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Everything posted by QCwtAddict

  1. QCwtAddict

    What's he score?

  2. QCwtAddict

    Arizona Unit 4B

    I hunted 4b twice with family members, 05&06. Unless it starts consistently pumping out ungodly large bulls I don't care to see the unit during elk season again. The two most disappointing elk hunts I've ever been on, to this day bringing up 4b is the quickest way to start a fight with my dad and he didn't even have a tag. That being said as with any unit in the state it holds big bulls but it will take hard work and/or luck to get it done.
  3. QCwtAddict

    Meopta vs. Swarovski

    I wish I had gotten a pic at the same magnification to compare apples to apples but the swaro pic is at 60x and the meopta is at 70x. The difference was more obvious in person, these pics were holding my phone up to the scopes by hand
  4. QCwtAddict

    Meopta vs. Swarovski

  5. QCwtAddict

    Meopta vs. Swarovski

  6. QCwtAddict

    Meopta vs. Swarovski

    Had the non hd swarovski and the meopta set up side by side from about 5 til dark. The meopta is definitely impressive and blows away the swaro at 10x higher magnification.
  7. QCwtAddict

    Meopta vs. Swarovski

    My Spotter came in today. Pretty happy so far except I didn't realize with the cabelas variant the eyepiece is not removable. Oh well for the price I paid I'm not too concerned. I weighed them and my old scale shows the cabelas is just barely heavier than the swaro, not even really noticeable.
  8. QCwtAddict

    Meopta vs. Swarovski

    If you're not against buying used keep an eye out for the cabelas instinct euro hd and the nightforce ts-82. They are both the same meopta s2 spotter just rebranded. I found the cabelas branded version for 1400 on ebay.
  9. QCwtAddict

    Meopta vs. Swarovski

    We need to go out and compare these some upcoming weekend. I have the new Vortex Razor 85 and would like to see how it compares side by side to some of these others in the actual outdoors. Maybe we should schedule a Saturday early morning out our way at the base of some mountain range like the San Tans where everyone interested brings their optics and we line them all up side by side and give everyone who comes a chance to look through them and see what they think. Could be a fun little CWT get together. As long as I'm not scouting for my brothers hunt that weekend I could bring a Swarovski ats 80 non-hd and hopefully my cabelas euro if it's here by then.
  10. QCwtAddict

    Meopta vs. Swarovski

    The one I bought is straight. After owning this ats I doubt I'll ever own another angled spotting scope. It's just too much of a pain for me when switching back and forth between binos and spotter.
  11. QCwtAddict

    Meopta vs. Swarovski

    Well I decided that I was just gonna stick with my non hd ats then I ended up finding the cabelas branded meopta s2 on ebay for a great deal. Now just gotta wait for it to get here! Thanks everybody for your input!
  12. QCwtAddict

    30mm lapping bar

    Pm sent
  13. Does anybody in the east valley have a lapping bar that they wouldn't mind letting me borrow? Or maybe know where I can buy just the lapping bar and alignment tool? I already have the wheeler scope mounting kit but it only has the 1" lapping bar.
  14. QCwtAddict

    Elk Leftover List

    Those are the hopi hunts. In the regs they don't have a hunt number
  15. QCwtAddict

    New Swarovski BTX

    With all due respect to Jay Scott, with his business/name in the hunting community, I'm my sure he'd say "it sucks butt" even if it did.Exactly, the few reviews I've seen have been from people affiliated with the outdoorsman. Im curious to see what everybody is saying once the product makes its way to the field
  16. QCwtAddict

    What music have you been listening to?

    Cody Johnson is a great country artist that is still relatively unknown.
  17. QCwtAddict

    Hunting form a blind

    That's the way I've always done. On one of my mom's elk hunts we had cow elk literally stick their heads in and never actually spook. On my elk hunt two years ago I had a couple muley does eating off the front of the blind and never spooked.
  18. QCwtAddict

    4a antelope tag

    Like akaspecials said there are plenty of goats in the Pines too
  19. QCwtAddict

    Point Guard

    I expect they keep equation for that ratio real simple. Number of animals harvested divided by number of tags issued. Example 20 animals harvested divided by 50 tags issued equals 40% hunt success. The biggest variable in the accuracy is probably what % of hunters for each hunt complete their surveys. If you start taking other variables into account the equation would get real complicated real fast. How many hunters did not hunt at all? How many days did each hunter hunt? Did some hunters use archery or muzzle loaders in a general season? How experienced was each hunter? What was the weather like?I still can't quite understand why they don't require mandatory reporting. I mean it seems like it would be pretty simple to require each hunter to return their unused tags or something similar.
  20. QCwtAddict

    4a antelope tag

    This year my brother and my cousin both drew that tag too. On separate apps! I can't wait! Definitely has the potential for some big bucks. I can't seem to find a picture of my dad's buck from 09 but I'll get some pics of the mount this weekend.
  21. QCwtAddict

    Sold. Please delete

    Sold. Please delete
  22. QCwtAddict

    Sold. Please delete

    I've got three moultrie GameSpy D50 and one moultrie GameSpy D40. All work but the GameSpy D40 has a problem with the date/time stamp not working. One of the D50's I cut part of the top plastic to fit in a home made lockbox. The fourth cam is at my brothers house that's why there are only 3 in the pic. $100 for the set of 4
  23. QCwtAddict

    Point Guard

    I am just guessing here. They may make them available to organizations like Hunts For Heroes. If an outfit like that does not have a taker they probably destroy the tag. I do not expect they have a process to re-issue them to the general public.If they issue a set number of tags based on how many animals they want harvested how does it make any sense that they would just destroy the tags? If the hunter had the tag and did not hunt or the hunter turned through point guard and the tag was not re-issued the end result is the same, no hunter in the field. Tags being drawn and not used is something that has always happened before point guard. They issue a given number of tags, they estimate a % will be filled. They do not expect every tag issued will always be taken into the field by the hunter.And don't forget the PETA loving, anti-hunting hippies. They apply for tags, then shred them if drawn. Their way of saving Bambi.Well that hasn't changed from past years that's already accounted for in the success rates
  24. QCwtAddict

    Point Guard

    I am just guessing here. They may make them available to organizations like Hunts For Heroes. If an outfit like that does not have a taker they probably destroy the tag. I do not expect they have a process to re-issue them to the general public.If they issue a set number of tags based on how many animals they want harvested how does it make any sense that they would just destroy the tags? If the hunter had the tag and did not hunt or the hunter turned through point guard and the tag was not re-issued the end result is the same, no hunter in the field. Tags being drawn and not used is something that has always happened before point guard. They issue a given number of tags, they estimate a % will be filled. They do not expect every tag issued will always be taken into the field by the hunter.Surely they realize that now there are gonna be a larger percentage of unused tags thanks to the new tag drawing strategies. The tags in the archery unit I applied for first choice didn't change to account for it.
  25. QCwtAddict

    Point Guard

    I am just guessing here. They may make them available to organizations like Hunts For Heroes. If an outfit like that does not have a taker they probably destroy the tag. I do not expect they have a process to re-issue them to the general public. If they issue a set number of tags based on how many animals they want harvested how does it make any sense that they would just destroy the tags?