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Everything posted by idgaf

  1. A friend of mind told me f you every see a "smaller" bear run directly at it and you will tree it. After a shortened bear calling expedition after work with my wife in 2009 and Me not being an expert at judging bears saw a fully mature colored phased one on the side of the road. I grab my bow and start walking towards it when it starts running. I immediately remember what my friend said and start running at the fleeing bear. What my friend did not tell me was what to do when it stops and your still running. I managed to hit the breaks (hard) with bear looking at me wondering what I was doing and put an arrow through her at less than 25 yards. That feeling that I immediately felt was somewhere between pure adreline and pure stupidity. I look forward to feeling that emotion again.
  2. idgaf

    another late archery elk

    the bull was in 3c , the buck was in unit 1
  3. idgaf

    another late archery elk

    I did not have a lot of time to scout, eventough it is my home unit. I hunted every day and managed to get this one on the last day of the season. The rush was on to get done before thanksgiving dinner. My brother-in-law and I had dinner in camoflage. It made my wife really, really happy. the reason why I could not scout much
  4. idgaf

    another late archery elk

    thanks for the props. Looking through my phone pics I have been very fortunate the last couple of years
  5. idgaf

    Unit 27 Bull Tag

    if it helps with the anticipation, the elk were still screaming in unit 1 during my deer hunt last week. We saw well over 50 bulls
  6. idgaf

    Unit 1 youth elk camp

    It was alot harder than last year when I took my nephew. My daughter had the tag this year and we got on a few opportunities and a few misses until she finally connected last night about 5:15. She hit the spine above the shoulder and the bullet seemed to split and follow the spinal cord both ways on the elk, dropping her instantly. We saw everything from wolves to grouse.
  7. idgaf


    The deer springs area would be a good starting point.
  8. idgaf

    What is this?????

    Game and Fish actually relocated a troubled sow 5 years ago or so to Browns Canyon. So if it stayed there is at least one bear.
  9. idgaf

    Unit 1 & 27

    huntlines for you i'll take a drive up to unit one and take some elk pictures for you Actually, I was going to go fishing at reservation lake anyway so it will be a win win situation
  10. idgaf

    Unit 1 & 27

    huntlines, it looks like you have great concern with an area to hunt. May I make the suggestion of hunting the other side of 260. there are great bulls in the area and no fire