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Everything posted by QCwtAddict

  1. QCwtAddict

    Experiment on my predator rifle

    Thats sweet! how did you do it?
  2. QCwtAddict

    unit 32

    Broken Wheels- That is just disgusting that someone would do that, I wouldn't blame em one bit for locking the gates I would do the same thing if I was in their position.
  3. QCwtAddict

    How do you post pics or add them to your post

    look in the forum help section in the forums. there is a thread that explains how to do it
  4. QCwtAddict


    wackycouesaddict- i doubt you can figure out where the buck was taken from just that picture but i guess maybe you could. We always camped pretty close to the border, there is an old metal tank that is all shot up right where we usually camp.
  5. QCwtAddict


    My family and I usually camp on summit motorway, there is alot of illegal traffic through there. A few years ago border patrol had a helicopter flying in a canyon right behind our camp and there is constantly border patrol driving in and out. last year a few hunters in our group saw 30 illegals cross the border in one day and my dad and brother found a woman that they left behind with a broken ankle and no water they called the border patrol to come pick her up. Others in our group have seen and walked up on drug smugglers in that area too. If your looking to stay away from the illegal traffic I wouldn't recommend this area. We finally decided this year that things were getting too heated on the border so we decided to try our luck in 24a. good luck on your hunt.
  6. QCwtAddict

    score him please

    I'm not real good at scoring but I'd say around 340 for the larger bull and close to 320 on the smaller
  7. QCwtAddict

    which bow companys best

    HOYT all the way! I had two PSE bows before it and I will never go back.
  8. QCwtAddict

    Couple of pics

    I got a couple antelope on one of my trail cams a while back but they were all running so fast that they looked like streaks of white and tan. Thats awesome that you got good pics of one. cool pics!
  9. QCwtAddict

    120+ New Mexico Set

    does anyone know what they put on the antlers to restore the color or how they do it?
  10. QCwtAddict

    120+ New Mexico Set

    Thats incredible how they can take an old set of sheds, even with one broken up and make them look like new. From the pictures of the mount i would have never been able to tell that he did all that to it. Congrats on a beautiful mount!
  11. QCwtAddict

    New Grey Fox Mount

    wow awesome trophy room! The bobcat with the rattlesnake is freaking sweet
  12. QCwtAddict

    What do you pack for lunch

    I like taking a spam sandwich for lunch and those spam singles packages work great for it. Usually I'll also bring a couple cans of beanie weenies and a couple fruit cups. And of course lots of water
  13. QCwtAddict


    Well it said the red area was closed to public use. I would imagine that means no hunting in there.
  14. QCwtAddict

    a few of my friends...

    It kinda looks like blood on that log.
  15. QCwtAddict


    I've hunted quite a bit in 36b. there are some good sized bucks but you better be ready to lace your boots up tight and hike a good ways off the road because from my experience there are a ton of hunters and a lot of them stay close to the roads. Be real careful though there are a lot of illegals and drug smugglers coming across down there. We finally decided this year that things were getting too scary down there so we put in for units away from the border. I suggest having a big group of people to camp with or camping at a camp ground. good luck!
  16. QCwtAddict

    New member

    Hello everyone, I've been a huge fan of CWT.com and reading through the forums forever and I finally decided it was about time I got on here. I figure there is no better way to introduce myself on here than by sharing pics so here you go. These are the animals that I have been lucky enough to take so far. My first elk and also my first big game animal My first deer. He may be tiny but i was proud to finally get a deer. And here are my javelina from the last two years
  17. QCwtAddict

    New member

    Well im hoping to have more pictures this November. My brother, Dad and I got drawn for the late November tag in 24a but we've never hunted whitetail anywhere other than 36b and not knowing the unit im not sure how we will do.
  18. QCwtAddict

    Montana Summer Adventures

    Wow! amazing pics and what a beautiful trout. Thanks for sharing
  19. QCwtAddict

    New member

    Its QC for Queen Creek where I live. I wondered if that would be confusing haha. That picture of me packing my deer out is probably my favorite of any hunting picture i have. Thanks for the complements and all the welcomes!