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Everything posted by norsemen

  1. OK, had some people interested, but no takers so far. To the top
  2. I'd be open to trades but I can't think of anything I need.
  3. Wow...I thought this would sell quick for that price but what the heck do I know. Lets try drop it to $575.00 and see what happens. Keep in mind, we can tune this bow to you, right here at my house.
  4. Hi Nick....I haven't went out and shot any new bows yet, but going to soon. That darn addiction.
  5. thanks, much appreciated
  6. norsemen

    New Michelin truck tires.

    Excellent buy for the best tire out there. I'd take 'em but I have 20" tires
  7. norsemen

    2014 Hoyt Carbon Spyder 30

    I shot with Brad this past weekend. This bow is a great shooter, for sure.
  8. norsemen

    need a range finder with angle compensation

    Thank you. I looked and found that one online for 159.99 refurbished. Some of the internet deals are pretty darn good (unless you are interested in the treestand as trade + $40) Just thought I could help. I don't really have a problem keeping this rangefinder as a backup or for a friend to use when we're out. I already have a tree-stand, but thanks anyway. Good luck
  9. norsemen

    need a range finder with angle compensation

    I have a bushnell Scout 1000 w/arc that I can part with for $140. I just bought a new Leupold RX1200i TBR and the bushnell is now an extra.
  10. norsemen

    10 Beman ICS Hunter 400 arrows SOLD

    Sold......Thanks all for looking
  11. I have 10 Beman ICS Hunter 400 spine arrows for sale. 27.5" nock groove to end of carbon. They weigh 338 grains with a 75 grain field point (points go with the arrows). 2 are bare shaft (tuning purposes) and 8 are 4 fletched with 1.75" Bohning X-vanes. FOC is around 8% with the 75 grain points. I have had no problems sending these arrows 110 yards. They fly great. These arrows were built for my target/Play bow. I'm selling because I built some arrows closer to to 300 grains. $45.00 If interested, call or text to 602-722-5432
  12. norsemen

    Hip Quiver

  13. norsemen

    Hip Quiver

    Cabelas T2 Hip quiver $30.00 If Interested call or text 602-722-5432
  14. norsemen

    Hip Quiver

  15. norsemen

    Looking for a 30-06

    Great deals here on any gun you want to pick out, including accessories. http://www.davidsonsinc.com/consumers/subsites/dealer_home.asp?dealer_id=810238
  16. norsemen

    17 GT Arrows (SOLD)

    ttt for updated info
  17. norsemen

    17 GT Arrows (SOLD)

    SOLD.......Thanks Matt I have 17 Gold Tip Hunter arrows. 300 spine, in good condition (4 new and unshot). Some decals are worn from going far into target 15 are XTs and 2 are Pros 14 are fletched and three are bare shafts 27.5" nock groove to end of carbon $80.00 call Gary at 602-722-5432 UPDATED, BECAUSE I FORGOT ABOUT THE 4 NEW ONES, I HAD SITTING ON MY BENCH, THAT I JUST FLETCHED.
  18. norsemen

    17 GT Arrows (SOLD)

    They are 75/95.... they couldn't be anything else if they are 340 or 300 spine....So, saying they are 75/95 arrows can be a little mis-leading to some who may not know that 75/95 arrows can be either 340 or 300 spine.
  19. norsemen

    FS Ground Blind

    Quit crapping on the mans ad. He has every right to ask any amount for an item.
  20. norsemen

    Archery 10 buck in the dirt**updated more pix**

    I knew I shouldn't have sold that release. Anyway, congrats again, that's an awesome buck. Absolutely want to see that video.