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Curtis Reed

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Everything posted by Curtis Reed

  1. Curtis Reed

    Mathews Halon 32 / 6

    Selling for friend. Located in the East Valley. $450 Mathews Halon 32/6 Ridge Reaper Barren. Gas Ghost strings. Whisker Biscuit. 70#, 28” draw, 85% let off. Mods to change draw length are readily available. Text Tyler @ 48o-54o-I233
  2. Curtis Reed

    Mathews Halon 32 / 6

  3. Curtis Reed

    Mathews Halon 32 / 6

    yes he still has it.
  4. Curtis Reed

    Mathews Halon 32 / 6

    not quite sure if tyler still has it. give him a call or text at that listed number
  5. Curtis Reed

    Need Advice: Family Friendly AZ towns not in the valley

    lotta tweakers in Payson
  6. Curtis Reed

    Aero Precision M16A4

    Like new 10/10 Aero M16A4 (clone/no burst obviously). Only 30 rds though it. Comes with a 30 rd PMAG and a 20 rd steel GI mag. $850 Queen Creek
  7. Curtis Reed

    Aero Precision M16A4

  8. Curtis Reed

    Free to good home 44amp ammo

    I can understand that argument. I guess I don’t monitor the classifieds that closely to recognize people’s buying/selling habits.
  9. Curtis Reed

    Free to good home 44amp ammo

    Sorry but that’s a chicken $h!t move to list something for free and then after someone answers for it, you call them out on the forum and say “prove to me you have the gun first”. You should have put that in original post. Lame
  10. Curtis Reed

    And the Card hits will begin

  11. Curtis Reed

    Need Advice: Family Friendly AZ towns not in the valley

    If I was driving to phoenix only once a week I would move down south to Sonoita/Elgin I love that area. If you have to drive 2x a week it would make the decision a lot more difficult.
  12. Curtis Reed

    And the Card hits will begin

    My guess is Monday. Last year the CC hits were also on a Wednesday (2/21) and the portal was updated the following Monday (2/26).
  13. Curtis Reed

    And the Card hits will begin

  14. Curtis Reed

    And the Card hits will begin

    has anyone confirmed if the early morning hits are bonus pass and 1/2 pass, with the 3-5 pass at a later time? Or are all the rounds done at once?
  15. Curtis Reed

    And the Card hits will begin

  16. Curtis Reed

    Garmin Xero Case FREE

    I made a couple cases on the 3d printer for me and my buddy’s Garmin’s. Before I printed the final versions grey/orange I made one in white. I have no need for the white one. If anyone wants the white one, they can have it free (local pickup). I added a foam liner to the inside of the lid to protect the screen. Located in Queen Creek.
  17. Curtis Reed

    Garmin Xero Case FREE

    Have a few more
  18. Curtis Reed

    Garmin Xero Case FREE

  19. Curtis Reed

    Garmin Xero Case FREE

    I have a couple more of these if anyone is interested. Grey box with orange lettering and orange latch.
  20. Curtis Reed

    ISO Blackhorn 209

    thanks but there are hazmat fees with shipping powder. With fees it’s more expensive than Sportmans
  21. Curtis Reed

    ISO Blackhorn 209

    Went to Sportsman’s last night and BH209 was $99.99 for 1/2 lb. Crazy If anyone has some they want to sell, let me know…. Otherwise I see Triple 7 in my future.
  22. Curtis Reed

    ISO Blackhorn 209

    yeah I did
  23. Curtis Reed

    FS: Garmin Xero C1 Pro

    uh oh. another hack? Seems like the paper with name & date / proof of login is common theme in hacked accounts in classifieds.
  24. Curtis Reed

    Happy Biden Be Gone Day

    DJT’s 2nd Term: mematicMeme.mp4
  25. Curtis Reed


    F it. PM sent