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Everything posted by QCwtAddict

  1. QCwtAddict

    Sold. Please delete

    Some pics from the D40 cam from last year.
  2. QCwtAddict

    Draw progress

    If a 30% rejection rate is true the problem is probably the AZGFD system. We need to send a few people from AZGFD next door to New Mexico to take lessons. They do not have that problem over there. They can run the entire fall draw for all species at once and get it done in 1 month.This is an awesome solution to the problem. Several states take the cash up front and it's done. Don't have to worry. Then you have the side that pisses and moans about having to pay the upfront fee for the tag and then wait for money to reimbursed if they don't draw. Here's a hint if you don't have the money for the tag upfront or in your account get a job or two so you can afford your hobby. That is the problem with society. Every state in the west I put I put in for in the west takes it upfront. Most have it back in 7 days if you don't draw. Minus liberal ColoradoI've always been told they can't take the money first in AZ because of a state law regarding credit cards and not being able to charge them without the customer recieving a good/service. I'm all for being able to provide a second card as backup when applying.
  3. QCwtAddict

    Draw progress

    In the past have they released draw results before the expo?
  4. QCwtAddict

    Sold. Please delete

    Take 6 D Batteries. I explained any issues in the original post. They're probably around 7 years old.
  5. QCwtAddict

    Sold. Please delete

    I believe they can be used with the moultrie external batteries but no I do not have the external batteries
  6. QCwtAddict

    Arrow setup for Elk

    Any tuning issues? According to the charts you are a bit weak on spine. I have the same shafts and length but my draw weight is much lower due to several (3) surgeries on my shoulder. I'm currently working my draw weight back up and was just curious where my limit might be with these shafts. That is what I thought. At 70lbs should be 340's but if it works go with it. My bad it is 340's. It's been so long since I've bought arrows I barely remember haha
  7. QCwtAddict

    Arrow setup for Elk

    Easton axis 400 spine with 100 gr. G5 Montec, 28" 70 pounds draw weight. I believe it chronos at 280 fps. I've shot two elk, one at 25 and the other just over 30 with both being full pass through double lung shots.
  8. QCwtAddict

    Meopta vs. Swarovski

    I've got the cabelas euro hd binos so I know meopta is legit. I was able to find plenty of info on how the s2 compares but not much on the meopro and how it compares to the non hd ats
  9. QCwtAddict

    3/17 CC Hits?

    When I hear stories like that I seriously wonder if the person lost track of which choice they put that hunt or made a mistake and switched two hunt numbers when applying. As far as I understand there are no early archery tags that make it past the 1&2 pass of the draw.
  10. QCwtAddict

    Zeiss conquest hd 10x42

    Interested in any trades? I've got a zeiss conquest scope 4.5-14x50 mc that I'm getting ready to post
  11. http://www.azleg.gov/MemberRoster/?body=S
  12. Think state government not federal.
  13. I thought Farley pulled this?
  14. QCwtAddict

    14yr old Daughter makes NT B&C

    She's gonna have a hard time topping that buck! Congrats!
  15. QCwtAddict

    Fair Chase in Arizona ...

    Right because the odds for drawing that tag would be so much better than drawing the raffle tag. You're talking fractions of a percent different.
  16. QCwtAddict

    Fair Chase in Arizona ...

    It says developed or point water
  17. QCwtAddict

    Cabelas euro binoculars

    I have the euro hd 12x50's and I couldn't be happier. I just wish I had bought them at the sale price!
  18. QCwtAddict

    Sig kilo

    I wish you had posted this a couple weeks ago. That's a great deal
  19. QCwtAddict

    300 win mag bullet options?

    I've shot 2 coues deer with 140 bergers. The first one took two bullets at 350 yds and we could not find him. The second was a deer at 600yds, he took a bullet to the lungs that never expanded and the second shot severed the spinal cord. This was from a 270wsm
  20. QCwtAddict

    Bear Mountain

    I go out of my way to avoid that place
  21. Second deer I had ever shot. Took him on the 6th morning of a tough hunt where the weather had been brutally cold and windy and he was the only buck we had seen at that point. I was happy as could be to score some meat and a lot of knowledge of the area.
  22. QCwtAddict

    4B Roll Call

    Last year I saw a picture posted in a Facebook group of a very distinctive 7x7 bull that was claimed to be in 4b before the rut. My cousin and I were chasing the same bull in a neighboring unit during the rut.
  23. QCwtAddict

    Looking to team up

    I believe at 11 pts if he puts in with someone at 12 pts the average will be rounded up. So basically he goes in with 12 pts instead of 11 and it doesn't negatively affect the other applicant.
  24. QCwtAddict

    Manfrotto 391RC2 head

    Pm sent
  25. QCwtAddict

    Application Question

    If you use the search feature you can find several old threads explaining how the draw works and why it makes no sense to put the same hunt number multiple times