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Everything posted by idgaf

  1. idgaf

    Left Over tag: Unit 1 Coon Canyon/Flat Top

    Are you up here?
  2. idgaf

    New Draw

    Just curious on the end game? If it's just for more money I'm in. If it's to eliminate otc deer. I'll pass on the next rounds.
  3. idgaf

    General Bull Hunts.... Who's going?

    I haven't had an elk tag in awhile. Hope to see lots of pics from you guys. While I'm planning an otc hunt for the next time I don't get drawn.
  4. idgaf

    New Draw

    So they can keep the money in the general fund.
  5. idgaf

    New Draw

    You and I have discussed this in the past. Not total control but you are a deciding factor. And I am not complaining what I an remarking on is that 100% of the proceeds go back to g&f.
  6. idgaf

    New Draw

    Paying themselves to water. Pure conjecture on my part, if I had to Hazard a guess the new draw will be to offset the financial loss from severely limiting/ending otc deer. These six tags are a beta test.
  7. idgaf

    New Draw

    Under the control of the critter groups
  8. idgaf

    Mission By Mathews compund bow

    I'll be there tomorrow. I'll take it.
  9. idgaf

    *UPDATE*Hitting a deer with a ricochet...

    My brother has. A triangular shaped particle of the bullet fragment went just below the antler and dropped the deer in its tracks.
  10. idgaf

    Mission By Mathews compund bow

    Where are you located?
  11. Well more Jeremiah Johnson. Hunting the legendary unit 4b south. Decided to go with my renegade for s and g. (I will have have my scoped muzzy as a back up if I get my butt handed to me) haven't stepped foot in the unit in several years but my brother has been sending me pics of bucks he has seen on his way to work. Actually I have only hunted it two mornings with my bow several years ago. my goal is simple, I have a friendly competition with my nephew so I want a buck 1/100th of an inch bigger than his last day buck that he took at a million yards with his 300prc a couple of weeks ago. I did some ballistic testing today with both rifles. 135 yards with a .54 cal round ball. I am learning fast the difference for point of aim between first, second, and third shots. 219 yards with my scoped muzzy. Of all the animals I've taken in AZ (30+) I have yet to shoot one this far. So I should be good.
  12. One of them called the sheriff. Hahaha. Had to explain I was hunting
  13. Today kicked me in the nuggets. My youngest brother drove down from showlow. He had knee replacement surgery 6 weeks ago. So we changed plans slightly. This is the first us three brothers have been together in a very long time alone. Late start from lousy directions from my middle brother. We take a moderately popular trail with quite a few female hikers. Some wanted to help glass others were upset that we were hunting. We see absolutely zero until a lone doe pops out around noon. We decided to leave and on the way back I see that little 3 point I posted earlier. Middle brother furiously talks me into shooting at it. As I was setting up it changes bedding spots so after some discussion I try stalk. This were it becomes a comedy of errors. I know where he bedded, I'm within a 100 yards then a bigger buck pops out with two smaller bucks to my right. I take aim when he breaks from the smaller bucks and squeeze. He scampers and then slows and starts limping goes under a tree. After a few minutes my brothers call me and say the two bucks are 150 yards to my left. I say no they're not he never left the tree. It gets heated. Then a hiker walks by and Said he never saw that buck leave with the other two. I see him under the tree standing. I settle in and feel I can make the shot although long. I squeeze and don't see him again. I wait for middle brother to bring my back pack with cleaning supplies. We hike upto where I shot. They had no idea where I was shooting. Take a few steps and the goes over a small finger. I go to where he was for 30+ minutes to look for blood. Zero blood. I dry track where he goes over the finger and find these two with 20 yards of each other. we go to the top of the hill and two bucks we're bedded in the saddle one was very good. Hiking down my middle brother sees limpy I set up for the shot not taking into account the left to right and a slow round projectile hitting a few inches in front of his shoulder. He runs towards the trail my youngest brother is spotting from. I get within 80 set up for the shot and then he bolts straight up the hill showing no bad signs of being hit. We didn't get back to the vehicles until 500 all of us too tired and thirsty for an evening hunt. E scouters here is a hint of where we parked. sorry for the long read. I'm trying to stay awake until 800 so I don't wake up at 100 am again.
  14. Sitting here waiting for my cleaning stuff before I pursue
  15. Not at this little guy. His friend
  16. Comfortable to 130. 50/50 @ 160
  17. Today's theme is snowflakes. They were everywhere from CA to NY. A bunch of Brian laundrie types running in pairs with flannels, Subaru type cars and well trimmed beards. Don't these people work. Some days it's good to learn where the deer are not. Today was that day. Total seen one buck and one doe. Highlight of the evening. dinner was eaten at tailgate Cafe. Time for bed. 3 mile walk in the dark tomorrow morning. Brother is meeting up with me to prove there are deer here.
  18. I think they look and feel like pajamas too! Wind shifted and the little buck gave me the slip
  19. Got a little bucks90 yards away. Under that bug dead pine. Going to look and see if he has friends
  20. Here we go. Other than my morning constitional at Molino basin. This is the first time I set foot in this unit in years. A couple of hunters decked out in the latest hunting fashion beat me to my escouted spot so I'm improvising
  21. idgaf

    Muely or Coues

    Psst, I don't think that mule deer was taken in the desert by the photos. I haven't taken either but just personal experience the skill set to take a desert muley relies less on technology and more hunter skill than a 100" coues. Very little opportunity to glass and to shoot long range.
  22. idgaf

    Need Help.. Missed biggest deer of my life

    Was it hot? I've experienced something similar waiting for a buck to get up and my barrel/ammo was exposed to heat for an extended period of time.