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Everything posted by bkw

  1. bkw

    Huge 3A Antelope Down.

    Thanks Shane for posting the pictures of my hunt with Flare.I had no idea 18 years of waiting would produce such a beast as this for my first Az antelope. The story starts approx 1 month ago calling my brother in law Buck who lives in the area inquiring about land access issues if there were any and that turned into 3 weeks of looking for me a good buck. He and his good friend Todd took every opportunity to look and each time I went to scout myself I watched these bucks and there was one I had my eye on, little did I know at that time this would be my back up buck. Shane Koury a good friend to Buck and Todd told them of buck he`d been watching and told them he`d like to see the buck on ground. We were introduced. The day before opening day we got to look at Flare from a long long long way off and then we lost him. My friend Bryan and I went out that evening and found him with his does and watched him until dark:30 and then walked out, confident we had him bedded for the evening. Opening morning found us back at just before 5:00A with Shane,Buck,Todd and Bryan(I sure appreciate that my antelope hunt meant more to these great guys than their jobs did on that day). We found the buck approx 2 miles from where we thought we bedded them the night before they were feeding on a mesa. Shane and I put our packs on and started off, half way up the draw Shane showed me the hidden draw that the goats had slipped into that we could not see from our vantage point the night before. When we got to where we thought we could glass him he was gone we cut tracks that were going in the direction we had just come. Somewhere along our ascent they were alerted and went around us. The next hour took Shane and I through a hundred zig zags, circles and finally gave us the slip within 150 yards of our starting point. I was starting to take it personal, our adversary and his female friends even walked within 200 yrds. of the highway, we felt lucky not to hear shots, he must have been saving himself for us!? After losing their tracks in a grassy bottom we regrouped with our friends who had found Flare in a big open valley. We decided after a long 30 second talk that coming up from behind would be the best approach and it was, after a 2 mile stalk and a 250 yrd shot it was over. Thanks to Shane Koury for your tenacity and great skills as a Pro Hunter at times I feel like I was just along for the ride but what a great ride. Thanks also to my good friends Bryan,Buck and Todd for being there. Thanks most of all to Flare for making it such a great hunt!