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Mike S

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Everything posted by Mike S

  1. Mike S

    Scope mount

    I can see the front sight on my rifle through the scope at low power. That said, it looks like your rear base is higher that the front in the pictures. The rear receiver top on many actions is lower than in the front, M70, M700s etc., but that does not seem to be the case with that model action. You may have the incorrect rear base. Set it on a rest and pull the bolt out. Compare what you see down the bore with where the cross hairs sit. Having the rings reversed has no impact on anything other than looks.
  2. Mike S

    Optics suggestions

    What you have now should work fine, but if you are looking for an excuse to get something new, 15s or 12s would be useful. If your buddy was packing a rangefinder you could carry them instead of your geovids. A friend has the 15 geovids he really likes... I am currently happy with 12s and a spotter. Pretty sure I bought a MSR backpacking tent from you a few years ago, good luck on your hunt!
  3. Mike S

    Proper shooting technique

    PM sent
  4. Mike S

    Proper shooting technique

    Everyone's welcome at our hunting rifle shoots. The next one is Sept 27th. We shoot from different field positions and you could be breathing hard in one multiple target stage. http://www.coueswhitetail.com/forums/topic/47425-hunting-rifle-shoot-march-22-phoenix-rod-and-gun-club/
  5. For service rifle shooting I used to put a small piece of "matte" clear scotch tape on my shooting glasses at the spot where the off eye tried to pick up the AR's front sight, might work on a spotter if you were wearing classes.
  6. Mike S

    Proper shooting technique

    Consistency in the hold and sighting in with the same hold you will use in the field is important (for me). Different vibrations probably account for some of this, however a big component is the rearward movement the the rifle under recoil before the bullet has left that barrel.
  7. Years ago I looked through survey instruments as well with both eyes open and no problems. I can still use rifle scopes the same way, but have some strain with long periods behind a spotter. An eye patch takes care of that for me. You will see better with both eyes open, my understanding is that closing one eye results in an involuntary contraction of the other pupil.
  8. Mike S

    12x50 or 15x56

    When I first bought my 12x50 ELs, I thought I'd never sell my 15x60 B/GA Zeiss. After 2 seasons I realized i just didn't need them any more. I do pack a Swaro 65mm, (non HD) but even that is a disappointment after looking through the 12s.
  9. Looks like some good hunts and times with family! Congrats.
  10. Any interest in selling just the tinesup digiscope?
  11. Mike S

    Empty 8lb can to mix lots together? Wtb/ trade

    not a big deal, but if you are precison reloading, you wont get as good of groups as you would if you kept them seperate. While i have not done this, I cannot imagine it negatively affecting accuracy if you have verified your charge weight with the mixed lot. If you have good chrono data from your favorite load, just check your mixed lot and adjust charge weight if needed.
  12. We will have another one in September, hope to see you there. These shoots are a fun way to work the kinks out of your gear or technique... before that big buck is in your sights for real. Mike
  13. For those interested, Phoenix Rod and Gun Club is having a Hunting Rifle Shoot on Saturday March 22, 8:00AM, arrive early for set up. We will be shooting animal targets ranging from javelina to deer, bear, antelope and maybe elk from 100 to 400+ yards from field positions, some with time or other constraints. There will be several different stages (plan around 30 -35 shots total) You can use different rifles for different stages if you wish. This is intended not as a shooting match but as an opportunity to practice with your hunting gear and techniques in field conditions. Bring anything you would use on a hunt and nothing you wouldn’t. It will be at the PRGC High Power Range. PRGC is at the southern end of 7th AVENUE (not street) up against the mountain. HP is accessed at the gate at the back of the public range parking lot. For additional info see: http://arizona-rifleshooting.com/huntin ... -PRGC.html Please post or PM questions. Hope to see you there. Mike
  14. Mike S

    Great day!

    Congrats, looks like a nice sized one.
  15. Mike S

    Who's going out for the HAM 2014?

    Killed a boar with my 6" Freedom Arms .454 on Saturday morning. The 6th pig in 6 years for that revolver.
  16. Mike S

    today must be opposite day!

    Congrats, now you understand what I said about the 1911 cool factor!
  17. Mike S

    Who's going out for the HAM 2014?

    I'll be in 37A Friday morning with my Freedom Arms .454 and maybe my Colt 1911. Good hunting everyone! Mike
  18. Mike S

    Swarovski EL 12 x 50

    It's the best option for the 12x50's in my opinion. I've been happy with mine.
  19. Mike S

    Unit 15B bruiser

    Awesome rams and write up Don! Congrats to the hunters, you and your team. Wish I could have been there :-(. Have a great Christmas!
  20. Mike S

    Hunting with a friend who has a tag

    You would be fine to carry with or without a lion tag or license, unless you are on a refuge or somewhere with special regulations. I asked about this exact situation when I was purchasing a lion tag at the AZGFD office a few years ago. The lady (Tice) was delighted that I was getting the lion tag, but was very matter of fact in telling me I could carry my rifle whenever/wherever I chose, license, tag or not.
  21. Mike S

    Opening day ram!

    Well done!!!
  22. Mike S

    Mystery Ranch 3 Day Assault Pack

    Bump for a fine pack. I have their longbow model. . . Cool avatar pick. My wife and I just got back today from a mountain biking vacation trip to Gooseberry Mesa!
  23. Mike S

    36c illegal activity

    Good luck, there are some good bucks in there...
  24. Mike S

    36c illegal activity

    During our October hunt in 36C we had lots of issues ranging from the 4 mules my brother and I had pop up within 100 yards of us on Sunday morning as well as numerous interruptions by very low flying helicopters on the following days. Not a quality hunt this year at all.