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Everything posted by couesobsession

  1. couesobsession

    Unit 1, 27, 29, 35a, 36b Hunt closure

    Talk about a crappy situation. if this goes through there will be some real heat from the hunters. I feel bad about saying it, but I'm glad I put in for 32 this year
  2. couesobsession

    draw results

    HOORAY! It's open season on wolves. NO BAG LIMIT!!!!! All methods of take legal. Let's set some land mines to get a whole pack at once. Carefully marked "free admittance fir all wolves step here". JK
  3. couesobsession

    Where can I catch Trout on the salt?

    Thanks for the info. 1/4 or 1/8 th oz kastmaster?
  4. couesobsession

    I KNEW IT!!!

    Whatcha mean behind a single blade of grass? They can hide behind a grain of sand if they want to!!!! I think they covwer themselves with dirt and stayy still all hunting season Coues are sneaky creatures!
  5. couesobsession

    Veteran's Day Coues Buck - 122 inches

    That 122" 3x6 is a dream buck. I once shot a 110" class 4x4 with stubby eyegaurds that had a drop time on his right side in that very unit. Maybe they had a common ancestor? It was about 5 years ago though. WE can't let that second 97" buck go by unnoticed though. He's a pig! I'd be happy to shoot that beaut. Congrats to everyone whoe took part in that hunt.
  6. couesobsession

    TLO Buffalo video #3

    Great video! Good hunt. Those bison are hardy animals. 6 rounds from a 7mm RUM? WOW! I shot one once, not in AZ, and it took 2 Rounds from a 300 Winchester Magnum. Anyway, congrats to all. that snow sure melted fast.
  7. couesobsession

    gear for rifle Coues hunt

    I've got a new recipe (rifle only) Weatherby Vanguard Sub-MOA 30-06 Federal 110 Grain Barnes TTSX Lead-Free Bushnell Elite 4200 3-9x40(some may say magnification is small but I've shot deer to 489 yards with that, and further than 550 I WILL NOT shoot. I know my limitations.) Winchester Prone Bipod I can shoot 3/4" groups @100 with that factory ammo. pretty good considering its leaving a 24" barrel @ 3400 FPS, eh?
  8. couesobsession

    Wallow Fire Tower

    take a look at these pics and you'll instantly realize theres no doubt its escudilla http://www.localhikes.com/HikeData.ASP?DispType=7&ActiveHike=0&GetHikesStateID=&ID=5629
  9. couesobsession

    Wallow Fire Tower

    I always liked that name, profanity ridge. It supposedly came from the other big fire in 1951 in that area that torched about 20,000 acres. The firemen recruited to help the blaze would have to hike over that steep ridge every day to get to crucial areas. Apparently the cursing helped ease the pain . Anyway those firemen sures shouted a few mouthfuls and thats how Profanity Ridge came to be.
  10. couesobsession

    Wallow Fire Tower

    Without a doubt that's escudilla. I hiked up there last fall, and, wow, what a sad sight to see. That day the aspens were golden, the air crisp, the firs green, and the sky a deep blue. I remember exactly that staircase and the walk around the enclosed area. Before pics like theses I had hope that the fire was only burning on the ground in a lot of areas, how Naive. I'm at a loss for words.
  11. couesobsession

    223 for Coues?

    A .223 isn';t the best choice for deer. that being said, however, broadside shots under 300 yards shouldn't be a problem. My family (not me) used to use a .222 caliber rifle for years and it always got the job done. A .222 is less powerfukl than a .223. I would also recommend a .243. You don't have to go all out, a rossi single shot .243 is well under $300 even when you buy it as a combo with the shotgun barrel. I've gotten 1 inch groups with it with premium ammo @ 100 yards when I useed one.
  12. couesobsession

    Wallow Fire

    Bill is you house on the east or west side of town? Wallow.us says the fire burned at least 6 structures on the east side of town but didn't make it to the west. I hope dearly your house wasn't burned. Comments also saty that the in formation that a 747 supertanker will be used is incorrect, and that they are actually getting a DC-10 supertanker. interesting stuff.
  13. couesobsession

    Unit 1 Fire?

    Your $0.02 is worth more than that, as opposed to those that wail and gnash their teeth like a bunch of old women, which from what I see is most of this forum. Adios. Biker Natural fires slowly burn the forest floor thinning out the small thick growth leaving the mature old timber and promoting grass to grow through ash.a fire like the wallow fire is burning everything including the old growth timber.same thing happened with the dude fire and the rodeo fire.the problem with these type of fires is the mature pines are replaced with thickets of oak,scrub,etc. creating an even bigger problem in the future.the dude and rodeo areas are growing back thicker and more dense than they were before they were wiped out.A drive down the control rd is about as unnatural as you can get. the rodeo and dude fire did not return the forest back to its natural state and neither will the wallow fire. I'm not sure if I agree with you. Big nasty wildfires are horrible and I am as sick and saddened as anyone these forests are burning. They won't be the same in our lifetime. But once a forest burns, if anything the grass and brush come up and then the aspens come over them, sheltering the ponderosas to come back. Escudilla was hit with wildfire 50 years ago and yes its thick, but its not oak and scrub, it is, or was, thick aspens stands with baby evergreens and pines lower down, at least where the fire hit. Look at almost any area hit with nasty crown fires in the past fifty years and you see aspens returning, outgrowing the brush, not the other way around. And biker, as glad as i am that someone appreciated my input (everybody deserves to have some) I also disagree wiht your view. There are few if any places in the world where some sort of disaster can't hit you. Saying too bad for you who are affected is a very uncompassionate sentiment. If we were hit with a huge earthquake in the valley or a freak flood would you still say you shoulda seen that one coming?
  14. couesobsession

    Unit 1 Fire?

    This just sickens me, I wish someone would say how much % of the blaze wiped everything out and how much is just undersory and litter.
  15. couesobsession

    Wallow Fire

    If escudilla and terry flats are burning, well, I don't want to go down that road. prettiest place I've ever scene on this planet, I prefer it to anywhere else. In the fall that aspens are mesmerizing, Ill have to post some pics, it'll be depressing to see some before and afters of this fire once its through.
  16. couesobsession

    Unit 1 Fire?

    I believe the reason why our forests are burning with such huge crown fires started with the nations policy of complete fire suppression in the early to mid 20th century. Ponderosa pine forests historically burn once every seven or so years with a ground fire that removes branches, needles, leaves, etc... Large crown fire historically occurred every thirty to fifty years, and they were less hot and less destructive than todays fires. The buildup of downed wood I've seen in the Terry Flat area is appalling. Doghair thickets acrooss the evergreen forests of Arizona are another major factor. Now that the forsets are so cluttered, we are going to see major crown fires in almost every forest untill mother nature can restore ballance. it is a sad truth and as things sit fires have to be put out when they have any potential to grow larger. We are the ones who proverbially screwed ourselves over by taking a too serious approach to fire suppresssion and then not a serious enoguh approach in manys cases. Anyways thats my 2 cents
  17. couesobsession

    Unit 1 Fire?

    I realize that some of those photos from thet link i posted are from terry flat/ escudilla mountain area and its dangerously close, I camp there all the time its THE most beautiful place on earth during the fall but there is a horrendous amount of deadfall. Ironic that the thing that created the beauty- fire (causing aspen growth) is the thing that might now destroy it again. Man, words can't express how sad I am, I have a terrible feeling in my gut that this is going to become Rodeo-Chediski size or larger, I hate careless campers. The USFS needs to pour as many resources as possible ASAP into this fire, they need more choppers, more hotshots, and more man power now, or this thing is gonna go south even worse than it is now. I know they may be doing the best they can, but this thing shoulda bween out before it started.
  18. couesobsession

    Unit 1 Fire?

    I wonder how this will affect the wolves? Im not pro-wolf by any means, but that entire area is ripe for destruction and its burning right where they released em'. Here are some links to a bunch of sad but awe-inspiring photos: http://www.abc15.com/gallery/news/news_photo_gallery/Wallow-Fire-in-Eastern-Arizona
  19. couesobsession

    Anyone fish the White Mountains this weekend?

    Those are some beautiful fish that you and youre friends caught AZpredator. Do I spy a couple of browns in there too? You may say they didn't have much size, but those fish look to be all in th 11-14 inch range! I've had some luck at woods canyon on rooster tail spinners recently, spinners work very well all over AZ, especially when the sun is shining.
  20. couesobsession

    Wild Fire Information websites

    Yes, as long as it sticks to a mosaic(ground fire) burn pattern, fires like this are very good for habitat. They burn away invasive species and help native, more nutritious grasses and plants to come back. It just makes me nervous because if it jumbs into the pines, they'll have a helluva time getting it out of there.
  21. couesobsession

    Bit The Bullet

    Thanksfor the feedback. I too love the glass for the price. Compared it to a nice philipine-produced Vortex Diamonback and the Bushnell (Technically made by Bausch&Lomb) blew it away. Light Transmission and clarity were much better. Must say I like the virtex-style resettable turrets better than the ones on the bushnell though. Also compared to a Leupold VX-III 4.5-14 and while the leupold was an almost imperceptable bit brighter, the clarity, focus, and edge-to-edge color was just as good. Great scope for a third the price of the Leupold. I highly recommend it. Love those quality Japanese optics.
  22. couesobsession

    Bit The Bullet

    Just a head's up Bushnell 3200 and 4200 elite's are being cleared out right now because they're being phased out and conglomerated into one "Elite" line. I did a lot of research and ordered a Elite 4200 3-9x40 from some place called weby shops. Should be here soon. $225 out the door came with a free laser boresighter. Cheaper than Cabelas @ $199 since sales tax is $20 and shipping more. Anybody else got one of these scopes? What do you think of them?
  23. couesobsession

    Wild Fire Information websites

    If anybody cares, which I hope some do since the Chiricahuas are a beautiful game-rich place, here;s the latest info http://azstarnet.com/news/local/wildfire/article_2f3ca64f-efd4-5e07-a44d-acfb438f8ff8.html bout 35,000 acres burned, no end expected until rains come, thank god that it has only been burning the ground, a mosaic pattern, and hasn't really torched the pines.
  24. couesobsession

    Wild Fire Information websites

    Got another website that has some more photos of the fire. Looks to be burning pretty high up. Hope it sticks to a mosaic burn. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://bloximages.chicago2.vip.townnews.com/azstarnet.com/content/tncms/assets/editorial/9/6d/18b/96d18b40-7b19-11e0-827f-001cc4c03286-revisions/4dc958ab3cc29.image.jpg&imgrefurl=http://azstarnet.com/promo/homepage/collection_3189c760-7b1a-11e0-9f4e-001cc4c03286.html&usg=__ptMVIOXSQ1jkCKurc6coMETzl2w=&h=334&w=620&sz=24&hl=en&start=4&zoom=1&itbs=1&tbnid=tpTuZ0fZp2O5SM:&tbnh=73&tbnw=136&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dhorseshoe%2Btwo%2Bfire%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1004%26bih%3D608%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch&ei=vQrLTacM5uGIAre31K4G some older but interersting info on the fire: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://bloximages.chicago2.vip.townnews.com/azstarnet.com/content/tncms/assets/editorial/9/6d/18b/96d18b40-7b19-11e0-827f-001cc4c03286-revisions/4dc958ab3cc29.image.jpg&imgrefurl=http://azstarnet.com/promo/homepage/collection_3189c760-7b1a-11e0-9f4e-001cc4c03286.html&usg=__ptMVIOXSQ1jkCKurc6coMETzl2w=&h=334&w=620&sz=24&hl=en&start=4&zoom=1&itbs=1&tbnid=tpTuZ0fZp2O5SM:&tbnh=73&tbnw=136&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dhorseshoe%2Btwo%2Bfire%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1004%26bih%3D608%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch&ei=vQrLTacM5uGIAre31K4G
  25. couesobsession

    Wild Fire Information websites

    News on the Portal 2 fire, biggest currently burning in AZ. It saddens me to see the chiricahuas burning AGAIN. Haven't found any info. on fuel type anyone know if its in the pines? Satellite imagery showed it burning up to 7200 feet elevation. http://www.kvoa.com/news/latest-information-on-the-horseshoe-two-fire/