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Everything posted by idgaf

  1. idgaf

    "Good to a thousand" mentality??

    No right or wrong answer for this one, just personal preference. Since my kids/nephews were small the best way to teach them was tracking, moving slow, getting the wind right and getting close. It taught them to predict what the animal was going to do. There eyes and anticipation could not be held inside their heads when we got close. As I get older and have a killed a few mature animals I try to increase the challenge with my weapons getting more and more primitive. This year I actually got nervous stalking a fork horn buck with my recurve. That being said I could not have been happier when my brother shot his deer at 492 yards last year or my nephew shooting his at over 800 this year. I just think that the long range taking of animal is less about hunting skill and more about shooting proficiency. Of course I am backwards thinking, I think the last ten animals or so that I have taken, nine of them I saw without the use binoculars.
  2. idgaf

    "Good to a thousand" mentality??

    IMO I do not consider shooting an animal at extended distances hunting. Many people do it, but its just not for me. I have yet to shoot a big game animal farther than 190 yards.
  3. idgaf

    Last Grizzly in AZ

    I sure wish "Outdoor Writer" was still here. I remember him writing something about the last AZ grizzly in an old issue of Outdoor Life. Details are foggy, but I recall reading something about a guy with dogs tracking it down to mexico and back up the blue.
  4. idgaf

    Last Grizzly in AZ

    I sure wish "Outdoor Writer" was still here. I remember him writing something about the last AZ grizzly in an old issue of Outdoor Life. Details are foggy, but I remember reading something about a guy with dogs tracking it down to mexico and back up the blue.
  5. idgaf


    I got that tag. I will be hunting on the east side of the highway between globe and Show Low. Some days plenty of pigs, other days there are no pigs withing ten miles.
  6. I've had three animal issues, that I recall, one was a mortality wounded bear, one was a bobcat that required me getting rabies shots and the third was herd of javelina that were attacking, regrouping and attacking again. Each I used different defenses. The bear ended w/ a couple of 45 rounds(long story told over a campfire w/ beer)at ten feet, the bobcat ended w/ an arrow at 6 feet, and the javelina finally gave up after me swinging an arrow wildly and hitting a couple in the face w/ grapefruit sized rocks at 3 feet. I was the most nervous with the javelina they would attack from two sides.
  7. Thanks I could have shot more but I was not prepared for my crappy shooting (ran out of ammo) and i had enough for lunch.
  8. Yep this lunch was improvised from QT. All for elk. I will take you up on the offer. My boss accepted what I thought were unreasonable demands for me to move down there
  9. I just follow Casey around and feed off his scraps...hahaha... The deer are attracted to his greatness
  10. The secret to finding big animals. Step 1 find the place where hunting pressure is limited either by draw odds or geography or by over site. Step 2 rinse repeat. when I am scouting/hunting I look for places where other hunters dont look. If I am seeing a great deal of other hunters than I either need to change my location, my strategy, or lower my expectations. Simple. No antler restrictions needed. Antler restrictions are for lazy hunters wanting to be trophy hunters.
  11. idgaf

    13 B

    Your post has brought out the duplicity of the human species in me. Part of my brain says good luck and the other says I HATE YOU. FYI - if a guide tells you where a Giant buck is 5 miles away or more. Stop right there and start hunting.
  12. idgaf

    35B here we come

    if you are hunting south of I10 you will end up with a columbian neck tie or even worse a Cincinnati Bowtie (urban dictionary it) by sweaty smelly illegal aliens. All of you need to stay in 21, 22, or 23 by Payson.
  13. We don't need government for that. I have a self imposed size restrictions.
  14. idgaf

    I Finally Made It

    Congrats, I think this is a more accurate picture
  15. idgaf

    Unit 1 Youth Success

    Nice. Had something similar this morning Jr hunter was done in seven minutes by 552 in unit 1
  16. idgaf

    Have Bow Will Travel

    I was not as interested in taking an animal this past season as I should have been. For some reason the urge to explore was more appealing. I hunted 1,3b,7,8, 20b, 22, 27, 34b (and maybe a couple of more), putting two stalks (a forky with my recurve and a 170" class buck with my compound). This is sort of photo essay of what I saw. Unit 1's limited opportunity elk area over 50 in the herd you can guess this unit First week
  17. idgaf


    Its up to us, nobody else. The people of the US. Our government stop caring about whats good for our Nation when Reagan left office. Don't buy the propaganda spewing Republic and when you see a business using undocumented workers don't use that business. Action will change reality, but we have to give the effort.
  18. that cannot be 3c. Those trucks are not diesels.
  19. idgaf

    Tried to start a poll but it didn't work ?

    Why don't you run? Let's hear your platform. There's always the write in option.[/quote It would be a pretty simple platform. Less government, less taxes, less entitlement, and a stronger defense. I saw a report where the average tax paying citizen works until August to pay his tax dept every year if we reduced that think of amount of money you would get to keep. America can take of America if our self righteous leaders let it and stay out of the way.
  20. idgaf

    Tried to start a poll but it didn't work ?

    A nation of 350 million and one these two dbags is going to lead us. Is there a good leader left in the US?
  21. It's the general hunt, not the rifle hunt for a reason. I have done it with Javelina, Elk, Bear and Turkey. its been a while since I have had a deer tag though.
  22. idgaf

    Lucky Me 36C

    You'll be lucky to make it out alive. You should consider staying north of I-10.
  23. idgaf

    Have Bow Will Travel

    i got there stayed for a bit and then turned around. There was just to many pretty non hunters there. I did find a couple of very good elk spots on the peaks and saw a couple of small bucks, it was just the worst weekend to try it.
  24. idgaf

    Have Bow Will Travel

    Weekend 3 time to get for serious Friday 3b . Saturday and Sunday back to 7 35 yards inner basin deer I picked the wrong weekend to try the peak, probably the worst weekend. There were dozens if not hundreds of people all of them looking like they were doing of photo shoot for Outside Magazine. I was a little out of place carrying a bow. So, back to the white mountains. my Monday morning perch in 3b Tuesday How many bucks do you see. After several minutes of full on conversation with myself and shooting small deer, I took two steps off the road and nailed the dead tree in the pic when the buck to the left walked behind it. I think it was a Freudian miss(45 yards). These bucks were on my way into the area I was hunting and that particular broadhead flew 4" to the right upon later review. This was not one of the two buck I stalked for the season. Last Day(for me) Wednesday Back to black Last buck of the trip I will get serious when December comes and hunt the areas I know from past experience harbor the bucks I want to shoot.
  25. idgaf

    Have Bow Will Travel

    Weekend 2 Saturday unit 7 August in AZ is suppose be the dogs days of summer right? I think she is saying get out My first failed stock Sunday 34A