raise funds to educate? My understanding is that the azgfd can fund an education campaign themselves.
  22. I keep hearing that all the money will go directly to azgfd. But if the azgfd cant spend funds on political issues then how does this make sense?
  23. Looks like 6-24x50 from the pic. Sightron makes a great scope
  24. QCwtAddict


  25. QCwtAddict

    Air Gun coming to archery seasons in AZ

    Champ permits and crossbow permits used to be more difficult to get and also I don't remember them being for temporarily disabled people as now you can get x-bow permit temporarily.. Pretty sure crossbow permit used to be only for permanently disabled people and i think it used to he 90% or greater loss of use of 1 arm. I have both the champ permit and a crossbow permit I don't think the airbow should be legal during archery season. Save it for the ham hunt and rifle hunt. I mean I'm sitting here knowing that it would be legal for me to use it during an archery hunt and I'm trying to figure out where disabled or not why would it be fair for me to hunt during an archery hunt and shoot an animal to to 300 yards away while somebody else has to stick to you know under 60 yards for the most part. I am at a disadvantage when it comes to the hiking part but allowing me to use scoped crossbow shooting 400 feet per second is probably good enough. If you are me with an airbow it's allowing me to rifle hunt during archery I just I just don't know that seems a little strange. All crossbows can have cocking devices put on them where you just cranked them to cock the bow. If somebody can't use a cocking device they probably can't hold airbow either without help. I'm one of the bonuses of a crossbow is been able to cock the crossbow and basically sit in your stand all day long with a cocked you're not drawing a bow on your shoulder or neck or back or whatever the problem is heck somebody else could cock the bow for you or you could use a cocking device. I'm not sure how this ever made it up for vote Now which ones are capable of making a 300 yd shot?Well if they're only accurate to 100 yards I would change my opinion 100% I would say make them legal for disabled Hunters. But then I would ask what happens when they make them better and they are good to two and three hundred yards. Most of the propaganda being pushed around about anti airbow is saying that they have a 200 to 300 yard range. If 100 yards sign me up! I highly doubt you're gonna get a 26 inch 375 grain arrow flying 450fps to be either accurate or deadly anywhere in the ballpark of 300 yds.