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Everything posted by idgaf

  1. idgaf

    Back from 13B

    Congrats looks like memories for a lifetime.
  2. idgaf

    You be the judge

    I sent a full set of photos to my other brother for his opinion. Former recon marine. He said look at there dispersion and how they have there weapons slung and there lack of supplies they are not military and how the 1st and third guy has different weapons.
  3. idgaf

    You be the judge

    Whether he knew we were there or not. He caught up to us in a hurry without water or supplies. He knows the country and his abilities
  4. idgaf

    You be the judge

    I did call bp. They sent a helicopter and a ground spotter.
  5. idgaf

    You be the judge

    All joking aside this is more than a political talking point, but a national issue. ( I lost one of my old stand by hunting areas)
  6. idgaf

    credit card hits

    No Javelina, no turkey. I now have 9 points for turkey. OUCH
  7. idgaf

    You be the judge

    I'm sure they were sent a mail in ballot
  8. idgaf

    You be the judge

    In the last picture there is national boundary marker, that they are south of at that moment. The boundary says this
  9. idgaf

    You be the judge

    Ha. I like that and agree. I took my nephews gun from him (264 win mag) and all three lined up as I covered my nephews and my brothers exit. I think military because of the spacing when they walked. I was not going to go into to much background but here are a couple more details. There were two of the normal borders crossers/drug smugglers to the southeast of these guys that may have been the hunted. And it is possible it's smugglers because the guy in the vest has something under his arm. But it is also could be something else because we were to the south and east of them and they caught up to us eventough they were past us (happenstance or not). One more detail is we heard multiple gun fire about an hour earlier from this area. They guy in the vest is a badass.
  10. idgaf

    The month of October

    I do not get the privilege of hunting deer again until January, but i get tag along on a few hunts here are some pics from my brother and dad's hunt in Unit 1. enjoy Can't we all just get along I never ever see this many during season we saw so many elk we stopped looking at them after a death march their guide is tired changing colors contol burning finally some deer a successful hunt for milk fed venison
  11. idgaf

    The month of October

    Thanks for the compliments. Sorry for the delay in responding I was in 36b over the weekend for my nephew and brothers deer hunt. I took some very interesting photos there. The kind that homeland security was interested in. I will post when i get a moment
  12. idgaf

    Killing small bucks

    That's what we need is more Government regulation. You are proving that Americans can not show restraint and self control. We need more people like you in government to tell me and everybody else what to do. We need not to have the ability to discern right from wrong as long as you are around.You can do it for us. Thank you for your help. That being said, I think we should fine my father who shot the smallest deer ever over last weekend. He can not walk more than two hundred yards from back fusion surgery and radiation treatment for cancer. I will not shoot a small animal, by choice not by regulation. It really does not effect me if somebody shoots a small animal. The joy and smiles I have seen from small animal hunters is a hundred times greater than anything I have seen from a trophy hunter. Lets stop the joy of success and put your expectations on everybody else and lets start by fining my father for shooting a dink next to a road. Thank you for helping me see the light and realizing that more government regulation is the way go in all aspects of our lives.
  13. idgaf

    December 14th

    Two more months and I am off the proverbial bench. Sixty days and counting.
  14. idgaf

    Unit 3A / 3C

    I got the bull on my avatar during last years late archery hunt. i hunted the entire season getting into range of three much larger bulls and seeing several others. I went several days without seeing an elk and several days of hard rutting activity. Just keep your goals realistic to the time spent scouting and you should do well.
  15. idgaf

    AZGF to ban salt/baiting

    I am not voting because either way it has little effect on me. I do not like bait, so I do not do it, but I do not oppose anybody that does. In my opinion and my opinion only baiting is turning our sport into another sport. We call it fishing. This is a lot like the antler restriction rules that come up once in a while. People want to have antler restrictions rules in place. I do not shoot small animals and do not need regulations to tell me that. Once again I do not begrudge anybody that does that is their option and we do not need gov't to tell us which way is right or wrong if we have personal responsibility to do what we believe. Honestly, bowhunt forever, you may be the biggest Obama supporter ever, by comparing a referendum on baiting animals to the running of our country
  16. idgaf

    36B Nov. 9th Roll Call..

    I think my brother and my nephew have this hunt or the one that starts on the 15th(ish). My goal is to get my nephew a bigger buck than my brothers. No time to scout, hope it turns out ok.
  17. idgaf

    Finally got up to 24a

    You may want to try between hwy 60 and the reservation. Alot of mule deer but a few whitetails. I got this guy in january in that area.
  18. idgaf

    Video of My Brothers 2012 Elk Hunt

    Love the character of the bull and a perfect shot with great footage and with the ability for vehicle access to make it easier to get the elk out. Does it get any better? Congrats.
  19. idgaf


    In my travels I have seen a few illegals. I would not worry about it to much, just use common sense.
  20. idgaf


    I hunted one buck in 36c for four years straight. The last time I saw him he walked through my rifle scope about 80 yards away with me squeezing the trigger and never finding any evidence of a hit. Some days you would wonder how can there be this many deer in the desert and then not see a deer for the next three days. The buck I hunted I had in range with a rifle or bow 5 times I believe seeing him maybe 8 or 9 times total. The "Flats" lends itself to my favorite style of hunting. Moving slow, getting close and seeing them before they see you. Here are a few pics, the first one is a pic of "Mondo's" shed. The next is a buck I shot in 2007. I will also post a pic of a buck my brother got in 2008 or so. The better pics died with my last computer Also a cell pic of a little buck that him and his friend walked within 10 yards of me. Good luck on your hunt.
  21. idgaf

    Early Rut ?

    Elk were screaming in the middle of unit 1 over the weekend. Big bull already had his cows and did not want to pose for pictures. I did manage to get some smaller bull pics .
  22. idgaf

    Long wait to bowhunt

    I tagged out in January also. like you I am also bouncing off the walls to go hunt. Luckily, I live an area with turkeys to give me something to look forward to (I have taken a bear and not alot of interest in getting another one) Also, I am three species away from my big ten with a bow (without dogs) two of the species I am waiting for a tag on, sheep and buffalo, and the third, mt lion, will be my focus this fall. Whether its the first day of January or the last day of December or a season in between, if I see a mature buck that takes my breath away I am shooting.
  23. idgaf

    My Nov is free!

    Congrats a new opportunity will arise (after hunting season). I am going through the same thing with two exceptions 1st I do not have any tags and second my corporate guys are keeping it a "secret" and no one in my branch is suppose to know there master plan.
  24. idgaf

    Bartlett Flatheads

    Has anyone ever fished at the dam at roosevelt(or any lake for that matter) for cats and if so what were the results?
  25. idgaf

    Card got hit today!

    Apparently, there has been a mistake. I think they need to redo the entire draw process, I still do not have a charge on my CC for sheep. G&F needs to redo everything.