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Everything posted by STOMP442

  1. STOMP442

    WTS: Scopes

    Redfield is SPF.
  2. STOMP442

    WTS: Scopes

  3. STOMP442

    WTS: Rifle & Shotgun

    Weekend bump.
  4. STOMP442

    WTS: Scopes

    Weekend bump.
  5. STOMP442

    WTS: Rifle & Shotgun

    .243 is sold.
  6. STOMP442

    Mixing Powders

    Mixing or blending powders is just asking for trouble in my opinion. Like Lance said there are plenty of powders available to fine tune anything you want. If you are wanting to duplicate factory loads I have seen multiple reloading articles that talk about doing just that with production powders available to the hand loader. I am not sure why anyone would want to duplicate a factory load though, just go buy it.
  7. STOMP442

    Sierra Gamechanger Bullets

    42.0gr of H4350. Only getting 2700fps out it but its only a 20" barrel on that one.
  8. STOMP442

    Sierra Gamechanger Bullets

    Jim, I just loaded some 140s in my .270 and they shoot amazingly well. I am very impressed with them so far. I have also loaded some 130s in some Creedmoors with excellent results. Trent went to Wyoming last month and one of the guys he went with was running the 130s in his Creedmoor and took a nice goat at over 700 yards. Full penetration and nice exit hole. I have also had great results with the 160TMK out of 7 Rem mags over 68.5gr H-1000. The 30cal 175 TMKs have also proven to shoot well out of a .308 I built for a client. That rifle and bullet have gone on to kill Bull Elk, multiple Mule Deer, and Ibex without issue. They may say not recommended for hunting on the box but they sure do work good.
  9. Located in Safford, and selling for a friend of mine that isn't online. His name is Brian and you can call or text him at 928-965-7755 for any questions you may have. I am told the rifle is a few years old but like new and shot only a few times. He is asking $400 and comes with scope and soft case. Thanks for looking.
  10. STOMP442

    Christensen arms 7 mag

    68-69 of H-1000 with the 168 Bergers or 70-71gr of Retumbo with the 180s has always given me excellent results. Doesn't matter what rifle it is.
  11. Thats pretty much my pet load for every 6.5WSM I have built. They like it right there. Turning the necks is key as you found out. Great cartridge and it will do wonders on deer a long ways out there.
  12. STOMP442

    Tikka Comparison

    Tikka website should be able to answer those questions I would imagine. Can't go wrong with a Tikka though, everyone I have ever shot has done so really well. By far the most accurate out of the box rifle available with butter smooth actions.
  13. STOMP442

    Right handed left eye dominant shooter?

    Really the only advantage is that it makes life easier being able to use the same equipment everyone else does and not have to be stuck buying left handed rifles that are harder to come by and generally cost more as well.
  14. STOMP442

    Right handed left eye dominant shooter?

    He's young. You can have him trained to shoot right handed pretty easy. Cover his eye and go shoot a lot. Soon it will just be muscle memory to shoulder and shoot right handed. Practice makes perfect and there will be no need to buy special rifles or equipment. Go get him an air soft rifle that you can mount a cheap throw away scope on and have him practice in the house. I'm sure a six year old would have a blast running around the house pretending to be some sort of Pirate sniper or something with a patch on his eye. Make it fun for him and it will work out.
  15. STOMP442

    WTB, Ruger 10-22 Stock

    I've got a Predator T-rex target stock in Red Laminate or I have factory birch stock with no barrel band that's been opened up for a heavy barrel. PM me if you're interested.
  16. STOMP442

    WTS: Boyds Rem 700 ADL Stock

    I have a used but in nice condition Boyds laminate stock for a Rem 700 long action ADL (blind magazine) in Royal Jarcanda laminate. I believe it is a Platinum model basic sporter stock. No bedding, and has a couple little scuff marks but nothing major. Asking $100 shipped to the lower 48.
  17. Every Creedmoor I have ever loaded for has had a node right around the 41.5-42.0gr mark with the 140s and H4350. I generally seat bullets. .025" off the lands and find very good accuracy with very low SDs. Velocities range from 2750-2800+ depending on barrel length and components used.
  18. STOMP442

    Need a Good Gunsmith

    Just shoot me a PM and we can exchange contact info.
  19. STOMP442

    Need a Good Gunsmith

    Definitely a commercial Mauser of some sort and definitely worth keeping. If it were me I would decide what caliber I wanted and build it. That action with a match grade barrel can shoot just as well if not better than anything else made today. I built a .280 Ackley on an old 98k Mauser with a Benchmark #3 barrel that shoots fantastic.
  20. STOMP442

    6.5 WSM or 6.5 SAUM?

    There is very little of this I disagree with but I have highlighted my favorite parts.
  21. STOMP442

    Need a Good Gunsmith

    Looks like a large ring Mauser. Not sure what type or country of origin from those pictures, could even be a commercial Mauser by the looks of it but not sure. If you remove the front scope base there should be some more markings that will narrow things down a bit further. What you have is a sporterized Mauser, it was very common back in the 60s for importers to bring in military Mausers and sporterize them by installing a nice barrel, installing a traditional bolt handle and fitting them to a walnut stock then selling them as hunting rifles. You will need to get the chamber cast to determine what cartridge yours is chambered in exactly but they were commonly chambered in .30-06, 7X57 and 8mm. What you have for sure is a very solid platform for a custom build if you wanted to.
  22. STOMP442

    WTS: Clearing out a few things

    I don't have anything for a Ruger American.
  23. STOMP442

    6.5 WSM or 6.5 SAUM?

    Hey STOMP or anyone else shooting a 6.5 WSM...What's your overall catridge or round length in the 6.5 WSM? did you make it the same as the 270 WSM? Thanks. Ernesto C. When built on a short action I make it fit the magazine so probably very near what spec is for the .270WSM. When on a long action I seat them about .025" off the lands. Depending on the bullet used the OAL can vary quite a bit.
  24. STOMP442

    WTS: Clearing out a few things

    No wood Tikkas.