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Everything posted by naturebob

  1. naturebob

    Anyone need help or a tag alon unit 4a?

    Bowmadness.We are all good. Cause You won't find me in 4a anyway.I didn't mean to get guys all riled up her over this. Just trying to get across to all ,have a little respect for the guy with the tag. Nothin seems wrong with that.. I never baited or used a camera in my life and I am 59. At least let Me have the woods for 1 week of 19 years . I am done now on this topic. Amen and good luck to all with tags................OLd fashioned hunter BOB!
  2. naturebob

    Anyone need help or a tag alon unit 4a?

    Bowmadness You wouldnt find me anyway. unlke most I don't roadhunt . I will be long gone in the woods before most .(a little nicer).. PS , the rut is in full swing still the week after the early bull hunt when squirril and turkey opens .Great time to be out.............................BOB!
  3. naturebob

    Anyone need help or a tag alon unit 4a?

    Anyone without a tags screws up My Elk hunt by just wanting to play in the woods with non respect for the hunters, after waiting 19 years ,they will be living on another planet........BOB!
  4. naturebob

    Colorado Archery Hunt

    Very nice, Fun times......................BOB!
  5. naturebob

    Gwen Hughes

    That sucks all my uncles are gone.Only Dad left. Sorry for Your loss. Lotssa memories..................BOB!
  6. I had the roids last year Lark. Hopefully no appearance this year. I'm sure thats more than everyone wanted to hear. Maybee we will get back to Elk>........................BOB!
  7. naturebob

    31 days till its open "naturebob"

    Ya the Killdeer Mtn's is a neat area, Badlands is cool too, but cant draw tags there. Luckily I got one for the Souris Refuge this year but that is a rarity too. Yotebuster, Your rite. Still jobs in Williston but pat has gone down too. Companies are hiring more leasers so they dont have any truck payments or ins. I am gonna try to work locally in Minot for the winter unless some buddies come up with jobs for Me. We will worry about that after the big Elk hunt ................BOB!.......PS never been pheasant hunting except once as a teen in PA. Would enjoy that. Thanks
  8. naturebob

    31 days till its open "naturebob"

    I guess I will keep this as My official thread for my hunt. I will do a day to day update once I leave North Dakota. Thanks for all the support here on the site. Got lottsa buddies pulling for Me. Now to get the wife to understand leaving for 2 weeks. Ah ,She's ok. Beleive it or not I wasn't excited at first, but the last 3-4 weeks I'm pumped. Tired of knocking this State, but living in ND. its hard to get excited about anything. Sorry Yotebuster on this site is from here but I hated this place the day I got here and still hate it. Can't wait to leave next year. I will even walk away from the mobile home I purchased if I have too.(if oil prices don't go back up) The boom from 4 years ago is now dead up here. I can now make allmost as much in Az. as here with lower living cost..Have to get My work comp. case closed too. I have some Great help on My hunt and should be world class of a hunt. I know it will be better than anything iv'e seen on tv. Elk wise. Hopefully we can film it too ,but main thing is killing a big Bull. Stay tuned. Good things to come from this thread................BOB!
  9. Elkaholic, I'm countin on You to ,to find that 400" bull for me . Keep Your eyes open up there. Maybee We will see You up there Gary.............BOB!
  10. naturebob

    Species ID please?

    Hey Muledeer33, Muey Bueno,Gracias.................BOB!
  11. naturebob


    Hoghunter could You please turn those pics. I can't turn my head to see em with my vertigo .LOL...........BOB!
  12. naturebob


    I would sell something so I could use the Scotts, but thats me. Some do it your selfers get nice rams, but unless you been scouting alot or have a lot of time off ,I know what I would do . Good luck...........BOB!
  13. All Doves and no Goulds? what up with that Brian?...Good job . Glad You dove hunters had fun. Watch them dang snakes.............BOB
  14. naturebob

    It finally happened!!!

    Big congrats. Hard to pass them little ones but look what happened.Very nice...................BOB!
  15. naturebob

    2015 Coues Deer

    Nice job. I confess, My first 2 coues were spikes. Got lucky on first Muley a descent 4x4. Enjoy dinner..............BOB!
  16. Forgot the completely torn tendon in My shooting shoulder That I'M fighting work comp on. That aint gonna stop Me either. Idiot DR. sent Me back to work last Oct. without an MRI or exray after being out 10 months with surgery for Rotator Cuff,torn Labrum and Torn biceps tendon. As pain got worse 3 months ago He finally does an MRI and says a tottaly different tendon is torn. When He originally let Me go back to work I told him I felt like 80-85%. Now He's trying to cover his butt. My lawyer has My Butt..Coming to AZ. in less than 3 weeks .Their is a Monster looming in unit 10 with My name on his Back. See Yal'l soon.........BOB!
  17. naturebob

    Good Luck NM bowhunters

    Couple years of good rain ,lets see what the Gila brings out.............BOB!
  18. Murf, I would hunt anyway I waited so long. Lark funny You mention health as I have had and still fighting for last month Rosacia. Where You get a red rash on your face and itchty head. Got Cream from the doc ,but gotta watch what I eat. And Iv'e had Vertigo for over 2 months. Only when laying down. been to Dr. 4 times for that. If nothin gets worse i will be fine. I even have Xanex to calm me down when shooting.................BOB!
  19. Just a little short on the back end...................BOB!
  20. Got Your tag Caper?...............BOB!
  21. naturebob

    glassing the pears

    Listen to Lark. Sounds like a movie. Coming this fall, Starring 270....................BOB!
  22. naturebob

    3a tag and now a little regret.

    Trphyhunter, I am too, Thats why I wrote that last post.......LOL. Having fun...............BOB!
  23. naturebob

    3a tag and now a little regret.

    I reccomend that (Wyoming) for everyone that is waiting for an AZ. tag. Maybee 2-3 times if You get hooked. Once was enough for Me. Thats what to do waiting for premium tags in AZ. I waited 19 years for Elk ,but had 3 tags in New Mexico in the meantime.Iv'e had 1 AZ.lope tag in 25 years ,1 in Wyoming . Up to 9 points on deer but hunt New Mexico or Montana every year. And I'm not rich. just took Me years to teach the wife priorities. In fact Il'l be broke after my AZ Elk hunt but if You wanna hunt You find a way to do it. My wife understands it took Me 19 years to get it so I am spending 5-6 k to come from N. Dakota.. and missing My DADS 95th Birthday in PA. I will go there in another 2 months. Gambling He's still around, but He's in pretty good health. I hope I don't regret it. I am 59, don't know how many years I got to hunt as Iv'e had several health problems too. Do watch Ya gotta do.Thanks for listening................BOB!
  24. naturebob

    Spot & Stalk goat down...

    Congrats . nice lope and job............BOB!
  25. naturebob

    Unit 22N

    Somebody that knows 22 give this Guy a break. Nothin but raghorns anyway. Aren't we here to help or learn from other hunters. After all it's just a website and just hunting .not a matter of life or death....................BOB!