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Everything posted by AZJR

  1. AZJR

    Mad as heck about Nevada

    OP was about NEVADA, don't think thr OP was discussing AZ regarding this matter. Most of us AZ Resident applicants are well-versed in how the AZ Drawings and the BP System operates. The NDOW (Nevada Departmemt of Wildlife) DOES send out frequent email alerts for everything NDOW related at the present time, why not simply add this one to the list, especially since the folks have been paying to play all along? It is disappointing that some folks appear to get a particular chuckle out of learning of a fellow hunter's loss of their BPs, almost as if it's a sport in and of itself.
  2. AZJR

    Mad as heck about Nevada

    My opinion is it should not matter how many years you skip or miss applying nor the reason. The point is they are YOUR BONUS POINTS you PAID FOR and they show up in your NV portal, they can see you purchased them and applied so you own the points, not the draw system. No reason for them to delete them. They should also send you an alert for every species you have points for warning you that you will lose them if you do not buy a license, apply for a hint or Bonus Point Only and pay them. Their systems can send you an email alert about every other NDOW event, they should add the alert/warning that you are about to have a product you have been purchasing stolen from you. Some may say, they are purging inactive/deceased past applicants, for what reason? Those folks are not applying, their points aren't circulating in the draw, so who cares? It really is all about, and only about, the $$$$$.
  3. AZJR

    Antis at it again. Lions and Bears.

    Email sent, thank you for the heads-up.
  4. AZJR

    Bino question

    I hunt primarily with a Leica 10x42 bino and prefer it to others I have and have had. I also have the Sawarovski 8x30 and if I plan to be in timber and brush most of the day I carry it as it is very light and virtually unnoticeable in its harness. For more open country glassing the 10’s work better for me. I switched to the Rick Young Outdoors suspension harnesses and bino covers on all my binoculars. They weigh nothing, keep optics snug to chest and don’t tempt you to start carrying a bunch of items in them, thus becoming just another pack to carry. It works for me but I am aware lots of hunters go for the bino pack setups because they do like carrying extra gear in them.
  5. AZJR

    Daughters sheep hunt

    Special moments for Dad & daughter, memories that will endure a lifetime, you’re both blessed. Congratulations!
  6. AZJR

    Youth guns Cricket .22lr 20ga shotgun youth rifle stock

    PM sent about the BDL stock
  7. 22 inches, a few shorter that have a barbed top, the others just used straight and pounded in at an angle, the metal loops on my Springbar catch on the ridges and hold firm. The tent has been up in wicked winds with no issues. Sorry I didn’t reply to your question early I totally missed it.
  8. AZJR

    Which shooting rest/bipod??

    I have a Hatch Bipod and carry a small bean bag in pack for toe of buttstock. I practiced a lot with that set up prior to my sheep hunt, ended up making kill shot at 179 with rifle resting on foam seat pad over a rock rest, go figure.
  9. My family has camped in our Springbar tent in sandy terrain for years: Glamis, Dumont, Coral Pinks, Paunsaugunt, to name a few places. We went the 1/2” rebar route, works great as they really dig in. Putting something on the exposed stake is advisable, like said above, crashing and tripping on one in the dark is no fun.
  10. Once a person, regardless of age or residency, completes an AZ Hunter Education Course (emphasis on completes) they earn a permanent bonus point. That is their one and only such bonus point ever. This new online course does not add an additional point, it’s a vehicle to provide opportunity to an adult to earn the PBP without having to travel to AZ to take a course and complete it by participating in a field day. Anyone, resident or nonresident, can still come to AZ and take a hunter education course or complete our course online with a field day and earn the point for the nominal class fee. It is a convenience for adults and if a resident would rather pay $150 to get the bonus point than attend a class, that’s their choice. Remember, we do not require hunters 14 and older to take hunter Ed and a this new course is not going to satisfy a Hunter Education Requirement in another state, it’s simply for educational purposes and to facilitate an adult earning the PBP. For years the AZGFD has been able to glean data from surveys and from in-person attendees of the Nonresident Supplemental Class we have hosted and taught in Golden Valley, AZ at the Mohave Sportsmans Club. The vast majority of the participants were nonresident hunters. The financial commitment to attend for anyone outside reasonable driving distance was considerable with plane tickets, vehicle rental, and lodging. They spent far more than $300 and I will admit to a bit of surprise at that final price for the course, I had thought it to wind up being at least $500 for nonresidents. The course has been in the works conceptually for almost two years and a lot of serious thought and work went into its creation. Hopefully the Department will see a lot of sales and revenue from it. The question is will other states finally see the potential for the same for their game & fish departments? Just remember, there is NO 2nd bonus point for anyone, earn one and done. I am sure some folks will take this course then cry foul they thought they were getting “another bonus point”. The AZGFD has been very clear that is not the case, customers need to read and be aware that if they already have a bonus point, they will not get a 2nd point for completing this course. The course isn’t a gimme either. The student can not just blow through the content to a testing area and take a test. They can cover the material and then have two attempts to pass the final exam. If they aren’t successful, they are required to take the course again and pay the fee. Sorry for the lengthy explanation, just want to clear up the “we can get a 2nd bonus point” misconception. Jim Rich MV, AZ
  11. AZJR

    Daughters sheep hunt

    Best wishes for a grand experience to you both!
  12. AZJR

    Petition - Stop Paying Influencers

    I am thankful for Point Guard. I drew a unit 8 archery bull tag for the 2021 season and contracted the COVID-19 virus and tested positive on Sept 5th. The hunt started on Sept 10, no way I could use my drawn, paid for and desired tag. I turned it in to a Region Ofiice by mail and received back a confirmation of receipt and a note confirming my bonus points were restored and a get well salutation. No idea what they did with my tag on such short notice? I believe my situation is exactly what Point Guard was created for and I support it. That there are folks finding ways to exploit the Point Guard System is not a surprise as finding any angle to increase draw odds or frequency is a long standing practice by most applicants.
  13. AZJR


    Also sent a PM with an I’ll Take it, providing “sebhunter” didn’t do the same; if so, 2nd in line. Jim Mohave Valley
  14. AZJR

    Wyoming Draw and Hunter safety card

    Print out her proof of completion of the AZ Online Hunter Education Course and have her carry it on her person while hunting in Wyoming. There are very limited opportunities for adults to complete Field Day activities at this time as all active hunter ed teams in the state that are conducting field days are working to move the 2200 backlogged youths through the system (by AZGFD mandate) before addressing the backlog of adults. If there are open slots in a Field Day event after they have been offered to backlogged youths, those spots can go to adults.
  15. Per teleconference, if Flagstaff sale doesn’t work out, I will take it. Jim Rich Mohave Valley
  16. Think there are any antlerless elk units you're not likely to draw with 5 Bonus Points as a resident?
  17. AZJR

    Nobody / anybody

    My Dad & daughter both had their portals list congratulations they were "Drawn" for Mid-Winter Pronghorn permits for Hunt # 2000. Only issue there is that hunt # is for a bonus point, so I guess the portal is now reporting a bonus point purchase as a congratulatory '"Drawn" I wonder how many other folks are thinking they were "drawn" but really only added a bonus point? Odd choice of reporting within the portal IMO.
  18. AZJR

    Game and Fish working hard ....????

    I'm thinking the portals all have to be updated and spot on accurate before any draw results are released. It ANY portals show incomplete or inaccurate info (such as "no apps on file" or "no license purchase on record") those folks will stroke out and G&F will have a legitimate PR nightmare on their hands IMO. The draw itself is likely completed per usual, it's the info in the portals that are fuggly. It sounds like all of that portal info has to be hand entry input at this time. The roll over to the new portal must have flaws for many portal account holders. Mine and family members had important info incorrect that I had to manually update, likely thousands of others did too. It's a lot of work for the small staff in that department to tackle, all while under the burden of a deadline of mailed tags by April 2nd. I can't imagine the Dept not contacting applicants who have card declines, it's only fair to give them the opportunity to provide a working at the time card in light of the delay. Let's hope they are able to get it all ironed out by then.
  19. AZJR

    Who's the oldest hunter you know?

    I posted about my dad in this thread over 7 years ago; he’ll be 80 in April. He called me in the afternoon on March 4th and said “Hey, did you get on your computer and get me in the Utah draw for the Paunsaugunt? I’m due.” “Yeah Dad, I took care of it.” You gotta love it, almost 80 and still dreaming of another go-around after a big mule deer buck!
  20. AZJR

    Hunter Safety

    Arizona does not require hunter education for hunters aged 14 & older, that’s why your Hunter Ed card from another state isn’t required or part of the bonus point program here inAZ, EXCEPT, if you are going to take the Nonresident Supplemental Course, the one day course that required Hunter Ed Completion from another state to enroll in the course. The only Team teaching that course is in Region III (conducted in Golden Valley @ the 7 Mile Hill Shooting Range).They do it in January and in April; however, not again until all the COVID-19 restrictions are lifted. The AZ Permanent Hunter Ed Bonus Point is a reward for taking the AZ Hunter Ed Course (either online or in a classroom) and completing our Field Day. Beginning in July 2021 (assuming no hiccups), there will be a new avenue to earn the Bonus Point in the form of a Conservation Course the state will offer online (for a fee $$$) that will not require travel to Arizona. The Conservation Course is hoped will alleviate some degree of the competition for class and field day seats that are grabbed up by adults keen to obtain the Bonus Point, thus freeing up spots for youngsters and new hunters that need those slots. As of last week Tuesday there were 1743 youth who had completed the AZ Hunter Ed Course online and need the field day, every effort is going to be made to serve those youth first when we get back to holding events. The max fee (a price mandated by federal PRA regs) that can be charged for the classroom course is $8.00 at the present time. Let’s say a classroom of 25 students = $200.00 gross revenue. Costs include .22 LR ammo @ 12 - 15 rounds per student, targets, bottled water for each class, ice, blood trailing supplies (red food dye and Corn Husker Lotion), demonstration supplies and ammo, paper, pencils/pens/markers, money order to submit fees collected back to G&F along with postage. This is a bare-bones of expenses in a typical 16-21 hour 2-3 day class. And doesn’t account for the cost of the manual ($5.00) plus the other printed materials provided by the Dept, nor the firearms, 3D targets, teaching supplies, and host location and utilities used during the events. It’s not uncommon to have 8 different instructors involved over the course timeframe. Divide all that up into $200 & you can see it doesn’t add up to a profitable enterprise. The courses are a public service provided and paid for by federal and department aide and a wee bit of money collected in a fee from the students (far less than they would pay to see a 90 minute motion picture while eating a popcorn and sipping on a soda at a theatre) participating in the class. it is not in the financial cards of the Dept to hire additional staff and pay them to provide Hunter Ed classes all over AZ, there just isn’t the funds available to do that so the program is stuck with us volunteers who do it because we see the need, get to give back to the sport activity and traditional values we love and because we enjoy it. We’ll be back at it soon I am told and we’ll look forward to seeing young and older alike at the events.
  21. AZJR

    Hunter Safety

    When the Dept created the Hunter Education Bonus Point the cut off year for having the AZ Certificate was 1980. It has always been the case that the certification had to be from 1980 and forward to present time. Certificates earned, received or bestowed prior to 1980 were thought to not have the kind of uniformity or standardization of course materials and firearm handling and firing under certified instructor supervision that courses offered in 1980 to present. The AZ Hunter Education Branch is actively working on plans to restart courses in the time of Covid, Covid-19. There are hurdles and hoops to navigate, safety and other concerns to iron out and some training that will need to be undertaken by the current all-volunteer instructor teams before field days can resume. It is correct that the Online Course Completion Certificate is sufficient for youth hunters to participate in hunts they have permits for at this time. As long as there are Covid restrictions, and no field days to attend, the Dept will continue to honor them and extend any "deadline" to complete the field day portion of the completed course. Adults wanting the field day to earn a bonus point will be behind a considerable back log of youth students that have completed the online course. Those youth will be the priority participants once field days resume. If adults will exercise continued patience their reward will be the opportunity to obtain the extra bonus point without the current requirement to travel to Arizona for the field day. Hopefully this will be a reality by late summer of 2021. I'm confident I speak for all the volunteer instructors in Arizona that we'll be very happy to get back to conducting field days as soon as possible and especially look forward to resuming classroom education to youth and new hunters. Jim Rich VHET CI REG III Mohave Valley, AZ
  22. AZJR

    Our 2020 Fall Hunting Successes

    😕 no big game tags in 2020. Settled for a few doves so far.
  23. AZJR

    Early Kaibab Rifle Reports???

    Nice buck and the young man looks rightfully happy, good for him!
  24. AZJR

    6a Halloween Buck

    Nice buck, congrats to you!