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Curtis Reed

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Everything posted by Curtis Reed

  1. Curtis Reed

    Heck Yeah - Miss Kansas

    The pagent organizers would not let her use archery as her talent??? That's lame.
  2. Curtis Reed

    Fletching choices

    I shoot Quik Spins... Fletched straight. I love those things
  3. Curtis Reed

    Need some advice

    Agreed 100%
  4. I use mechanicals for hunting big game... 100 gr Grim Reaper Razortips. Best broadhead I have used. Last three animals have all been pass throughs and left devistating wound channels. Just my $.02
  5. Curtis Reed


    Can you buy the assassin bare bow?? Sure, I would love to know your take on it. I shot the pse brute x a few nights ago and I loved it. Still have not shot the assassin yet though. Thanks again! I just bought a 2013 Assassin bare bow from Robert at Broken Arrow for $499. Great deal!
  6. Curtis Reed

    Broken Aarow Archery...

    Another thumbs up for Robert at Broken Arrow
  7. I have used many different rests over the past decade, and on my Bowtech Assassin right now I have a WB. I went back to it because it is simple, and it works.
  8. Curtis Reed

    2009 Bowtech Admiral RH 60-70 lb

  9. Curtis Reed

    2009 Bowtech Admiral RH 60-70 lb

    Hey CWT, I have a very nice Bowtech Admiral for sale. It has 60-70# limbs, and is set right now for a 29" draw, but the draw length is easily changed without having to buy new cams. This bow is 9+/10 and has been very well taken care of. You wont find a scratch or ding on this bow. Last season I put new Vaportrail Strings and Cables on it. I also have a G5 Expert II rest, Limbsaver stabilizer, sling, and a Cobra Boomslang 4 pin sight on it. I am asking $400 for the bare bow or $450 with all the listed accessories. I still have the original "Birth Certificate" from the factory. Please PM me for more info, or with interest. This bow was $950 in 2009. Thanks
  10. Curtis Reed

    Snowshoes? Need advice...

    Hey everyone, I am planning on picking up a new pair of snowshoes for a little winter backpacking fun. Anyone have any recommendations on a good pair? I have snowshoed before but this will be my first purchase. I am 185 lbs and plan on mountain terrains. Weight of pack = 50 lbs give or take... Thanks!
  11. Curtis Reed

    2013 draw results ?

    24B Whitetail - Nov 1-7 Can't wait to get out and glass
  12. I think he is exactly what this counrty needs RIGHT NOW before it is too late. He is radical; but so were the founding fathers... This is a good documentary showing his support that doesn't get media attention: If you are are a Ron Paul supporter, let's hear it!
  13. Curtis Reed

    Matthew or Hoyt

    Really, all of today's bows are great bows. The competition is so tight that only quality products stick around. My advice is go to an archery pro shop and shoot as many bows as you can. Pick the one that feels good for you. Don't limit yourself to just Mathews or Hoyt either. Bowtech, PSE, and Elite make great bows just to name a few...
  14. Curtis Reed


    Okee dokee. Good luck this upcoming hunting season.
  15. Curtis Reed


    We will have to agree to disagree. My only point here is that hunters who disagree with baiting usually use the "fair chase" arguement. From a bowhunters stand point (I am a bowhunter exclusively), one person's fair chase is another man's easy way out (ie, long range rifles). In other words, I see you using a rifle at 400 yds as an easy way to hunt. You see me as using salt as an easy way out with a bow. Either way, we both are using advantages to fill our tag in each others eyes. To those who spot and stalk with a bow in the desert.... my hat's off to you, because I have done it and it is impossible.
  16. Curtis Reed


    Also, don't be so eager to knock the Outdoor Channel and tv channels alike. Yes, I agree the shows are cheesy, but they bring in new hunters, and most importantly they create dollars for the hunting industry and help move product through ads. Do you think that Thermacell is going to advertise on NBC during nightly news? THE MORE $$$$$$$$$ THERE IS IN THE HUNTING INDUSTRY, THE MORE UNLIKELY IT WILL BE CHANGED, RESTRICTED OR OUTLAWED. THAT'S EXACTLY HOW POLITICS AND LEGISLATION WORKS. The reason that state governments haven't really messed with hunting too much is all the revenue that it brings to the states. If hunting wasn't such a money maker, it would probably be gone already. How about we all support other hunters and the hunting lifestyle unconditionally? So whether you like him or not, Michael Waddel is good for you and I.
  17. Curtis Reed


    +1 Just go out and hunt..man. Scout,track and observe. Hunting is hard and its supposed to be hard. Forget the crap ya see on outdoor sportsman TV. Debunk that bullstuff dude. Too many folks depend on gadgets and snake-oil to hunt these days. Use what ya got and spend time out there and get to know the land and its inhabitants. Peace!! I say go do what you want, and have fun doing it YOUR way. Don't worry what other people think. I'm sure a lot of the same people who stick their nose up to baiting also sit on water holes, use 15x Swaro's, 2 way radios, rifles that shoot 700 yards, plastic elk bugles - and then they preach fair chase... My point is, sometimes "baiting" is more than throwing down a salt block. Isn't water bait? Elk bugles during the rut? bait? Turkey calls? Waterfoul/Turkey decoys? Scent attractant? Do whatever is legal and have a blast doing it! Anyone who says that shooting a deer they glassed on a ridge 400 yds away is any more "fair chase" than shooting one out of a tree stand at 10yds away with a bow and arrow and a salt block laying on the ground will have a tough arguement I think. That deer has NO chance or seeing or winding you. Really, what is the difference between bringing a bull elk in with "bait", or bringing one in with a Primos elk bugle? You are still changing their behavior by artificial means. Really, WHAT is the difference? There is no difference other than the people who use those things don't want to admit they bait because they are "real" hunters! Just my $.02
  18. Curtis Reed

    What do you sleep on ?

    I can only speak for the Davis Big Boy. It is made of steel and can hold up to 800 lbs. It is dang near indestructable..... BUT - it is heavy. It breaks down small in a carry bag but weighs 35 lbs and isnt a good option for packing in. Here is a video about it:
  19. Curtis Reed

    House Broken Into, Everything Gone

    You may not think so, but this is a good thing for your case that they used your credit cards. It is a date/time stamp and a photo of the people who either burgled your house, or an acquaintance of the burglar and the bank should forgive the charges to you. You need to call your detective and let him/her know about the credit card useage. Stay on the detective and let him/her know that you want them to get the video and follow up on this case. Sometimes detectives can have up to 60 ACTIVE cases where there are leads. With that many cases sometimes the investigations go slow; not because they aren't working the cases, but they can only work one at a time and think how many burglaries there are out there. You need to be in the detectives ear because time is key for your stuff. Ask the detective to send out a department wide or valley wide bulletin with the photos of the suspects on surveillance camera so other officers look at it to try and ID the theives. Good luck
  20. Curtis Reed

    What do you sleep on ?

    I sleep on a Davis Tent big boy cot with pad. Very comfy!
  21. Herman Cain at least has a sense of humor I will give him that; but I dont like his record. He supported TARP, bailouts, and he was the former Chairman of the Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank. Anyone who supported the bailouts are OUT for me. There is a GOP debate tomorrow on Bloomberg TV. I will be watching...
  22. Curtis Reed

    Davis Wall Tents

    Bump for a great tent... I have a Davis 12x14 with wood stove. Looking forward to using it in Nov for my late bull archery hunt. If you take care of it, it will last 20 years.
  23. I don't see him running as an Independent. I think he would do the same thing he did in 2008, and just back out if it becomes obvious that he has no shot. I don't think he will pull a Perot.