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Everything posted by idgaf

  1. idgaf

    This Friday!

    stuck in scottsdale working this first weekend. I was hoping to get my recurve out for bear. I dont think there are any close quite a few cougars though.
  2. hunted it last year. lots of elk. The problem is the mostly good wind. everytime i did a stalk the wind most of the way through the stalk, until i was close to shooting
  3. idgaf

    Trophy Rooms

    Mr Quimby, What was the most interesting/memorable animal you saw in those trophy rooms? Fred
  4. idgaf

    Coues or Muley

    I asked GF biologist that question about the color phased tail. He said tail come in different color phases and they are not mixed with muleys.
  5. idgaf

    Trophy Rooms

    i got the pleasure of designing the lighting for a gentleman's trophy room in safford. I would venture to say it is more impressive than any of those. He had two elephants, three lions, a rhino, giraffe, in one room. As well a crocodile, cape buffalo and a variety of tropical game. For you domestic lovers a he had several sheep, 200 inch muley and a 150 inch coues.
  6. idgaf

    Headphones in the blind

    Ok I will say what everybody is thinking, if you sit in a blind or spot in stalk you are inferior hunters. You all need to be like me and still hunt. I am a better hunter, smarter and better looking than anybody that would sit in a blind or prespot their quarry. Just kidding, except for the looks part. The kid will learn hunting is hunting when he has a few more seasons under his belt.
  7. idgaf

    Who's getting ready for otc archery!!

    Cant wait, only five more months and I am off the bench.
  8. idgaf

    Wild Mustangs

    Burger King admits it has been selling beef burgers and Whoppers containing horsemeat Fast food chain has faced allegations of orchestrating a cover-up Fast food chain had earlier assured its products were not involved Processing company Silvercrest has been using non-approved ingredients Aldi today admitted burgers sold through UK stores probably contaminated By SEAN POULTER FOR THE DAILY MAIL PUBLISHED: 12:41 EST, 31 January 2013 | UPDATED: 02:23 EST, 1 February 2013 656 View comments Burger King has tonight admitted that it has been selling burgers Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2271440/Burger-King-admits-selling-beef-burgers-Whoppers-containing-horse-meat.html#ixzz3hwat9amM Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
  9. I guess I will just keep shooting my deer in January so I do not have to worry about the leftover depletion.
  10. idgaf

    Game and Fish Catchments

    I also believe unit managers (G&F) have input. I know Ben in 37B worked tirelessly organizing the installation & volunteers over the years. I'm guessing he campaigned for funding of the tanks too. It is my understanding that Ben acts as his own grantwriter to pay for his units water improvements and improvements in general.
  11. idgaf

    Central AZ coues

    Also how big was the muley you shot?
  12. idgaf

    Things to do in the NP?

    In a little over a week I am leaving my mountain perch and headed to north phoenix. Just curious what outdoorsman do in the area?
  13. idgaf

    About time we got some rain

    rained everyday or threatened to do for the last month here in Show Low
  14. idgaf

    Things to do in the NP?

    For now moving to I17 and the 101 until I can figure out the path of least resistance to N. Scottsdale
  15. idgaf

    Things to do in the NP?

    My brother has done something like that with dogs. He lives south of 22nd and alvernon in Tucson and was walking his dog with his young son when a pit bull goes after his dog. My brothers dog hid behind my brother so my brother grabs the pit bull and punts it into the street, seconds later a car drives by and hits the pit bull. Pit bull runs off. Can I fish canals down there?
  16. idgaf

    Things to do in the NP?

    I think I have an expense report for the beer. Three teenage girls (19,18,14) in college and a very persistent new boss facilitating the move.
  17. Marlon is not most people style. Listening to him on the podcast he seems very intense. I do not know if I liked it or not, but I did find that podcast very interesting. Keep it up.
  18. idgaf

    Over the counter Elk Tag

    Not the case in July with Monsoons. I will try again this weekend.
  19. idgaf

    Over the counter Elk Tag

    I tried it Saturday afternoon during the non prime time hours of 2 - 4. I want a velvet bull. Lots of tracks and sign. Also I jumped out of my glasses when this guy let me know of his presence. Nothing like being blind with a noisy rattler. The new tamaracks were ten feet high in places and I was nervous to cross the LCR so I stayed on the north side of the river. closest I got to a bull
  20. idgaf

    going back to my 2012 bull hunt

    Good luck. When you are about to shoot relax you have more time than you think. Also, if you cut the jugular the animal will die very quickly and you will bleed out the meat.
  21. idgaf

    A Little Pre-Draw Results Research

    Not sure I follow you here? If your son already has a draw tag, he can not get another draw tag.
  22. idgaf

    A Little Pre-Draw Results Research

    I think its a mute point anyway. I think you can only have 1 draw permit tag for deer per year. There are some really good deer in 3-C.
  23. idgaf

    the story of my life

    Im unlucky drawing a tag, but I am pretty good with the OTC stuff.