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Everything posted by idgaf

  1. idgaf

    Stage 3 fire restrictions

    isnt it not burning naturally the reason these so much fuel in the first place? Its hard to understand that the small town folks seem to think only they are responsible enough to use the forest. The rest of us are the tax base that pays the lions share of operations and maintenance cost right?If we start a fire here it burns our house down. It doesnt burn yours down. So naturally those that have more to lose than just the trees are going to be more careful. And were more inclined to want it closed so there isnt a fire no matter who starts it. Also last I checked when the forest closes we all are locked out of it so not like they are letting locals use it and out of towners can't. IF you don’t keep your property fire wise do you get the same ticket as the person who started the fire? I have 49 pine trees on a quarter acre lot. I had to sign a contract with Navajo county that I will not cut a tree down until 2025, last week I bagged 29- 55 gallon bags of pine needles. I am still no where near 'fire safe'. better yet just follow the rules for a few weeks and not start a fire. Could you just poison them and say that a bark beetle killed them? other than the pine needles, I like the trees. If a fire ever hit show low, again, it would have a long way to go to get to my house. Two churches, a couple of golf courses and about 500 houses.
  2. idgaf

    Stage 3 fire restrictions

    My wife fell in love with the house. Loophole, that I can get a certified arborist to send a note to the county stating a tree is sick and needs to be cut. My brother is a certified arborist. guess I meant what rule or what conditions were in place to even have that as a possibility when I bought it? I've never heard of something like that. County/cities do weird stuff all the time. Try to build a house in Sedona and you will find out what weird really is.
  3. idgaf

    Stage 3 fire restrictions

    My wife fell in love with the house. Loophole, that I can get a certified arborist to send a note to the county stating a tree is sick and needs to be cut. My brother is a certified arborist.
  4. idgaf

    Stage 3 fire restrictions

    isnt it not burning naturally the reason these so much fuel in the first place? Its hard to understand that the small town folks seem to think only they are responsible enough to use the forest. The rest of us are the tax base that pays the lions share of operations and maintenance cost right?If we start a fire here it burns our house down. It doesnt burn yours down. So naturally those that have more to lose than just the trees are going to be more careful. And were more inclined to want it closed so there isnt a fire no matter who starts it. Also last I checked when the forest closes we all are locked out of it so not like they are letting locals use it and out of towners can't. IF you don’t keep your property fire wise do you get the same ticket as the person who started the fire? I have 49 pine trees on a quarter acre lot. I had to sign a contract with Navajo county that I will not cut a tree down until 2025, last week I bagged 29- 55 gallon bags of pine needles. I am still no where near 'fire safe'. better yet just follow the rules for a few weeks and not start a fire.
  5. idgaf

    Stage 3 fire restrictions

    I do not think you would be saying that if you saw the sadness on the peoples faces that lost everything they spent a lifetime working for. Every picture of their kids, every memento from every science project their children did. Every item that reminded them of their parents long since past. That happened to some friends during the rodeo fire, to them it was slightly more than an inconvenience of not being able to camp for a few weeks. Being from the mountain and going through fire you are a little more conscious of fire closures. That being said there are aholes everywhere. To this day when I here the emergency sound on the radio and tv I stop and listen.
  6. idgaf

    Stage 3 fire restrictions

    white mountains pretty much have. Its been 15 years since the rodeo fire, if 3c cooks again you will be starting over with the starting over.
  7. idgaf

    Stage 3 fire restrictions

    if i thought i was gonna die and the only way out was to start a signal fire id make a rager like that lady did. you said the "the valley," thats phoenix. two 500k acre fires started by small town people, just saying is all. Chediski portion of the rodeo chediski was started by lost valley lady and a channel 5 helicopter if memory serves. The guy that started the Rodeo portion spent 8 years in jail. It was a common practice to start a fire for rodeo/beer money a couple of weeks before an event, before this latest pattern of super dry conditions from the last 18-20 years or so. Wasn't the wallow fire started by some campers from Vail, suburb of Tucson?
  8. idgaf


    for the right price he will
  9. idgaf

    Which .22?

    C - keep both
  10. idgaf

    Conserve and Protect (Tags) Presentation at G&F Mtg

    Dave, Just curious who uses the money? Is it the critter groups? The PDF shows how the money is used, but who does the work? Fred
  11. idgaf

    Conserve and Protect (Tags) Presentation at G&F Mtg

    I am still working something out in my head, who gets the HPC money
  12. idgaf

    Conserve and Protect (Tags) Presentation at G&F Mtg

    less than 1% according to handout. So lets say .5%. that means about 500 elk tags, 1000 dear tags, 20 antelope tags, etc (let me know if my math is wrong) First off let me say I'm totaling against any tag grab effort out there, with that being said the best I can tell the total number of draw tags is around 113,963 so 1% of that would be about 1,139. I think the total number of elk was around 14,000 so even if you said 15,000 1% would be 150, deer around 49,000 so 1% would be 490 and antelope around 500 so 1% would be about 5 tags, I'll say it again though I think 1 more tag taken from the public is 1 to m It was called a workshop.
  13. idgaf

    Conserve and Protect (Tags) Presentation at G&F Mtg

    less than 1% according to handout. So lets say .5%. that means about 500 elk tags, 1000 dear tags, 20 antelope tags, etc (let me know if my math is wrong)
  14. idgaf

    Conserve and Protect (Tags) Presentation at G&F Mtg

    He represents me and people like me that do not have an affiliation. The average hunter that would rather hunt, talk hunting and keep permit system although not perfect the way it is.
  15. idgaf

    Conserve and Protect (Tags) Presentation at G&F Mtg

    Do you mind providing a few examples of how the average hunter has been negatively effected in Utah? I keeping hearing that the Utah system has been hindered by the tags but Im not hearing any facts such as lower tags, decreased opportunity for youth, higher predator numbers, tag price increases above the norm...... i dont know much about Utah, thanks. Utah.PNG I can play this game all day
  16. idgaf

    Conserve and Protect (Tags) Presentation at G&F Mtg

    Do you mind providing a few examples of how the average hunter has been negatively effected in Utah? I keeping hearing that the Utah system has been hindered by the tags but Im not hearing any facts such as lower tags, decreased opportunity for youth, higher predator numbers, tag price increases above the norm...... i dont know much about Utah, thanks.
  17. I should have been driving roads
  18. idgaf

    Conserve and Protect (Tags) Presentation at G&F Mtg

    Can you point me to where the meeting information is posted? https://www.azgfd.com/agency/commission/meetingschedule/ I think Leviathan (absolute power corrupts absolutely) has hit the game and fish commission and Arizona Hunting hierarchy. Whether you are for the tag grab or against it; let the commission know they represent the residents of Arizona, the animals of Arizona, and Hunting in Arizona and personal interest are secondary when it comes to the positions they hold. Jim Ammons, Chairman jammons@azgfd.gov No Department issued cell phone, no direct line. Jim Zieler jzieler@azgfd.gov No Department issued cell phone, no direct line. Eric Sparks e.sparks@azgfd.gov 602-309-7311 cell phone, no direct line. Kurt Davis k.davis@azgfd.gov No Department issued cell phone, no direct line. Bill Bake b.brake@azgfd.gov 832-693-0572 cell phone, no direct line. Ty Gray, Director tgray@azgfd.gov No Department issued cell phone, direct line 623-236-7100 Tom Finley, Dep.Dir. tfinley@azgfd.gov 928-713-1545 cell phone, direct line 623-236-7278 Kent Komadina kko madina@azgfd.gov No Department issued cell phone, direct line 623-236-7288 Irene Guzman iguzman@azgfd.gov No Department issued cell phone, direct line 623-236-7283.
  19. idgaf

    Conserve and Protect (Tags) Presentation at G&F Mtg

    That idea is dead. Pete just wants a ‘few hundred’ tags to suit his needs.
  20. idgaf

    Conserve and Protect (Tags) Presentation at G&F Mtg

    Dave, After a couple of start-stops and essentially being to told to go to my room, because the big kids are talking, the majority of the board (with the exception of Pete)had the same idea you did; that it needed to be presented to the commission. A few good minds did that proposal on a weekend. Just think what we are going to do by the next commission meeting. I am already formulating the outline. Fred
  21. idgaf

    Conserve and Protect (Tags) Presentation at G&F Mtg

    We have to remind G&F and the commission that they wrote in the rules that hunting is not for the elites, its for everyone. Attached is the copy of the proposal that we created that would increase money for outdoor education by two million dollars. That the CAPAZ guys have now shot down and spit on. Paying for Education of Non Hunters.pdf
  22. idgaf

    Conserve and Protect (Tags) Presentation at G&F Mtg

    Had to let them play their hand. Now its time to end them.
  23. idgaf

    Conserve and Protect (Tags) Presentation at G&F Mtg

    Bruce, Can you list the emails of the people we need to voice our opinion too. Jay Scott mentioned that Sneaky Pete's opinion is greater than the average hunter so we will need a thousand emails opposing his opinion and passionate support at the meetings. Also, who are the companies that support CAPAZ time for a boycott. The draw system is AZ's version of the Sacred Cow, Sneaky Pete just made hamburger out of it and then pee'd on the hamburger. Fred
  24. idgaf

    Fire watch 2018

    Fortunately, everything in the greater show low area has burned. Cant wait to hear "when I am camping in the white mountains I want a camp fire" then a day later everything is cooked.
  25. idgaf

    Conserve and Protect Meeting 4/23/2018

    May 4th is the day we find out their next move. May 5th those opposed to the tag grab can use that facebook thing to either put them on blast or pat their back for the good work they do.