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Everything posted by chico

  1. chico

    Stage 3 fire restrictions

    Stage 3 = Forest Closure .
  2. chico

    Apache-Sitgreaves Forest Closures Imminent

    IMHO-- Folks are going to want to get out and about on the public lands . In the interest of preserving what is left and still holding some green stuff , the precaution of closing the forests for the fact that the fire danger is so high would be a good thing . Not everyone follows the fire restrictions , unfortunate but true . Close it all down until the rains offer some relief . Again just my opinion .
  3. chico

    Mother's Day Wishes

    Want to wish all member's of the CWT family and are Mom's a heartfelt thanks for being who you are --a wonderful Mother . Guys and gals have a good day with the lady that made it possible for you to be here reading this . A prayer to all who have since left but are forever in your hearts . Enjoy your Mom's day .......
  4. chico

    Mother's Day Wishes

    Yea so I enjoyed my visit with my mom hope you all did as well .
  5. IMHO--when I have done that --walk in with darkness as my friend -- have had encounters such as yours . From how the animal reacted did not get wind of me and just moved off a ways . I kept moving and relocated deer when the sun broke about 100 yards away from initial encounter . I would think that as long as you are not winded they will stay close to where they are comfortable .
  6. Frontier Justice---Johnny Law sort of told us that in having to deal with the local tweeks . Just saying........
  7. chico

    Coueswhitetail.com Calendar

    Hats off to Darren , has to put in some work to share some amazing photos and a very nice fella to boot .
  8. chico

    What am I doing with a late archery tag?

    Sounds to me like you are going to be hunting and not wishing you were ! Best of luck !
  9. chico

    The tinder fire

    IMHO---- Ignorance has no boundaries , the few who don't adhere to policy will ruin it all for the rest of us who enjoy our great public lands . Everyone do a rain dance of sorts whatever it may be , the sky's need to open up and drop some much needed moisture on our parched public lands . Be safe and alert out there .
  10. chico


    Smoking deal there man--good luck with the sale .
  11. chico

    Elk Tags Arrived !!

    Well just want to share---kiddos tags have made it home !!! Best of luck to all that will be taking them out , enjoy the time , impart good life lessons and above all make it safe and fun for the juniors so that the wheel keeps rolling .
  12. chico

    G&F new TAG printings

    Well the mailman on my route has not brought the Golden Tickets per Mr. Wonka .
  13. chico

    How many Decades ?

    Good memories --- have chased the ghost since the 70 ' s . You all out there if you recall being the only folks out in the cold dark days of fall and your friends thought you were nuts will understand . Would not change anything--biggest thrill was putting hands on a magnificent deer and knowing you had to work for it--back in the day .
  14. IMHO--- A start would be to ban all camp fires -- open flames . Been done before . If an individual is up to making the trek out into the public lands it should be no problem to use propane to cook with.....
  15. chico

    Happy Easter

    Amen to that Brother--Hope all CWT folks have a blessed day !
  16. chico

    Anybody received your tag yet???

    Got my refund if that's any consolation .
  17. chico

    Knoll fire

    Agree on that--- observed a few camps with large fires last weekend above Young-- Dry out there indeed .
  18. chico

    Another Guess the Score

    I would score him a shooter---thanks for sharing the pics.
  19. chico


    Saw some fellas in Young yesterday afternoon---very nice collection .
  20. chico

    Just trying give a hand to the helpless wildlife...

    Didn't bother to look---but isn't all wildlife wild ? Don't feed the Javs---
  21. chico

    How steep is to steep?

    Its been said before on here--deer gonna be where they want to be,,,,,
  22. chico

    How bout them Devils!

    The kid from Flagstaff threw a good game against the Devils . Good for the Cats .
  23. chico

    Sending Binos to Swarovski?

    4-5 weeks . Mine sent in for a tune up is all . Great service .
  24. chico

    Degraded shooter ability

    First off Congratulations on drawing the coveted archery tag ! That is a problem I would love to have . Best of luck man .
  25. check the auction places if you see Yukon or Burban or vehicle that came from utility company look at it--taken care of in all aspects . PM schedule and repairs are not what you see in the public spectrum---