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Everything posted by idgaf

  1. idgaf

    Post where your Elk Hunting!!!

    I saw some yesterday that sprouted new growth. With this very mild winter, I still think we could have some perfectly timed rains.
  2. idgaf

    And the Card hits will begin

    Where's unit 1?😅
  3. idgaf

    Post where your Elk Hunting!!!

    My daughter got 3c rifle antelope.
  4. Someone gave them to me, awhile ago.
  5. idgaf

    Free to good home 44amp ammo

    Or maybe, just maybe. I want to see the gun. Same rules would apply to anyone that wants them. Have you ever seen a 44 automag? I would like too.
  6. idgaf

    Free to good home 44amp ammo

    Yeah , when my friend gave them to me he just said 44. When I pulled them out to shoot out of my newly acquired anaconda. I went down that rabbit hole. Now i want to watch dirty Harry.
  7. idgaf

    Free to good home 44amp ammo

    Yes, on one condition. I would like to see your 44 auto-mag.
  8. idgaf

    Who's going Goat hunting this year?

    My daughter is. The law of averages has come around in her favor big time. She had 1 point.
  9. I commute from showlow a couple times a month to Scottsdale. A couple times a week Is rough. I would suggest Heber, it would cut an hour from a daily trip.
  10. idgaf

    And the Card hits will begin

    If he's home, I'll get some pics tomorrow. Lately, I've haven't been taking pics like I use to.
  11. idgaf

    And the Card hits will begin

    Otc elk. Going for 3 bulls in a row. I found one i really want.
  12. idgaf

    And the Card hits will begin

    I may use my crossbow next weekend. I'm running out of 'new firsts' to fill tags with.
  13. idgaf

    And the Card hits will begin

    My daughter got an antelope tag with 1 point. Every time I'm in her area of the house she says, "all it takes is one!"
  14. idgaf

    Landowner Tags

    There are Ranch owners that do not like hunters and hunting. Given the opportunity they will close there land to hunting
  15. idgaf

    Landowner Tags

    Would you guys be willing to lose santa margarita ranch for landowner tags? The owner doesn't care for hunting and would absolutely throw the tags in the garbage and not see another hunter.
  16. idgaf

    Landowner Tags

    In az, when a landowner stresses their concern g&f issues a depredation tag. When the concern is consistent like the hay farm by Heber they create otc units.
  17. idgaf

    Landowner Tags

    With all due respect, the super raffle is one tag not the amount that will effect populations and draws. Az already has a protocol to deal with nuisance farmland wild game. It's depredation tags.
  18. idgaf

    Landowner Tags

    Are you guys okay with landowner tags?
  19. idgaf

    San Carlos turkey

    Did you get a deer tag?
  20. idgaf

    Feral hog

    Not much of a story. I went to my northern az quail place and my shotgun jammed. After 20 or 30 minutes of fiddling with it, I decided to go home. Driving way to fast on a dirt road, something crossed in front of me. I stop and think pig, then I think, the biggest javelina in the world. Then I think, do javelina have tails? Then I think, must be a ranchers, but there are no ranches within 5 or 10 miles. Then I think, I am smoking a tritip this evening. F IT! and grab my truck pistol. 357 Several shots from the cylinder were solid and it fumbles back towards me and falls
  21. idgaf

    Feral hog

    Still smoking
  22. idgaf

    Feral hog

    That's what my wife thought. I googled feral hogs for the area and saw some old post on here that says they have seen them in the area.
  23. idgaf

    Fishing Talkalai

    Congrats! Did you use minnows for the crappies?
  24. idgaf

    New Zealand Stag hunt

    A friend of mine runs trips there once a year or so for his ig page. If i remember correctly, he said 'silver medal' bulls are around 5k. DIY you would be lucky to get a 200" stag. What I thinking about doing was doing was chartering a helicopter and renting one of the cabins for a week and focusing on tahr and trout.
  25. idgaf

    New Zealand Stag hunt

    DIY or guided?