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Everything posted by idgaf

  1. idgaf

    Over the counter Elk rifle tags near St Johns?

    dang, where's my mindset. I like his answers.
  2. idgaf

    Found bull 3b

    Did he have 9 points on one side?
  3. idgaf

    Trail Camera Question

    Ok another hypothetical, I post coordinates and pics on Facebook, does that mean anyone that sees it can't hunt there?
  4. idgaf

    Trail Camera Question

    I have a hypothetical as well for this. If I, a non tag holder, sets a camera for entertainment purposes only, get some pictures. Then, someone ask me where to go and I give him that spot. Does that count as using a camera? He never sees the pic.
  5. idgaf


    No bs. I was chasing a large Buck around last night. I left the off in the truck. I got at least 50 mosquito bites in a few hours.
  6. idgaf


    Bring bug spray
  7. idgaf

    Any AZ Pronghorn success 2022?

    4b. Stuff of legions! Or close to anyway.
  8. idgaf


    Heard a bunch this morning
  9. idgaf

    Let's tell old hunting stories

    Ultimate group buck fever. A million years ago now. Hunting muleys in 36c. My dad, me, two brothers(all had tags) with my 4 year old nephew at the time. Driving back to camp in the evening just before dusk, I spot the largest desert muley I've ever seen 60 yards off the road. I get out and try to pull my rifle through the door of the truck without angling it. My dad tries to shoot from the bed of the truck leaving the safety on. My brother also inthe back of truck dives out and starts running after it likes he's flash. My other brother leaves (driving) the truck in gear grabs his gun and goes for an angle. Missing twice. My 4 year old nephew left alone in the moving truck now with me next to him trying to pull my gun through the truck frame Is smart enough to get his short leg onto the brake pedal. Buck got away.
  10. idgaf

    Any AZ Pronghorn success 2022?

    Congrats matt/Dan! Our pictures don't do that beast justice.
  11. idgaf

    Horn Quality 2022 ?

    Saw a few like this while chasing deer the other day.
  12. idgaf

    Archery Kills rolling in already

    Couple more
  13. idgaf

    Archery Kills rolling in already

    Seen a few.
  14. idgaf

    WTB Full Archery Set up

    Did they get elk tags?
  15. Ray's pizza Raintree and the 101
  16. idgaf

    OTC handgun elk hunting

    As I sit here waiting for the last few minutes I decided to post about a hunt rather than classifieds. Didn't get drawn again so I picked up an otc tag. March was very cold so I didn't hunt much. May came around and I picked up hunting again. First bull spotted early may. Too far and open to get close. I didn't for a bit after that. Toward the end of the month I have my first miss on this guy. it waited for me to get out of truck walk over to post and miss two shots I see alot of cows the next couple of weeks yesterday rolls around and i go into a spot where i seen cows previously. 20 minutes or so before last light. I Sail 3 rounds over a small branched bulls back. Strike 2 ill give myself one more shot with my handgun and consider a weapon im more comfortable with
  17. idgaf

    OTC handgun elk hunting

    Have not much hunting in a bit. Got the omnicron and it had kicked my butt. Went yesterday evening saw a spike about 400 yards away. By the time I got to where I saw them he was probably two miles away. Bedding spot tonight found a herd next to a main road. In a great stalking position. All I got to say about that is fu^$#!%^g californians!
  18. idgaf

    Draw results

    It's got a large pocket of coues
  19. idgaf

    Draw results

    No I wanted it though. I found a pocket with big coues.
  20. idgaf

    Draw results

    27 coues for my nephew. Brother got 36c October. Step dad got 37a. I got more bonus points.
  21. idgaf

    2023 governes tag

    Is your preference velvet or hard horn?
  22. idgaf

    OTC handgun elk hunting

    Haven't seen an elk in a week now. Patterns have changed with the monsoons. I did find this last night.
  23. I'll be in that crowd if I could get a sheep tag.
  24. idgaf

    Hits started

    Nothing. Not even archery sand hill crane. My friends got nothing. My brother may have gotten an archery strip tag.