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Everything posted by STOMP442

  1. STOMP442

    Suggestions on which long range gun to buy

    The 260 with a 140 will hit with 80% of the energy of the 308 with a 210 grain bullet at 1000 yards while providing almost 8 inches less wind drift and provide a flatter trajectory of 70 inches almost 6 feet! I would gladly trade the energy for the greater chance of actually hitting what I am aiming at. That extra energy isn't going to help you when you make a poor shot on the animal.
  2. .730 is 100 points higher than the Berger 210 as well. Hate to say it but nosler is full of crap on this one. Ten bucks says b.c.s get revised drastically when people start calling them on their BS.
  3. Just be aware that nosler is known for inflating b.c. numbers by quite a bit up to 12% in some cases and these seem definitely inflated. As the 270 Cal 150 bergers only have a b.c. of .535 and the 7mm 168 only has a .618. I don't see where these noslers are picking up the numbers. The 270 especially is suspicious as a 90 point spread is quite a jump. Just don't buy it.
  4. STOMP442

    Suggestions on which long range gun to buy

    The 7s are excellent choices for long range work but again you are using much more powder and producing much more recoil than the 6.5. There is no need for spending an additional 200 bucks on a muzzle break just to make the cartridge comfortable to shoot. The 6.5 fits the bill for what the op asked for. Lets not forget the Swedes have been using the 6.5 to tackle moose for over a hundred years.
  5. STOMP442

    Suggestions on which long range gun to buy

    Well in Issue #81 of the Varmint hunter Magazine Brian Litz of Berger bullets and the United states Air Force Academy did a comparison of different bullets to determine actual B.Cs as compared to published B.C.s and for the 140 Hornady amax at a velocity of 2800 fps, he claims the actual B.C. to be .600 even. 15 points higher than published data. The actual drop out of my rifle differs slightly but when I adjust the B.C. down to .595 and using the drop charts created by the Berger ballistics program they match pretty dang close, dead nuts out to 500 and within a click out to 800 of my actual shot drop chart. So although this method may not be the most scientific, out of my rifle pushing a 140 Amax at 2820fps I determined my true B.C. to be .595. Interestingly enough the 178 grain Amax tested in the same experiment by Brian Litz was actually lower than published data only achieving a .481 instead of the published .495.an overestimate on hornadys part by almost 3% Berger Balisitics software with a 200 yard zero 178 grain Hornady Amax B.C. = .495 velocity = 3050fps 300 Win mag at 1000 yards is producing 827 ft/ lbs of energy 270 inches of drop and 80.10" of drift in a 10 mph wind 6.5-284 Norma 140 grain Amax B.C. = .585 Velocity = 2850 707 ft. lbs of energy 281 inches of drop 70.70" of drift in 10 mph wind As you can see both cartridges are pretty close at long range. The major difference is the 300 Win needs a much bigger bullet pushed by 68-80 grains of powder depending on the powder you use to achieve the same thing accomplished by the 6.5 that only requires 48-58 grains of powder. What the 6.5 lacks in energy it more than makes up for in efficiency, felt recoil and wind drift.
  6. STOMP442

    Suggestions on which long range gun to buy

    Notice how I said 90% of the energy of the 300 win mag. Also your b.c. is a little low for the Amax. Truth be told for the 300 to match the wind bucking ability and sectional density of the 6.5 you would have to move up to the 200+ grain Bullets. Yeah the 300 will hit harder but the 6.5 packs plenty of energy to get the job done.
  7. STOMP442

    Suggestions on which long range gun to buy

    I have built many savages for under a grand with high quality parts. Savage actions can be had for 400 or less depending on what one and where you get it. Screw a barrel on from the maker of your choice for $300 and add 25 bucks to upgrade the springs in the accu trigger then spend another 100-200 on the stock of your choice and you will have a rifle that will shoot just as good as any custom built Remington for less than half the cost. Not to mention the savings of not having to pay a smith to build it. You can do it all yourself. As far as calibers go a 6.5 is very hard to beat especially at long range. A 6.5-284 pushing a 140 bullet will shoot flatter than a 300 win mag and drift less in the wind. The 6.5 will also deliver 90% or more of the energy of the 300 mag at 1000 yards. Anything that can be done with a 300 you can do with a 6.5-284 without all the recoil and no where near the powder usage.
  8. 47.4 grains of 4064 and a 130 Berger has worked amazingly in my 270.
  9. STOMP442

    Long Range Dink 1,243 yards

    Shot like a champ. 1/2 groups at 100 yards and a velocity of 3600fps with 36 grains of 4064. I have a bunch loaded up for coyotes this winter. Thanks again for letting me try a few.
  10. STOMP442

    Long Range Dink 1,243 yards

    That's what I wanted out there Jeff but I had a scope go south on me the week before the hunt so I went with the back up.
  11. STOMP442

    Long Range Dink 1,243 yards

    39 MOA to be exact is what it took to drop him.
  12. STOMP442

    Long Range Dink 1,243 yards

    Thanks Amanda, and congrats on your buck as well.
  13. I vote savage just for the ease of upgrading and barrel swapping ability. The Savage will shoot just as good if not better than anything out there.
  14. STOMP442

    Killing small bucks

    Coues taste so much better though. So yeah I'm a meat hunter and that's why I hunt the tasty ones and not the carp ones. There is no denying the difference in quality of meat between the two.
  15. STOMP442

    Killing small bucks

    What makes you the be all end all of coues hunting? I didn't know I had to have approval from the mighty omnipotent jbird to pull the trigger on my hunt.
  16. STOMP442

    Killing small bucks

    I have never been called a trophy hunter ever. Am I proud of the long shot I made. Yes. Did I do it to show off? No. Would I have liked to kill a bigger deer most definitely. The reason that little spike died was because I didn't want to throw all the time, hard work and money away that it takes to go coues hunting. There are two sides to every coin jbird grow up and get over it or go cry over on some Justin bieber forum where that crap is tolerated.
  17. STOMP442

    Long Range Dink 1,243 yards

    We were using a leica range finder and the rifle is one that I built. It is a 6.5-284 built on a savage action with a 26" Criterion barrel. The Amax worked really well it penetrated the whole deer at that distance so no recovery of the bullet. But it don't take a whole lot to penetrate 6" of little tiny coues. Small hole going in and one about the size of a nickel on the way out. I would say that it performed just fine. The deer was dead in a matter of seconds what more could I ask for.
  18. STOMP442

    Long Range Dink 1,243 yards

    We were absolutely positive it was a buck. Brother could see horn in the binos and I could see horn in the 24 power scope. We also knew that we were the only people in there as there is only one road in and out and we were the only ones on it. I never set out to prove something on this hunt just wanted to fill a tag in the limited amount of time I had for the hunt.
  19. STOMP442

    Sighting in a 270 for elk hunt

    The 270 is relatively flat out to 300 yards. I would zero at 200 and hold a little high at 300. The point being you can hold on the animal out to 300 no problem.
  20. I know what my Ruger can do so what's your point. A Ruger rifle is more than capable to hunt coues with even to 500 yards. What experience or proof if any do you have to prove that a Ruger rifle is less accurate than a Remington or anything else for that matter besides what you may have read online. I am a savage guy personally but I do own Ruger and Remington rifles as well and each and every one is tuned to shoot well beyond 500 yards with ease. Load development and the guy behind the trigger is more important than the brand of rifle.
  21. You need to get out more. If your shooting competition your not using a bought off the store shelf Rifle anyways more than likely every gun on the line has a high quality match barrel installed. Were talking hunting rifles here in which case a Ruger can do anything a Remington can do.
  22. STOMP442

    Copper fouling w/ Accubonds

    Might also try shooting the tubbs final finish bore system down the barrel to smooth out any imperfections there may be and see if that will reduce the fouling any.
  23. STOMP442

    scope rings - need your help

    The rings may be made better today but what lapping does is square the rings to the bases and the Rifle so that there is proper contact and alignment with everything. Also nail Polish works wonders for lock tight applications it holds well and you can remove it when you want no problem.
  24. STOMP442

    Case weight??

    Yes case volume is what you want to check not case weight. You can have two cases weigh way different but have the same internal case volumes. Separate by case volume and your groups will shrink and your extreme spreads and standard deviations will come down. Its worth the extra effort.
  25. STOMP442

    270 win

    4350 should work well in that case as well as that bullet. You shouldn't have a problem finding a recipe it likes.