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Everything posted by idgaf

  1. idgaf

    Elk and Water

    Hitting water yesterday
  2. idgaf

    Thanksgiving buck

  3. idgaf

    Our 2020 Fall Hunting Successes

    Only filled two tags this year
  4. idgaf

    46A East?

    I don't own 15s either. Hahaha
  5. idgaf

    46A East?

    With my glassing skills I would be equal to the water boy on that team.
  6. idgaf

    Late hunt tactics

    Canyons and north facing is a good rule of thumb. But just a rule of thumb. I took these pictures a couple of hours ago on a south facing slope in 60 degree temps with no canyons close
  7. idgaf

    Elk and Water

    They still need water when it's cold and snowy
  8. idgaf

    Poverty tag

    According to the experts you can only kill a big bull in Sept, lets see if that holds true. After a day bear hunting in which Law enforcement, search & rescue, and my mother were called. (I missed and did not make it back to the vehicle until 235AM). My legs and my body told me do something else today. I decided that it was time to start scouting for my 4b poverty late season archery tag. This is my 3rd year out of 4 for having this tag previous 2 were unfilled, not the elks fault just some very high standards and a couple of bad shots. This year will be my first time focusing solely on my elk out of all of the elk tags I have drawn, so I am hoping for something extraordinary. I used today to move whats left of my cameras, had two stolen in 3b, and taking pics of bulls off the highway both on and off the res (hopi). When the rut ends in a couple of weeks (hopefully) the res bulls cross the line and go into winter feeding mode making for spectacular sites. I will update this post as interesting stuff arises. enjoy the pics
  9. idgaf

    Poverty tag

    What might have been. I had to cut my hunt short by 5 days. Which leaves me wondering. Pulled a couple of cameras today
  10. idgaf

    Elk and Water

    I tracked a couple bulls in the snow a couple of weeks ago, they covered two miles like it was a walk in the park. That being said the bull I missed was bedded within 200 yards of water.
  11. idgaf

    Muzzleloader Madness

    Tlo just posted a giant bull. Maybe it's his.
  12. idgaf

    Late hunt tactics

    Find where they are feeding and direction they bed. Get there before dawn. Shoot one
  13. idgaf

    Bison quiz

    53rd for me
  14. idgaf

    Poverty tag

    Thanks for the kind words. My bulls final normal moments before he gets an arrow PXL_20201110_173523860.mp4
  15. idgaf

    Poverty tag

    It shattered the bone in the shoulder and cut the artery. Turned the bone to splinters literally. 405 grain complete tipped with the 1-1/8" slick trick. 70 lb pound mathews monster.
  16. idgaf

    Poverty tag

    I get up to him and he tries mightily to stand and get away and I quickly put another arrow in him. My nephew just got back into town from guiding in NM to pack out and my brother rushed over with cold beer. Pretty fun hunt. #4B4EVR!!
  17. idgaf

    Poverty tag

    I sneak out of their line of site and Inch closer. I'm in range and draw. My arrow falls off at the knock. The bull or the other bills for that matter have no clue I'm there. I pick the arrow off the ground tighten the knock and try again. I pull, relax and settle the pin. Bull takes off in bad shape and barely peaks the crest of the ridge. I see this when I get to where I last seen him. PXL_20201110_175621554.mp4
  18. idgaf

    Poverty tag

    The conclusion: Skipped posting yesterday. Weather was horrible and the elk were even worse. Cows were literally running from me at 700 yards. (I hate long range taking of animals. I won't call it hunting. it's changed how animals react to people Just my .02, now back to the show) saw about 10 bulls and even had one bugling at last light. You would think as I advance in age that common sense would get the advantage over desire. It didnt. I was three miles from my truck at 9500' in a snowstorm without a flashlight. Today rolls around after not going to bulltopia yesterday I decide to go back expecting spectacular sights. I see absolutely nothing. Not a squirrel, elk or anything. I sit for a second (it's below 10 degrees so only a second) and figure out where did they go?! Obviously the answer was in the sunlight. I climb the hill I'm on and peak over, I'm right next to some snowy elk tracks. I follow them for a few minutes and jump a small herd of three small broken bulls. I follow the tracks for a bit and then change course to the south facing slope. As I sit there glassing far and low and look a couple hundred yards below and catch an elk body going through the trees. I slide down at angle to intercept after a few seconds I glass 10 bulls 140 yards away. PXL_20201110_171638577.mp4
  19. idgaf

    Poverty tag

    Spoiler alert
  20. idgaf

    Poverty tag

    Shh he's asleep
  21. idgaf

    Poverty tag

    Lack of moisture
  22. idgaf

    Poverty tag

    I track them in the trace of snow at bump them at 60 yards or so or they just wanted a better spot from the wind. Losing them and catching up about an hour later say around 1000. Feeding 125 yards away. I watched till they went out of sight (pics won't download file to large) I sneak in and get within an 40 yards of where I last see them and boom stampede. With a giant bull. I catch up one more time and cause another stampede. 3 bulls cross in front of me with being two being shooters. I sneak In look in the wrong place and they bolt. I almost got a couple of shots pulling back once. On the way back I see this, less than a mile from where I shot the cat last year. My track was from an hour previous. Tomorrow I have to decide if I go to the same place or try something different. Forecast calls for snow.
  23. idgaf

    Poverty tag

    Today was a lot of fun despite no shots fired and tornado force winds. With the wind the way it is the pattern has changed and they are leaving the field at daylight if not before. Video from a couple of post ago shows the minimal bulls I'm seeing. I watched take the wrong point back to their bedding area I start following them and get caught by a couple of dink stragglers. I actually follow them to close to the bedding area before they break off. Got within 35 yards a few times when I was tailing them PXL_20201108_142509512.mp4
  24. idgaf

    Poverty tag

    Whale, Don't you know a 4b tag is good a week before it's start date and in surrounding units🤣. I just screwed the pooch having brunch then starting the next round. Consolation prize