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Everything posted by STOMP442

  1. STOMP442

    WTS: Clearing out a few things

    ADL sporter/factory barrel channel.
  2. STOMP442

    WTB Ruger M77 Hawkeye rings or LA rail

    You will probably need the highs.
  3. STOMP442

    WTB Ruger M77 Hawkeye rings or LA rail

    Head to your nearest Sportsmans Warehouse. They should carry a set of 30mm Leupold rings that will work perfectly for a 30mm scope with a 50mm objective. They are a little pricey but they are solid steel and very well made. They are by far the best rings made for a Ruger rifle I have found.
  4. STOMP442

    Longrange scope question

    I have never had any reliability issues with a Leupold scope and I think the glass is much better than the Nightforce personally. If you plan on treating your rifle like crap using it to clear brush or use it as a walking stick or farm implement like some people do then the Nightforce is the obvious choice. If you plan on taking care of your equipment and using it as intended then the Leupold is definitely the way to go.
  5. STOMP442

    30-06 load

    IMR 4064 is a solid performer in the .30-06. 48-49gr with your choice of 165 class bullet should be good to go.
  6. STOMP442

    Vortex ballistic app

    Use any app you want and make your own chart in any word or spreadsheet program and make it as simple or detailed as you want.
  7. STOMP442

    6.5 WSM or 6.5 SAUM?

    Really no accuracy advantage to speak of between the two. The biggest advantage of the 6.5WSM over the SAUM is you can find .270WSM brass or .300WSM brass pretty easy to form the cases with and you get a bit more velocity. The other advantage is that Dies are much cheaper for the WSM over the SAUM. The only real disadvantage is that you will have to turn the necks on the brass after resizing for best results so there is one extra step in your reloading process but you only have to do it once. As far as accuracy and performance though they are nearly identical. Here is the last 6.5WSM I finished up a couple months ago. As you can see it shoots just fine. This is a five shot group with 147 Hornadys at 3086fps.
  8. STOMP442

    Results out on portal, post up your hunts

    This was a lucky year for us. I drew the Dec 31 tag, the wife and father in law drew 31 mule deer tags and my niece got the youth hunt for 28,31 & 32 for the 2nd year in a row.
  9. STOMP442

    Grayboe stocks

    They are a decent stock. I like them better than the B&C and less than the HS Precision. What I do like about them is that they provide a large area for the recoil lug so if you decide to use a heavy duty lug you still have plenty of room to get it in there and bed it properly.
  10. STOMP442

    ER Shaw custom rifles????

    The Shaw rifle is nothing more than a rebranded Savage. The only difference between it and the Savage is that they have gone nutless and simply shouldered one of their barrels up to the action. You can build a really nice custom Savage configured the way you want it with a better quality barrel yourself for right around the same price. I have messed with a couple shaw rifles and they do shoot and the Shaw barrels that I have owned in the past have also shot well.
  11. STOMP442

    28 Nosler help

    Not sure how they would feed any better as they are the same case but yes you should be able to neck up 26 brass to 28 no problem. If anything you will have slightly less neck tension due to stretching out the neck from .264 to .284.
  12. The last couple 7 mags that I worked up with the 168 class bullets liked to be pushed hard, 72-73gr of Retumbo. The 180s seem to have a good node right around the 70-71gr mark as well.
  13. STOMP442

    WTS: A few barrels

    Adding another barrel for sale. Remington 700 Varmint matte black 26" long in .22-250. This barrel has less than 200 rounds down the tube and shot the 55gr Vmaxes very well. Asking $100 shipped.
  14. STOMP442

    WTS: A few barrels

    I have a few barrels for sale that I have taken off and had laying around for awhile. 1. Remington Stainless Sendero chambered in 7mm Rem Mag. The client didn't like packing around Sendero weight so we switched to a lighter contour. This barrel supposedly has less than 200 rounds down the tube. The bore looks good and I installed a Harrels radial port brake. Asking $200 shipped. 2. Remington Stainless fluted barrel with brake chambered in .300WSM. Unknown round count, the bore looks good. SPF 3. Ruger M77 Stainless sporter barrel chambered in 7mm Rem Mag. Unknown round count $60 shipped. 4. Remington 700 matte black varmint contour 26" .22-250. $100 shipped
  15. STOMP442

    Borden actions?

    There are a few places online that sell his actions in stock. I think Bruno's carries some at times and if you check out accurateshooter.com there are a couple site sponsors there that also stock some.
  16. STOMP442

    What To Build

    260AI gets my vote for sure. H4350 and R16 will get you comfortably up into the the 2950fps range. R26 will put you near 3100fps range either load will definitely put elk on the menu out to 600 yards easily. I wouldn't build anything with less than a 26" barrel though unless you just want a glorified creed. If you want the performance of these other calibers listed don't handicap them with a short barrel.
  17. STOMP442

    Vanguard Alta 264AO (Tripod)

    I bought this exact combo for my wife two years ago. She loves it and the tripod works great. It even holds up and supports my Stiener 20x80s no problem.
  18. It will get a little thin but you should be fine with the Sendero lite. You may need to trim your sling swivel stud screw a bit but that should be the only issue.
  19. STOMP442

    Carbon Six Barrel

    I just had my first experience with a Carbon Six barrel myself. I was actually very impressed with it. It cleaned up so easy with very little fouling at all, much better than even Barlien and Benchmark and Shilen barrels I have used. This is a 6mmXC I just finished up for a buddy of mine. Shoots really well and I am not going to hesitate on doing another one. Five shot group at 100 yards.
  20. STOMP442

    Awesome Day at the Range

    Great shooting! What powders are you using?
  21. STOMP442

    Nosler Prepped Cases

    My .02 cents worth. Nosler brass is very good and very uniform from the get go. I have not had a problem using it in any of the rifles I use or have built and it delivers excellent results. Case volume (not weight) is the number one concern for me and Nosler produces very uniform brass. Neck turning, flash hole deburring and all the other little things have their place but I am willing to bet most shooters will not see the improvement on paper. A bench rest or match shooter yes, they will and every little bit helps. For hunting rifles Nosler brass is well beyond good enough. Neck turning does have its place though and generally most beneficial when wildcatting or necking down brass of one caliber to form another say, for example, .308 down to .260. in which the brass in the neck area becomes thicker and will cause excessive neck tension and form the dreaded donut at the neck shoulder junction. Turning the necks down to a uniform thickness eliminates this problem.
  22. STOMP442

    WTS: Rem 788 Short Action Stock

    Stock is SPF.
  23. I have a new in box Rem 788 short action Boyds lightweight thumbhole stock in forest camo. I screwed up and ordered a short instead of a long and rather than deal with Boyds on the return and paying a restocking fee I would rather sell to someone who needs it. This stock has 6.75" screw spacing center to center and will fit the .223 and .22-250 caliber 788s. This will also fit a few .243s depending on what year they were made check your screw spacing to know for sure. Asking $125 shipped to the lower 48.
  24. STOMP442

    WTS: Rem 788 Short Action Stock

    Scott the 6mm will be a long action as well. These 788s are really unique in the way Remington named them. Their "short" action is actually only chambered for the 44 magnum. Their "long" action is for the 222,223 22-250 & 30-30 which is what this stock will fit. What they call their "extra long" action is chambered in .243 .308 and 6mm Remington.
  25. STOMP442

    WTS: Rem 788 Short Action Stock

    This will not fit a .308. The .308 will have a 7.00" screw spacing. This stock has 6.75" screw spacing. This stock was purchased for a .308 and I learned the hard way that the .308 is in fact a long action cartridge when dealing with the Model 788.